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Starter Name Base On Opensource Component Description
lodsve-boot-starter-countdown Redis Countdown base on redis's key expired event.
lodsve-boot-starter-encryption Jasypt(Optional) Decrypt the SpringBoot configuration file.
lodsve-boot-starter-filesystem Aliyun OSS / AWS S3 Expand OSS or S3 components to make uploading and downloading more convenient
lodsve-boot-starter-mybatis Mybatis / Druid(Optional) Provide mybatis general CRUD capabilities.
lodsve-boot-starter-nacos Alibaba Nacos Native introduction of nacos.
lodsve-boot-starter-rabbitmq RabbitMQ Optimize the registration and binding of RabbitMQ queues and exchanges, and enhanced serialization and deserialization of generics.
lodsve-boot-starter-rdbms - Dynamic datasource support. And more convenient integration of Druid.
lodsve-boot-starter-redis Redis Dynamic datasource support, and enhanced serialization and deserialization of generics.
lodsve-boot-starter-rocketmq Apache RocketMQ Enhancing RocketMQ consumer registration.
lodsve-boot-starter-script - Realize the running of some interpreted languages in the JVM, such as Groovy, Python, JS, Ruby, SPEL, etc.
lodsve-boot-starter-security - Simple Security, contains Authentication and Authorization.
lodsve-boot-starter-swagger Swagger / Springfox Improve support for paging, authentication, general parameters, etc. in swagger and springfox.
lodsve-boot-starter-validator - Validate for POJO base on AOP.
lodsve-boot-starter-webmvc Spring WebMVC Enhancements of Spring WebMVC.

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