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Test a model


To test nas method, you can use following command

python tools/${task}/test_${task}.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --cfg-options algorithm.mutable_cfg=${MUTABLE_CFG_PATH} [optional arguments]
  • task: one of mmclsmmdet and mmseg
  • MUTABLE_CFG_PATH: Path of mutable_cfg. mutable_cfg represents config for mutable of the subnet searched out, used to specify different subnets for testing. An example for mutable_cfg can be found here.

The usage of optional arguments are the same as corresponding tasks like mmclassification, mmdetection and mmsegmentation.

For example,

python tools/mmcls/test_mmcls.py \
  configs/nas/spos/spos_subnet_shufflenetv2_8xb128_in1k.py \
  your_subnet_checkpoint_path \
  --cfg-options algorithm.mutable_cfg=configs/nas/spos/SPOS_SHUFFLENETV2_330M_IN1k_PAPER.yaml


Split Checkpoint(Optional)

If you train a slimmable model during retraining, checkpoints of different subnets are actually fused in only one checkpoint. You can split this checkpoint to multiple independent checkpoints by using the following command

python tools/model_converters/split_checkpoint.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --channel-cfgs ${CHANNEL_CFG_PATH} [optional arguments]
  • CHANNEL_CFG_PATH: A list of paths of channel_cfg. For example, when you retrain a slimmable model, your command will be like --cfg-options algorithm.channel_cfg=cfg1,cfg2,cfg3. And your command here should be --channel-cfgs cfg1 cfg2 cfg3. The order of them should be the same.

For example,

python tools/model_converters/split_checkpoint.py \
  configs/pruning/autoslim/autoslim_mbv2_subnet_8xb256_in1k.py \
  your_retraining_checkpoint_path \
  --channel-cfgs configs/pruning/autoslim/AUTOSLIM_MBV2_530M_OFFICIAL.yaml configs/pruning/autoslim/AUTOSLIM_MBV2_320M_OFFICIAL.yaml configs/pruning/autoslim/AUTOSLIM_MBV2_220M_OFFICIAL.yaml


To test pruning method, you can use following command

python tools/${task}/test_${task}.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} --cfg-options algorithm.channel_cfg=${CHANNEL_CFG_PATH} [optional arguments]
  • task: one of mmclsmmdet and mmseg
  • CHANNEL_CFG_PATH: Path of channel_cfg. channel_cfg represents config for channel of the subnet searched out, used to specify different subnets for testing. An example for channel_cfg can be found here, and the usage can be found here.

For example,

python ./tools/mmcls/test_mmcls.py \
  configs/pruning/autoslim/autoslim_mbv2_subnet_8xb256_in1k.py \
  your_splitted_checkpoint_path --metrics accuracy \
  --cfg-options algorithm.channel_cfg=configs/pruning/autoslim/AUTOSLIM_MBV2_530M_OFFICIAL.yaml


To test distillation method, you can use the following command

python tools/${task}/test_${task}.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_PATH} [optional arguments]
  • task: one of mmclsmmdet and mmseg

For example,

python ./tools/mmseg/test_mmseg.py \
  configs/distill/cwd/cwd_cls_head_pspnet_r101_d8_pspnet_r18_d8_512x1024_cityscapes_80k.py \
  your_splitted_checkpoint_path --show

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