#cmake ..
qmake ..
Put the generated libraries into &&[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/peony-extensions.
Test the extension with peony.
Peony-Extensions strongly relies on Peony library, that means the binary files of those plugins might not compat with Peony when the library updated and some API changed. Sometimes the old plugins will not be loaded, or will make Peony crashed due to call an unmatch method. To avoid the binary compatibility problems, we add a version checkment in latest version both in this project and Peony. The plugins' version infomation are loaded from common.json, this must match to the Peony VERSION marco.
When peony extensions doesn't work or can't be build correctly, please consider using latest Peony library built locally, and rebuild this project again.
Unlike Peony, Peony Extensions translations job is relatively primitive and crude. The main idea is every plugin translates itself, and compile translations resources with code (qrc).
When you are going to translate peony extensions (I created), here are the mainly steps.
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