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yezengruan Отправлено год назад 9cb0dbd

StratoVirt test

StratoVirt supports two test modes: unit test and mod test. It should be noted that mod test is not fully supported on the x86_64 architecture now.

Unit test

Unit tests are Rust functions that verify that the non-test code is functioning in the expected manner. We recommend performing unit test execution separately, run StratoVirt unit test as follows:

$ cargo test --workspace --exclude mod_test -- --nocapture --test-threads=1

Mod test

StratoVirt mod test is an integrated testing method. During the test, the StratoVirt process will be started as the server and communicate through socket and QMP to test the StratoVirt module function.

Before running mod test, we need to compile stratovirt and virtiofsd first, and then export the environment variables STRATOVIRT_BINARY and VIRTIOFSD_BINARY.

Build StratoVirt:

$ cargo build --workspace --bins --release --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --all-features

Build virtiofsd:

$ git clone https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/virtiofsd.git
$ cd virtiofsd
$ cargo build --release

Export the environment variables STRATOVIRT_BINARY and VIRTIOFSD_BINARY:

$ export STRATOVIRT_BINARY="/path/to/stratovirt"
$ export VIRTIOFSD_BINARY="/path/to/virtiofsd"

Run StratoVirt mod test as follows:

$ cargo test --all-features -p mod_test -- --nocapture --test-threads=1

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