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Hulk Sun Отправлено 2 лет назад 97da6d3


Lodsve develop kits base on Spring-Boot and some opensource components!

 _               _                ______             _
| |             | |               | ___ \           | |
| |     ___   __| |_____   _____  | |_/ / ___   ___ | |_
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\_____/\___/ \__,_|___/ \_/ \___| \____/ \___/ \___/ \__|


Deploy Snapshot Weekly Github Action Maven Verify

LICENSE Maven Central GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub pull requests FOSSA Status

Simple Introduction

  1. Lodsve develop kits base on Spring-Boot and some opensource components!

  2. It consists of the following modules:

    See capability

How To Use

  1. release version

  2. If you just to try new feature, please try the pre-release version. If you have any questions, please contact me in the issue.

             <name>Maven Center Snapshot</name>

About release

  1. I will automatically publish a snapshot version every week through Github Action!

    Artifact version number like x.x.x-YYYYMMDD-SNAPSHOT.

  2. Release a release version from time to time.

    Artifact version number like x.x.x.RELEASE.

Check out sources

git clone git@github.com:lodsve/lodsve-boot.git

Import sources into your IDE

Run command mvn idea:idea or mvn eclipse:eclipse in the root folder.

Note: Per the prerequisites above, ensure that you have JDK 8 and Maven 3.3.X configured properly in your IDE.

  1. Config your Git

     git config --global user.name "your name"
     git config --global user.email "your email"
     git config --global core.autocrlf false
     git config --global core.safecrlf true
  2. For a more standard git commit message

    # commit message template
    git config commit.template ./git/templates/commit-message-template
    # git hook to check commit message
    # windows
    fsutil hardlink create .git\hooks\commit-msg git\hooks\check-commit-msg
    # linux
    cd ./.git/hooks/
    ln -s ../../git/hooks/check-commit-msg commit-msg
  3. Config your IDE

    • Eclipse: Open Settings-General-Workspace, modify New text file line delimiter as Unix
    • Eclipse: Open Settings-General-Workspace, modify Text file encoding as UTF-8
    • IDE: Open Setting-Editor-Code Style, modify line delimiter as Unix and OS X(\n)
    • IDE: Open Setting-Editor-File encoding, modify all Encoding as UTF-8 and with NO BOM
  4. Required IDE Plugins(Both Eclipse and Intellij IDEA):

    • Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines
    • Lombok plugin


See the master branch JavaDoc.

Contact me

  1. Email: sunhao.java@gmail.com
  2. QQ: 867885140
  3. Blog: Blog OSChina


The Lodsve Boot is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.

FOSSA Status


The Lodsve Boot was created using awesome JetBrains IDEA.


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