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util.cpp 5.8 КБ
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ValKmjolnir Отправлено 10 месяцев назад 4ac4675
#include "util/util.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace nasal::util {
bool is_windows() {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
return true;
return false;
bool is_linux() {
#if defined __linux__
return true;
return false;
bool is_macos() {
#if defined __APPLE__
return true;
return false;
bool is_x86() {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86)
return true;
return false;
bool is_amd64() {
#if defined(__amd64__) || defined(_M_X64)
return true;
return false;
bool is_x86_64() {
return is_amd64();
bool is_arm() {
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)
return true;
return false;
bool is_aarch64() {
#if defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64)
return true;
return false;
bool is_ia64() {
#if defined(__ia64__)
return true;
return false;
bool is_powerpc() {
#if defined(__powerpc__)
return true;
return false;
bool is_superh() {
#if defined(__sh__)
return true;
return false;
const char* get_platform() {
if (is_windows()) {
return "windows";
} else if (is_linux()) {
return "linux";
} else if (is_macos()) {
return "macOS";
return "unknown";
const char* get_arch() {
if (is_x86()) {
return "x86";
} else if (is_x86_64()) {
return "x86-64";
} else if (is_amd64()) {
return "amd64";
} else if (is_arm()) {
return "arm";
} else if (is_aarch64()) {
return "aarch64";
} else if (is_ia64()) {
return "ia64";
} else if (is_powerpc()) {
return "powerpc";
} else if (is_superh()) {
return "superh";
return "unknown";
u32 utf8_hdchk(const char head) {
// RFC-2279 but now we use RFC-3629 so nbytes is less than 4
const auto c = static_cast<u8>(head);
if ((c>>5)==0x06) { // 110x xxxx (10xx xxxx)^1
return 1;
if ((c>>4)==0x0e) { // 1110 xxxx (10xx xxxx)^2
return 2;
if ((c>>3)==0x1e) { // 1111 0xxx (10xx xxxx)^3
return 3;
return 0;
std::string char_to_hex(const char c) {
const char hextbl[] = "0123456789abcdef";
return {hextbl[(c&0xf0)>>4], hextbl[c&0x0f]};
std::string rawstr(const std::string& str, const usize maxlen) {
std::string ret("");
for(auto i : str) {
// windows doesn't output unicode normally, so we output the hex
if (util::is_windows() && i<=0) {
ret += "\\x" + char_to_hex(i);
switch(i) {
case '\0': ret += "\\0"; break;
case '\a': ret += "\\a"; break;
case '\b': ret += "\\b"; break;
case '\t': ret += "\\t"; break;
case '\n': ret += "\\n"; break;
case '\v': ret += "\\v"; break;
case '\f': ret += "\\f"; break;
case '\r': ret += "\\r"; break;
case '\033':ret += "\\e"; break;
case '\"': ret += "\\\""; break;
case '\'': ret += "\\\'"; break;
case '\\': ret += "\\\\"; break;
default: ret += i; break;
if (maxlen && ret.length()>maxlen) {
ret = ret.substr(0, maxlen)+"...";
return ret;
f64 hex_to_f64(const char* str) {
f64 ret = 0;
for(; *str; ++str) {
if ('0'<=*str && *str<='9') {
ret = ret*16+(*str-'0');
} else if ('a'<=*str && *str<='f') {
ret = ret*16+(*str-'a'+10);
} else if ('A'<=*str && *str<='F') {
ret = ret*16+(*str-'A'+10);
} else {
return nan("");
return ret;
f64 oct_to_f64(const char* str) {
f64 ret = 0;
while('0'<=*str && *str<'8') {
ret = ret*8+(*str++-'0');
if (*str) {
return nan("");
return ret;
// we have the same reason not using atof here
// just as andy's interpreter does.
// it is not platform independent, and may have strange output.
// so we write a new function here to convert str to number manually.
// but this also makes 0.1+0.2==0.3,
// not another result that you may get in other languages.
f64 dec_to_f64(const char* str) {
f64 ret = 0, num_pow = 0;
bool negative = false;
while('0'<=*str && *str<='9') {
ret = ret*10+(*str++-'0');
if (!*str) {
return ret;
if (*str=='.') {
if (!*++str) {
return nan("");
num_pow = 0.1;
while('0'<=*str && *str<='9') {
ret += num_pow*(*str++-'0');
num_pow *= 0.1;
if (!*str) {
return ret;
if (*str!='e' && *str!='E') {
return nan("");
if (!*++str) {
return nan("");
if (*str=='-' || *str=='+') {
negative = (*str++=='-');
if (!*str) {
return nan("");
num_pow = 0;
while('0'<=*str && *str<='9') {
num_pow = num_pow*10+(*str++-'0');
if (*str) {
return nan("");
return negative?
ret*std::pow(10, 1-num_pow)*0.1:
ret*std::pow(10, num_pow-1)*10;
f64 str_to_num(const char* str) {
bool negative = false;
f64 res = 0;
if (*str=='-' || *str=='+') {
negative = (*str++=='-');
if (!*str) {
return nan("");
if (str[0]=='0' && str[1]=='x') {
res = hex_to_f64(str+2);
} else if (str[0]=='0' && str[1]=='o') {
res = oct_to_f64(str+2);
} else {
res = dec_to_f64(str);
return negative? -res:res;

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