Apollo HarmonyOS is a GraphQL client that generates Java models from GraphQL queries. These models give you a type-safe API to work with GraphQL servers. Apollo helps you keep your GraphQL query statements together, organized, and easy to access. his library is designed primarily with HarmonyOS in mind, but you can use it in any Java app.
If you are new to GraphQL, check out the tutorial that will guide you through building an HarmonyOS app using Apollo, Java and coroutines.
If you'd like to add Apollo HarmonyOSto an existing project:
Get started with Multiplatform (Experimental) shows how to add Apollo HarmonyOS to a Multiplatform project. This is still under heavy development and APIs may change without warning.
Check the project website for in depth documentation about caching, plugin configuration, android, file upload, coroutines, rxjava2, rxjava3, persisted queries, no runtime, migrations and much more...
The JS Graphql IntelliJ Plugin provides auto-completion, error highlighting, and go-to-definition functionality for your .graphql files. You can create a .graphqlconfig file to use GraphQL scratch files to work with your schema outside product code (such as to write temporary queries to test resolvers).
repositories {
dependencies {
Latest development changes are available in Sonatype's snapshots repository:
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")
Apollo HarmonyOS runs on the following platforms: HarmonyOS API level 4+
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