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huang_xinghui Отправлено 3 лет назад 798d919
import ADCPlatform
import torch
from yolox.data.datasets import COCO_CLASSES
import tools.pid as pid
import perception.DrivingDetection as detection
class CarState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.speed = 0 # 车辆当前速度
self.cao = 0 # 车辆当前姿态
self.yr = 0 # 车辆当前角速度
self.cardecision = 'speedup'# planning计算得到决策
self.midlane = 0 # 7 0 -7 latpid 参考 target
self.positionnow = 0 # 两车道线A1求和
self.changing = False # 处于超车状态时为True
# self.saftydistance = 11 # (最大时速50)与前车的安全距离 对于紧密跟车的情况 要准确识别并控速
self.saftydistance = 13 # 与前车的安全距离 对于紧密跟车的情况 要准确识别并控速
self.direction = 'mid' # 当前行驶方向
self.overtakeSum = 0
class ControlData(object):
def __init__(self):
self.speeduplimit = 60
self.followlimit = 40
self.overtakelimit = 40
self.lat_kp = 1.10
self.lat_ki = 0.08
self.lat_kd = 6.2
self.latPid = pid.PID(self.lat_kp, self.lat_ki, self.lat_kd)
self.yr_kp = 1.0
self.yr_ki = 0.10
self.yr_kd = 0
self.yrPid = pid.PID(self.yr_kp, self.yr_ki, self.yr_kd)
self.targetSpeedInit = 60.0 # 想要到达的速度
self.speed_kp = 1.20
self.speed_ki = 0.02
self.speed_kd = 0.5
self.speedPid = pid.PID(self.speed_kp, 0, self.speed_kp)
self.speedPidThread_1 = 10
self.speedPidThread_2 = 2
def initPID(self):
self.speedPid.clear() # lon
self.latPid.clear() # lat
self.yrPid.clear() # lat
self.speedPid.setSetpoint(self.targetSpeedInit) # 保持40km/h
self.latPid.setSetpoint(0) # lat aim 0
self.yrPid.setSetpoint(0) # lat aim 0
def init(perceptionFlag, image_left_bound, image_right_bound):
# sensor initization
# 毫米波真值传感器id
radarId = 0
# 摄像机传感器id
cameraId = 0
# 车道线传感器id
landLineId = 0
SensorId = dict()
sensors = ADCPlatform.get_sensors()
for sensor in sensors:
if sensor.Name == "毫米波雷达":
radarId = sensor.ID
elif sensor.Name == "摄像机":
cameraId = sensor.ID
elif sensor.Name == "车道线传感器":
landLineId = sensor.ID
print("名称:" + sensor.Name + ",ID:" + str(sensor.ID))
SensorId["radar"] = radarId
SensorId["camera"] = cameraId
SensorId["landLine"] = landLineId
# control parameter initialization
Controller = ControlData()
MyCar = CarState()
# if perceptionFlag is True, then initialize yolox model
# initialize network in perception
predictor = None
args = None
if perceptionFlag:
args = detection.make_parser(image_left_bound, image_right_bound).parse_args()
exp = detection.get_exp(args.exp_file, args.name)
if args.conf is not None:
exp.test_conf = args.conf
if args.nms is not None:
exp.nmsthre = args.nms
if args.tsize is not None:
exp.test_size = (args.tsize, args.tsize)
model = exp.get_model()
if args.device == "gpu":
if args.fp16:
model.half() # to FP16
if not args.trt:
if args.ckpt is None:
ckpt_file = os.path.join(file_name, "best_ckpt.pth")
ckpt_file = args.ckpt
# logger.info("loading checkpoint")
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_file, map_location="cpu")
# load the model state dict
if args.trt:
assert not args.fuse, "TensorRT model is not support model fusing!"
trt_file = os.path.join(file_name, "model_trt.pth")
assert os.path.exists(
), "TensorRT model is not found!\n Run python3 tools/trt.py first!"
model.head.decode_in_inference = False
decoder = model.head.decode_outputs
logger.info("Using TensorRT to inference")
trt_file = None
decoder = None
predictor = detection.Predictor(model, exp, COCO_CLASSES, trt_file, decoder, args.device, args.fp16, args.legacy)
print("percetion model load.")
PercetionArgs = dict()
PercetionArgs["predictor"] = predictor
PercetionArgs["args"] = args
return SensorId, Controller, PercetionArgs, MyCar

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