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ds3231.Debug.cspy.ps1 1.5 КБ
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bg4uvr Отправлено 5 лет назад 375fac1
param([String]$debugfile = "");
# This powershell file has been generated by the IAR Embedded Workbench
# C - SPY Debugger, as an aid to preparing a command line for running
# the cspybat command line utility using the appropriate settings.
# Note that this file is generated every time a new debug session
# is initialized, so you may want to move or rename the file before
# making changes.
# You can launch cspybat by typing Powershell.exe -File followed by the name of this batch file, followed
# by the name of the debug file (usually an ELF / DWARF or UBROF file).
# Read about available command line parameters in the C - SPY Debugging
# Guide. Hints about additional command line parameters that may be
# useful in specific cases :
# --download_only Downloads a code image without starting a debug
# session afterwards.
# --silent Omits the sign - on message.
# --timeout Limits the maximum allowed execution time.
if ($debugfile -eq "")
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.0\common\bin\cspybat" -f "D:\files\My_Files\Electronics\STM8\DS3231\settings\ds3231.Debug.general.xcl" --backend -f "D:\files\My_Files\Electronics\STM8\DS3231\settings\ds3231.Debug.driver.xcl"
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.0\common\bin\cspybat" -f "D:\files\My_Files\Electronics\STM8\DS3231\settings\ds3231.Debug.general.xcl" --debug_file=$debugfile --backend -f "D:\files\My_Files\Electronics\STM8\DS3231\settings\ds3231.Debug.driver.xcl"

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