The library is a DrawerLayout-like ViewGroup, where a "drawer" is hidden under the content view, which can be shifted to make the drawer visible. It doesn't provide you with a drawer builder.
Add this into your dependencies block.
compile 'com.yarolegovich:sliding-root-nav:1.1.1'
Please see the sample app for a library usage example.
in your activity).View
. You can specify transformations of a content view or use the default SlidingRootNavBuilder(this)
You can specify root transformations using SlidingRootNavBuilder
new SlidingRootNavBuilder(this)
.withDragDistance(140) //Horizontal translation of a view. Default == 180dp
.withRootViewScale(0.7f) //Content view's scale will be interpolated between 1f and 0.7f. Default == 0.65f;
.withRootViewElevation(10) //Content view's elevation will be interpolated between 0 and 10dp. Default == 8.
.withRootViewYTranslation(4) //Content view's translationY will be interpolated between 0 and 4. Default == 0
in the above example is a user-created class that implements RootTransformation
interface. For an example, refer to the default transformations.
new SlidingRootNavBuilder(this)
.withMenuOpened(true) //Initial menu opened/closed state. Default == false
.withMenuLocked(false) //If true, a user can't open or close the menu. Default == false.
.withGravity(SlideGravity.LEFT) //If LEFT you can swipe a menu from left to right, if RIGHT - the direction is opposite.
.withSavedState(savedInstanceState) //If you call the method, layout will restore its opened/closed state
.withContentClickableWhenMenuOpened(isClickable) //Pretty self-descriptive. Builder Default == true
A call to inject()
returns you an interface for controlling the layout.
public interface SlidingRootNav {
boolean isMenuClosed();
boolean isMenuOpened();
boolean isMenuLocked();
void closeMenu();
void closeMenu(boolean animated);
void openMenu();
void openMenu(boolean animated);
void setMenuLocked(boolean locked);
SlidingRootNavLayout getLayout(); //If for some reason you need to work directly with layout - you can
public interface DragListener {
void onDrag(float progress); //Float between 0 and 1, where 1 is a fully visible menu
public interface DragStateListener {
void onDragStart();
void onDragEnd(boolean isMenuOpened);
:DrawerListenerAdapter adapter = new DrawerListenerAdapter(yourDrawerListener, viewToPassAsDrawer);
Thanks to Tayisiya Yurkiv for a beautiful GIF.
Copyright 2017 Yaroslav Shevchuk
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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