Слияние кода завершено, страница обновится автоматически
#pragma once
#include "nasal.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace nasal {
enum class vm_type: u8 {
/* none-gc object */
vm_none = 0, // error type
vm_cnt, // counter for forindex/foreach loop
vm_addr, // var* address
vm_ret, // return addres(program counter)
vm_nil, // nil
vm_num, // number
/* gc object */
vm_str, // string
vm_vec, // vector
vm_hash, // hashmap(dict)
vm_func, // function(lambda)
vm_upval, // upvalue
vm_ghost, // ghost type
vm_co, // coroutine
vm_map, // for globals and namespaces
/* mark type range */
// size of gc object type
const u32 gc_type_size =
static_cast<u32>(vm_type::vm_type_size_max) -
// basic types
struct nas_vec; // vector
struct nas_hash; // hashmap(dict)
struct nas_func; // function(lambda)
struct nas_upval; // upvalue
struct nas_ghost; // objects
struct nas_co; // coroutine
struct nas_map; // mapper
// union type
struct nas_val; // nas_val includes gc-managed types
struct var {
vm_type type = vm_type::vm_none;
union {
u64 ret;
i64 cnt;
f64 num;
var* addr;
nas_val* gcobj;
} val;
var(vm_type t, u64 pc) {type = t; val.ret = pc;}
var(vm_type t, i64 ct) {type = t; val.cnt = ct;}
var(vm_type t, f64 n) {type = t; val.num = n;}
var(vm_type t, var* p) {type = t; val.addr = p;}
var(vm_type t, nas_val* p) {type = t; val.gcobj = p;}
var() = default;
var(const var&) = default;
bool operator==(const var& nr) const {
return type==nr.type && val.gcobj==nr.val.gcobj;
bool operator!=(const var& nr) const {
return type!=nr.type || val.gcobj!=nr.val.gcobj;
// number and string can be translated to each other
f64 to_num();
std::string to_str();
bool object_check(const std::string&);
// create new var object
static var none();
static var nil();
static var ret(u64);
static var cnt(i64);
static var num(f64);
static var gcobj(nas_val*);
static var addr(var*);
// get value
var* addr() const;
u64 ret() const;
i64& cnt();
f64 num() const;
std::string& str();
nas_vec& vec();
nas_hash& hash();
nas_func& func();
nas_upval& upval();
nas_ghost& ghost();
nas_co& co();
nas_map& map();
bool is_none() const { return type==vm_type::vm_none; }
bool is_cnt() const { return type==vm_type::vm_cnt; }
bool is_addr() const { return type==vm_type::vm_addr; }
bool is_ret() const { return type==vm_type::vm_ret; }
bool is_nil() const { return type==vm_type::vm_nil; }
bool is_num() const { return type==vm_type::vm_num; }
bool is_str() const { return type==vm_type::vm_str; }
bool is_vec() const { return type==vm_type::vm_vec; }
bool is_hash() const { return type==vm_type::vm_hash; }
bool is_func() const { return type==vm_type::vm_func; }
bool is_upval() const { return type==vm_type::vm_upval; }
bool is_ghost() const { return type==vm_type::vm_ghost; }
bool is_coroutine() const { return type==vm_type::vm_co; }
bool is_map() const { return type==vm_type::vm_map; }
struct nas_vec {
std::vector<var> elems;
// mark if this is printed, avoid stack overflow
bool printed = false;
auto size() const { return elems.size(); }
var get_value(const i32);
var* get_memory(const i32);
struct nas_hash {
std::unordered_map<std::string, var> elems;
// mark if this is printed, avoid stack overflow
bool printed = false;
auto size() const { return elems.size(); }
var get_value(const std::string&);
var* get_memory(const std::string&);
struct nas_func {
i64 dynamic_parameter_index; // dynamic parameter name index in hash.
u64 entry; // pc will set to entry-1 to call this function
u32 parameter_size; // used to load default parameters to a new function
u64 local_size; // used to expand memory space for local values on stack
std::vector<var> local; // local scope with default value(var)
std::vector<var> upval; // closure
// parameter table, u32 begins from 1
std::unordered_map<std::string, u32> keys;
// dynamic parameter name
std::string dynamic_parameter_name;
dynamic_parameter_index(-1), entry(0),
parameter_size(0), local_size(0),
dynamic_parameter_name("") {}
void clear();
struct nas_upval {
/* on stack, use these variables */
bool on_stack;
u64 size;
var* stack_frame_offset;
/* not on stack, use this */
std::vector<var> elems;
nas_upval(): on_stack(true), size(0), stack_frame_offset(nullptr) {}
var& operator[](usize n) {
return on_stack? stack_frame_offset[n]:elems[n];
void clear() {
on_stack = true;
size = 0;
struct nas_ghost {
using destructor = void (*)(void*);
using marker = void (*)(void*, std::vector<var>*);
std::string type_name;
destructor destructor_function;
marker gc_mark_function;
void* pointer;
type_name(""), destructor_function(nullptr),
gc_mark_function(nullptr), pointer(nullptr) {}
~nas_ghost() { clear(); }
void set(const std::string&, destructor, marker, void*);
void clear();
const auto& get_ghost_name() const { return type_name; }
template<typename T>
T* get() { return static_cast<T*>(pointer); }
template<typename T>
T convert() const { return reinterpret_cast<T>(pointer); }
struct context {
u64 pc = 0;
var* localr = nullptr;
var* memr = nullptr;
var funcr = var::nil();
var upvalr = var::nil();
var* canary = nullptr;
var* stack = nullptr;
var* top = nullptr;
struct nas_co {
enum class status:u32 {
context ctx;
status status;
nas_co() {
ctx.stack = new var[VM_STACK_DEPTH];
~nas_co() {
delete[] ctx.stack;
void clear();
struct nas_map {
bool printed = false;
std::unordered_map<std::string, var*> mapper;
void clear() {
auto size() const { return mapper.size(); }
var get_value(const std::string&);
var* get_memory(const std::string&);
struct nas_val {
enum class gc_status: u8 {
uncollected = 0,
gc_status mark;
vm_type type; // value type
u8 immutable; // used to mark if a string is immutable
union {
std::string* str;
nas_vec* vec;
nas_hash* hash;
nas_func* func;
nas_upval* upval;
nas_ghost* obj;
nas_co* co;
nas_map* map;
} ptr;
void clear();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, nas_vec&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, nas_hash&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, nas_func&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, nas_map&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const nas_ghost&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const nas_co&);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, var&);
const var zero = var::num(0);
const var one = var::num(1);
const var nil = var::nil();
// use to print error log and return error value
var nas_err(const std::string&, const std::string&);
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