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nasal_codegen.h 5.3 КБ
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ValKmjolnir Отправлено 8 месяцев назад cf23236
#pragma once
#include "nasal_err.h"
#include "nasal_opcode.h"
#include "nasal_ast.h"
#include "ast_visitor.h"
#include "symbol_finder.h"
#include "nasal_parse.h"
#include "nasal_import.h"
#include "natives/builtin.h"
#include "natives/coroutine.h"
#include "natives/bits_lib.h"
#include "natives/math_lib.h"
#include "natives/fg_props.h"
#include "natives/io_lib.h"
#include "natives/json_lib.h"
#include "natives/dylib_lib.h"
#include "natives/regex_lib.h"
#include "natives/unix_lib.h"
#include "natives/subprocess.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable:4244)
#pragma warning (disable:4267)
namespace nasal {
class codegen {
error err;
// repl output flag, will generate op_repl to output stack top value if true
bool flag_need_repl_output = false;
// limit mode flag
bool flag_limited_mode = false;
// under limited mode, unsafe system api will be banned
const std::unordered_set<std::string> unsafe_system_api = {
// builtin
"__system", "__input", "__terminal_size",
// io
"__fout", "__open", "__write", "__stat"
// bits
"__fld", "__sfld", "__setfld",
// fg
// dylib
"__dlopen", "__dlclose", "__dlcallv", "__dlcall",
// unix
"__chdir", "__environ", "__getcwd", "__getenv",
// subprocess
// file mapper for file -> index
std::unordered_map<std::string, usize> file_map;
void init_file_map(const std::vector<std::string>&);
// used for generate pop in return expression
std::vector<u32> in_foreach_loop_level;
// constant numbers and strings
std::unordered_map<f64, u64> const_number_map;
std::unordered_map<std::string, u64> const_string_map;
std::vector<f64> const_number_table;
std::vector<std::string> const_string_table;
// native functions
std::vector<nasal_builtin_table> native_function;
std::unordered_map<std::string, usize> native_function_mapper;
void load_native_function_table(nasal_builtin_table*);
void init_native_function();
// generated opcodes
std::vector<opcode> code;
// used to store jmp operands index, to fill the jump address back
std::list<std::vector<u64>> continue_ptr;
std::list<std::vector<u64>> break_ptr;
// symbol table
// global : max VM_STACK_DEPTH-1 values
std::unordered_map<std::string, u64> global;
// nasal namespace
// stores all global symbols of each file
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> nasal_namespace;
// local : max 32768 upvalues 65536 values
// but in fact local scope also has less than VM_STACK_DEPTH value
std::list<std::unordered_map<std::string, u64>> local;
void check_id_exist(identifier*);
void die(const std::string& info, expr* node) {
err.err("code", node->get_location(), info);
void regist_number(const f64);
void regist_string(const std::string&);
void find_symbol(code_block*);
void regist_symbol(const std::string&);
i64 local_symbol_find(const std::string&);
i64 global_symbol_find(const std::string&);
i64 upvalue_symbol_find(const std::string&);
void emit(u8, u64, const span&);
void number_gen(number_literal*);
void string_gen(string_literal*);
void bool_gen(bool_literal*);
void vector_gen(vector_expr*);
void hash_gen(hash_expr*);
void func_gen(function*);
void call_gen(call_expr*);
void call_identifier(identifier*);
void call_hash_gen(call_hash*);
void null_access_gen(null_access*);
void call_vector_gen(call_vector*);
void call_func_gen(call_function*);
void mcall(expr*);
void mcall_identifier(identifier*);
void mcall_vec(call_vector*);
void mcall_hash(call_hash*);
void multi_def(definition_expr*);
void single_def(definition_expr*);
void definition_gen(definition_expr*);
void assignment_expression(assignment_expr*);
void gen_assignment_equal_statement(assignment_expr*);
void replace_left_assignment_with_load(const span&);
void assignment_statement(assignment_expr*);
void multi_assign_gen(multi_assign*);
void cond_gen(condition_expr*);
void loop_gen(expr*);
void load_continue_break(u64, u64);
void while_gen(while_expr*);
void for_gen(for_expr*);
void forei_gen(forei_expr*);
void statement_generation(expr*);
void or_gen(binary_operator*);
void and_gen(binary_operator*);
void unary_gen(unary_operator*);
void binary_gen(binary_operator*);
void null_chain_gen(binary_operator*);
void trino_gen(ternary_operator*);
void calc_gen(expr*);
void repl_mode_info_output_gen(expr*);
void block_gen(code_block*);
void ret_gen(return_expr*);
const auto& strs() const {return const_string_table;}
const auto& nums() const {return const_number_table;}
const auto& natives() const {return native_function;}
const auto& codes() const {return code;}
const auto& globals() const {return global;}
codegen() = default;
const error& compile(parse&, linker&, bool, bool);
void print(std::ostream&);
void symbol_dump(std::ostream&) const;

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