XuperChain, the first open source project of XuperChain Lab, introduces a highly flexible blockchain architecture with great transaction performance.
XuperChain is the underlying solution for union networks with following highlight features:
High Performance
Solid Security
High Scalability
Multi-Language Support: Support pluggable multi-language contract VM using XuperBridge technology.
Flexibility: Modular and pluggable design provides high flexibility for users to build their blockchain solutions for various business scenarios.
E-mail: xchain-help@baidu.com
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/xuperchain/xuperchain
Note: master
branch contains latest features but might be unstable. for production use, please checkout our release branch. the latest release branch is v3.6
Enter the xuperchain folder and build the code:
cd xuperchain
Note that if you are using Go 1.11 or later, go modules are used to download 3rd-party dependencies by default. You can also disable go modules and use the prepared dependencies under vendor folder.
Run test:
make test
Use Docker to build xuperchain see docker build
There is an output folder if build successfully. Enter the output folder, create a default chain firstly:
cd ./output
./xchain-cli createChain
By doing this, a blockchain named "xuper" is created, you can find the data of this blockchain at ./data/blockchain/xuper/
Then start the node and run XuperChain full node servers:
nohup ./xchain &
By default, the xuper
chain will produce a block every 3 seconds, try the following command to see the trunkHeight
of chain and make sure it's growing.
./xchain-cli status
docker build . -t xuperchain
# run xchain daemon
docker run -d -p 37101:37101 -p 47101:47101 --rm --name xchain xuperchain
# enter running container
docker exec -ti xchain bash
# run command
./xchain-cli status
This is only a demo for local single container, you can use volume to mount and overwrite configurations.
Please refer to our wiki for more information, including how to build multi-node network, transfer to others, deploy and invoke smart contract.
We have new documentation of Chinese version at XuperChain Chinese Docs, the English version is comming soon.
We encourage you to contribute to XuperChain.
Please review the Contribution guidelines for information on how to get started contributing to the project.
XuperChain is under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
git clone https://github.com/xuperchain/xuperchain
注意: master
分支是日常开发分支,会包含最新的功能,但是 不稳定。生产环境请使用最新的已发布分支,最新的已发布分支是v3.6
cd xuperchain
make test
使用docker来编译xueprchain见docker build
cd ./output
./xchain-cli createChain
nohup ./xchain &
./xchain-cli status
docker build . -t xuperchain
# 运行容器 daemon
docker run -d -p 37101:37101 -p 47101:47101 --rm --name xchain xuperchain
# 进入容器
docker exec -ti xchain bash
# 运行指令
./xchain-cli status
XuperChain使用的许可证是Apache 2.0
商务合作,请Email:xchain-help@baidu.com, 来源请注明Github。 如果你对XuperChain开源技术及应用感兴趣,欢迎添加“百度超级链·小助手“微信,回复“技术论坛进群”,加入“百度超级链开发者社区”,与百度资深工程师深度交流!微信二维码如下:
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