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The project's website • The document • Online experience
Rainbond is an application-centric Platform as a Service, with innovative concept and complete ecological comes from continuous verification and optimization.
Rainbond benefits: it supports the whole process of enterprise application development, architecture, delivery and operation and maintenance. Through the "non-invasive" architecture, it seamlessly connects all kinds of enterprise applications, and the underlying resources can connect and manage IaaS, virtual machines and physical servers.
Enterprise applications include:
All kinds of information systems, OA, CRM, ERP, database, big data, Internet of things, Internet platform, micro-service architecture and other systems running in the enterprise internal
By integrating best practices of Kubernetes based containers management, Service Mesh microservice architecture, CI/CD and multiple data center resource management, Rainbond provides full life-cycle management of cloud native applications, connects application and infrastructure, application and application, infrastructure and infrastructure.
Choose Rainbond for the same reasons disruptive companies do: it serve as a easy-to-use cloud native application delivery platform that offers agile development, efficient operation and lean management experience.
Usage(Must install rainbond-console)
$ git clone https://github.com/goodrain/rainbond-ui.git --depth=1
$ cd rainbond-ui
$ npm install
###run demo
$ git clone https://github.com/goodrain/rainbond-ui.git --depth=1
$ cd rainbond-ui
$ npm install
$ npm start # visit http://localhost:9001
Rainbond The open source community
Rainbond The project's website
You can participate in Rainbond community contributions and sharing on platforms, applications, plug-ins, and more. Please click: Rainbond Contributor community
Thanks to the following open source projects
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