#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Script to help KGTP start.''' import sys, getopt, os, ConfigParser, re, shutil, time #This is config file name KGTP_DIR = os.environ.get("HOME") + "/kgtp/" KGTP_REPOSITORY_DICT = { "https://github.com/teawater/kgtp.git" :"", "git://gitshell.com/teawater/kgtp.git" :"", "git://code.csdn.net/teawater/kgtp.git" :"", "http://git.oschina.net/teawater/kgtp.git" :"", "git://gitcafe.com/teawater/kgtp.git" :""} KGTP_BRANCH_DICT = { "release" : "Last release version", "master" : "Last stable version", "dev" : "Untested and unreleased"} KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION = 7.6 KGTP_INSTALL_GDB = "gdb-7.7" KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME = "" KGTP_PY_LAST_TIME = 0 KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE = False class Lang(object): '''Language class.''' def __init__(self, language="en"): self.data = {} self.language = language self.is_set = False self.add('Please install "%s" before go to next step.', '在进行下一步以前请先安装软件包"%s"。') self.add('Input "y" and press "Enter" to continue', '输入"y"后按回车键继续') self.add("Install packages failed.", "安装包失败。") self.add('Call command "%s" failed. ', '调用命令"%s"失败。 ') self.add("Insmod KGTP modules?", "是否装载KGTP模块到系统中?") self.add('Insmod KGTP module "%s" failed.', '装载KGTP模块"%s"到系统中失败。') self.add("Cannot found sys_read from /proc/kallsyms.", "无法从/proc/kallsyms中找到sys_read。") self.add('Please report this issue to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.', '请汇报这个问题到 https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues 或者 teawater@gmail.com。') self.add("Cannot found sys_write from /proc/kallsyms.", "无法从/proc/kallsyms中找到sys_write。") self.add("Cannot check Linux kernel debug image with /proc/kallsyms because it is not available.", "因为/proc/kallsyms不存在,所以无法通过其检查Linux内核调试镜像是否正确。") self.add('Linux kernel debug image "%s" is not for current Linux kernel.', 'Linux内核调试镜像 "%s"不适应于当前Linux内核。') self.add('Get following error when write config file "%s":', '写配置文件"%s"时有下面的错误:') self.add("KGTP config begin, please make sure current machine can access internet first.", "KGTP配置开始,请确保当前主机能访问互联网。") self.add('Press "Enter" to continue', '请按回车键继续') self.add('Current system is "%s".', '当前系统是"%s".') self.add("Current system is not complete support. Need execute some commands with yourself.\nIf you want KGTP support your system, please report to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.", "当前系统还没有被支持,需要手动执行一些命令。\n如果你希望KGTP支持你的系统,请汇报这个到 https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues 或者 teawater@gmail.com。") self.add('Please select git repository of KGTP:', '请选择KGTP的GIT仓库:') self.add('Please select git branch of KGTP:', '请选择KGTP的GIT分支:') self.add('Clone KGTP source failed.', '克隆KGTP源码失败。') self.add('Update KGTP source in "%s" failed.', '升级在目录"%s"的KGTP源码失败。') self.add("Change to another git repository?", "选择其他GIT仓库?") self.add("kgtp.py was updated, restarting...", "kgtp.py被更新,重启中...") self.add('Please select a GDB:', '请选择一个GDB:') self.add('Please input the filename of GDB:', '请输入GDB的文件名:') self.add('Please input the filename of GDB or just "Enter" to install it now:', '请输入GDB的文件名或者直接回车将开始自动安装:') self.add('"%s" is not right.', '"%s"不正确。') self.add("Want input another?", "要输入其他的吗?") self.add('Version of "%s" is older than %s that KGTP need, do you want to get a new version GDB:', '"%s"的版本比KGTP需要的%s老,do you want to get a new version GDB:') self.add('Get following error when remove directory "%s":', '删除目录"%s"时发生下面的错误:') self.add("Check the software source...", '检查软件源...') self.add("GDB in software source is too old for KGTP.", "软件源中的GDB比KGTP需要的老。") self.add("Get and build a GDB (it will not install to current system) that works OK with KGTP...", '取得并编译一个可以和KGTP一起工作的GDB(并不会安装到当前系统中)...') self.add("Download GDB source package failed.", '下载GDB源码包失败。') self.add("Uncompress GDB source package failed.", '解压缩GDB源码包失败。') self.add("Build GDB failed.", "编译GDB失败。") self.add("Install Linux kernel source failed. ", '安装内核源码失败。') self.add('Cannot find Linux kernel source in "%s".', '无法在"%s"找到内核源码。') self.add("Install Linux kernel debug image failed. ", '安装Linux内核调试镜像失败。') self.add("Please input the filename of Linux kernel debug image:", '请输入Linux内核调试文件的文件名:') self.add("Build KGTP failed. ", "编译KGTP failed。 ") self.add("How many days are prompted to update KGTP source? (0 means every time):", "多少天提示一次更新KGTP源码? (0表示每次):") self.add("Do you want install kgtp.py to current system?", '你是否要安装kgtp.py到当前系统中?') self.add("Please input the directory that you want to install kgtp.py:", '请输入要安装kgtp.py的目录:') self.add('"%s" exists but it is not a directory.', '"%s"存在但是其不是一个目录。') self.add("Install kgtp.py failed. ", '安装kgtp.py失败。 ') self.add('Command "sudo kgtp.py" can start KGTP now.', '现在命令"sudo kgtp.py"可以启动KGTP。') self.add('"%s" is not a directory.', '"%s"不是一个目录。') self.add('Get following error when read config file "%s":', '读配置文件"%s"时有下面的错误:') self.add('Config is not complete.', '配置不完整。') self.add('Distro is changed.', '发行版被更换了。') self.add('Cannot execute GDB in "%s" or its version is older than %s.', '不能执行GDB"%s"或者其版本比%s老。') self.add('Current Linux kernel version is not "%s".', '当前Linux内核版本不是"%s"。') self.add('Linux kernel source "%s" is not right.', 'Linux内核源码"%s"不正确。') self.add('Linux kernel debug image "%s" is not right.', 'Linux内核调试镜像"%s"不正确。') self.add("KGTP source has not been updated more than %d days.", 'KGTP源码已经超过%d天没有更新过了。') self.add('Update source of KGTP?', '升级KGTP源码?') self.add('kgtp.py is different with "%s", restarting...', 'kgtp.py和"%s"不同, 重启中...') def set_language(self, language): if language != "": self.language = language self.is_set = True def add(self, en, cn): self.data[en] = cn def string(self, s): if self.language == "en" or (not self.data.has_key(s)): return s return self.data[s] def retry(string="", ret=-1): while True: s = raw_input(string + lang.string(" [Retry]/Exit:")) if len(s) == 0 or s[0] == 'r' or s[0] == 'R': break if s[0] == "E" or s[0] == "e": exit(ret) def yes_no(string="", has_default=False, default_answer=True): if has_default: if default_answer: default_str = " [Yes]/No:" else: default_str = " Yes/[No]:" else: default_str = " Yes/No:" while True: s = raw_input(string + default_str) if len(s) == 0: if has_default: return default_answer continue if s[0] == "n" or s[0] == "N": return False if s[0] == "y" or s[0] == "Y": return True def get_distro(): if os.path.exists("/etc/redhat-release"): return "Redhat" try: fp = open("/etc/issue", "r") version = fp.readline().lower() fp.close() if re.match('.*ubuntu.*', version): return "Ubuntu" elif re.match('.*opensuse.*', version): return "openSUSE" except: pass return "Other" def get_cmd(cmd, first=True): f = os.popen(cmd) if first: v = f.readline().rstrip() else: v = f.readlines() f.close() return v def get_gdb_version(gdb): try: v = get_cmd(gdb + " -v") except: return -1 if not re.match(r'^GNU gdb (.+) \d+\.\d+.*$', v): return -1 return float(re.search(r'\d+\.\d+', v).group()) def get_source_version(distro, name): if distro == "Redhat": try: v = get_cmd("yum list " + name, False) except: return 0 if len(v) <= 0: return 0 v = v[-1] elif distro == "Ubuntu": try: v = get_cmd("apt-get -qq changelog " + name) except: return 0 elif distro == "openSUSE": try: v = get_cmd("zypper info " + name, False) except: return 0 else: return 0 if distro == "openSUSE": got_name = False got_version = False for line in v: if got_name and re.match('^Version: ', line): got_version = True v = line break if re.match('^Name: '+name, line): got_name = True elif not re.match('^'+name, v): return 0 return float(re.search(r'\d+\.\d+', v).group()) def install_packages(distro, packages, auto): #Remove the package that doesn't need install from packages if distro != "Other": tmp_packages = [] for i in range(0, len(packages)): ret = 1 if distro == "Redhat" or distro == "openSUSE": ret = os.system("rpm -q " + packages[i]) elif distro == "Ubuntu": ret = os.system("dpkg -s " + packages[i]) if ret != 0: tmp_packages.append(packages[i]) packages = tmp_packages if len(packages) == 0: return packages = " ".join(packages) while True: ret = 0 if distro == "Redhat": ret = os.system("yum -y install " + packages) elif distro == "Ubuntu": ret = os.system("apt-get -y --force-yes install " + packages) elif distro == "openSUSE": ret = os.system("zypper -n install --oldpackage " + packages) else: if auto: return while True: print(lang.string('Please install \"%s\" before go to next step.') %packages) s = raw_input(lang.string('Input "y" and press "Enter" to continue')) if len(s) > 0 and (s[0] == 'y' or s[0] == "Y"): return if ret == 0: break else: retry(lang.string("Install packages failed."), ret) def select_from_dict(k_dict, k_str, introduce): k_list = k_dict.items() while True: default = -1 default_str = "" for i in range(0, len(k_list)): print("[%d] %s %s" %(i, k_list[i][0], k_list[i][1])) if k_str != "" and k_list[i][0] == k_str: default = i default_str = "[%d]" %i try: select = input(introduce + default_str) except SyntaxError: select = default except Exception: select = -1 if select >= 0 and select < len(k_dict): break return k_list[select][0] def call_cmd(cmd, fail_str="", chdir="", outside_retry=False): ''' Return True if call cmd success. ''' if fail_str == "": fail_str = lang.string('Call command "%s" failed. ') %cmd if chdir != "": os.chdir(chdir) while True: ret = os.system(cmd) if ret == 0: break retry(fail_str, ret) if outside_retry: return False return True def kgtp_insmod(gdb, kernel_image): global KGTP_DIR #Insmod if not os.path.isdir("/sys/kernel/debug/"): os.system("mount -t sysfs none /sys/") os.system("mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/") if not KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE or yes_no(lang.string("Insmod KGTP modules?")): os.system("rmmod gtp") if os.system("insmod " + KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/gtp.ko"): print(lang.string('Insmod KGTP module "%s" failed.') %(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/gtp.ko")) return False image_wrong = False if os.path.isfile("/proc/kallsyms"): f = open("/proc/kallsyms", "r") got_sys_read = False got_sys_write = False while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break line = line.rstrip() is_sys_read = False is_sys_write = False if not got_sys_read and re.match(r'.*[^\s]\ssys_read$', line): is_sys_read = True if not got_sys_write and re.match(r'.*[^\s]\ssys_write$', line): is_sys_write = True if not is_sys_read and not is_sys_write: continue val = re.search(r'^[0-9a-fA-F]*', line).group() if is_sys_read: got_sys_read = True sys_read = val if is_sys_write: got_sys_write = True sys_write = val if got_sys_read and got_sys_write: break f.close() if got_sys_read: v = get_cmd(gdb + " " + kernel_image + r' -ex "printf \"%lx\\n\", sys_read" -ex "quit"', False) v = v[-1].rstrip() if v != sys_read: image_wrong = False else: print lang.string("Cannot found sys_read from /proc/kallsyms.") print lang.string('Please report this issue to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.') if got_sys_write: v = get_cmd(gdb + " " + kernel_image + r' -ex "printf \"%lx\\n\", sys_write" -ex "quit"', False) v = v[-1].rstrip() if v != sys_write: image_wrong = True else: print lang.string("Cannot found sys_write from /proc/kallsyms.") print lang.string('Please report this issue to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.') else: print lang.string("Cannot check Linux kernel debug image with /proc/kallsyms because it is not available.") #With linux_banner if not image_wrong and config.get("misc", "distro") != "openSUSE": v = get_cmd(gdb + " " + kernel_image + r' -ex "printf \"%s\", linux_banner" -ex "quit"', False) linux_banner = v[-1].rstrip() v = get_cmd(gdb + " " + kernel_image + r' -ex "target remote /sys/kernel/debug/gtp" -ex "printf \"%s\", linux_banner" -ex "set confirm off" -ex "quit"', False) if v[-3].rstrip() != linux_banner: image_wrong = True if image_wrong: print(lang.string('Linux kernel debug image "%s" is not for current Linux kernel.') %config.get("kernel", "image")) print(lang.string('Please report this issue to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.')) return False return True class Config(): def __init__(self): self.c = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.filename = "" def set(self, section, option, value="", write=True): self.c.set(section, option, value) if write: self.write() def get(self, section, option): return self.c.get(section, option) def read(self, filename): self.filename = filename err_msg = False try: self.c.read(filename) except Exception, x: err_msg = x miss = self.add_miss() try: self.write() except Exception, x: print(lang.string('Get following error when write config file "%s":')) %self.filename print(x) exit(-1) if not err_msg: if len(miss) > 0: # Get err_msg according to miss. err_msg = "" for name in miss: if len(miss[name]) > 0: err_msg += 'Section "' + name + '" miss' first = True for val in miss[name]: if first: first = False else: err_msg += ',' err_msg = ' option "' + val + "\"" err_msg += ".\n" else: err_msg += 'Miss section "' + name + "\".\n" if err_msg: raise Exception(err_msg) def write(self): fp = open(self.filename, "w+") fp.write("# This file is generated by kgtp.py\n") fp.write("# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n") self.c.write(fp) fp.close() def add_miss_section(self, miss, section): if not self.c.has_section(section): self.c.add_section(section) miss[section] = [] def add_miss_option(self, miss, section, option, val, first=False): if not self.c.has_option(section, option): self.set(section, option, val, False) if first: if not miss.has_key(section): miss[section] = [option] else: if miss.has_key(section) and len(miss[section]) > 0: miss[section].append(option) def add_miss(self): '''Check if the config file misses some sections or options. Add the missing sections and options and record them in dict miss. Return miss.''' miss = {} self.add_miss_section(miss, "misc") self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "language", "", True) self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "distro", "") self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "update_days", "") self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "setup_time", "") self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "install_dir", "/usr/sbin/") self.add_miss_section(miss, "kgtp") self.add_miss_option(miss, "kgtp", "repository", "", True) self.add_miss_option(miss, "kgtp", "branch", "") self.add_miss_section(miss, "gdb") self.add_miss_option(miss, "gdb", "dir", "", True) self.add_miss_option(miss, "gdb", "source", "") self.add_miss_section(miss, "kernel") self.add_miss_option(miss, "kernel", "version", "", True) self.add_miss_option(miss, "kernel", "source", "") self.add_miss_option(miss, "kernel", "image", "") #This option is the status of confg: #"" means setup is not complete. #"done" means setup is complete. self.add_miss_option(miss, "misc", "setup", "") return miss def setup(self, auto=False): global KGTP_DIR, KGTP_REPOSITORY_DICT, KGTP_BRANCH_DICT, KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION, KGTP_INSTALL_GDB, KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME, KGTP_PY_LAST_TIME, KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE #misc language config_language = self.get("misc", "language") if ((not auto) or config_language == "") and (not lang.is_set): if config_language == "en": default_s = "en" question_s = "[English]/Chinese" elif config_language == "cn": default_s = "cn" question_s = "English/[Chinese]" else: default_s = "" question_s = "English/Chinese" while True: s = raw_input("Which language do you want use?(%s)" %question_s) if len(s) == 0: s = default_s if len(s) == 0: continue if s[0] == "e" or s[0] == "E": lang.set_language("en") break elif s[0] == "c" or s[0] == "C": lang.set_language("cn") break self.set("misc", "language", lang.language) print(lang.string("KGTP config begin, please make sure current machine can access internet first.")) raw_input(lang.string('Press "Enter" to continue')) #Add a flag to mark config file as doesn't complete. self.set("misc", "setup") #misc distro distro = get_distro() self.set("misc", "distro", distro) if distro == "Redhat" or distro == "Ubuntu" or distro == "openSUSE": print(lang.string('Current system is "%s".') %distro) else: print(lang.string("Current system is not complete support. Need execute some commands with yourself.\nIf you want KGTP support your system, please report to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.")) #Get the KGTP source code if distro == "Redhat": install_packages(distro, ["git"], auto) else: install_packages(distro, ["git-core"], auto) get_kgtp_failed = False while True: if get_kgtp_failed \ or not self.get("kgtp", "repository") in KGTP_REPOSITORY_DICT \ or not self.get("kgtp", "branch") in KGTP_BRANCH_DICT \ or not os.path.isdir(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/.git/"): shutil.rmtree(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/", True) while True: r = select_from_dict(KGTP_REPOSITORY_DICT, self.get("kgtp", "repository"), lang.string('Please select git repository of KGTP:')) self.set("kgtp", "repository", r) b = select_from_dict(KGTP_BRANCH_DICT, self.get("kgtp", "branch"), lang.string('Please select git branch of KGTP:')) self.set("kgtp", "branch", b) if call_cmd("git clone " + r + " -b " + b, lang.string('Clone KGTP source failed.'), KGTP_DIR, True): break else: while True: if call_cmd("git pull", lang.string('Update KGTP source in "%s" failed.') %(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/"), KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/", True): break if yes_no(lang.string("Change to another git repository?"), True, False): get_kgtp_failed = True break if not get_kgtp_failed: break #Check if kgtp.py is updated. Restart it if need. if not KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE: kgtp_py_updated = False if KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME == os.path.realpath(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py"): if os.path.getmtime(KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME) != KGTP_PY_LAST_TIME: kgtp_py_updated = True else: if os.system("diff " + KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py " + KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME) != 0: kgtp_py_updated = True if kgtp_py_updated: print(lang.string("kgtp.py was updated, restarting...")) os.execl("/usr/bin/python", "python", KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py") #GDB if distro == "Other": install_packages(distro, ["gdb"], auto) while True: #Get gdb_dir gdb_dir = self.get("gdb", "dir") if gdb_dir == "" or not os.path.isfile(gdb_dir): #Find GDB from PATH gdb_dir_dict = {} gdb_dir_dict[""] = "Input another GDB" got_usr_local_bin = False for p in os.environ.get("PATH").split(':'): if p == "/usr/local/bin": got_usr_local_bin = True if os.path.isfile(p + "/gdb"): gdb_dir_dict[p + "/gdb"] = "" if not got_usr_local_bin: if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/gdb"): gdb_dir_dict["/usr/local/bin/gdb"] = "" if len(gdb_dir_dict) == 1: gdb_dir = "" else: gdb_dir = select_from_dict(gdb_dir_dict, "", lang.string('Please select a GDB:')) if not auto: if gdb_dir != "": s = lang.string('Please input the filename of GDB:') + "["+ gdb_dir +"]" else: s = lang.string('Please input the filename of GDB or just "Enter" to install it now:') s = raw_input(s) if len(s) == 0: s = gdb_dir if len(s) != 0: s = os.path.realpath(s) if get_gdb_version(s) < 0: print(lang.string('"%s" is not right.') %s) if yes_no(lang.string("Want input another?")): continue else: s = "" gdb_dir = s #Check version if gdb_dir != "": if get_gdb_version(gdb_dir) >= KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION: if gdb_dir != self.get("gdb", "dir") \ and self.get("gdb", "source") != "": #Get a new GDB from input. #So the source of GDB is not need. Remove it. shutil.rmtree(self.get("gdb", "source"), True) self.set("gdb", "source") self.set("gdb", "dir", gdb_dir) break else: if not yes_no((('Version of "%s" is older than %s that KGTP need, do you want to get a new version GDB:') %(gdb_dir, str(KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION))), True, True): continue #GDB was built from source that is too old. Remove it. if self.get("gdb", "source") != "": while True: try: shutil.rmtree(self.get("gdb", "source")) except Exception, x: print(lang.string('Get following error when remove directory "%s":') %self.get("gdb", "source")) print(x) retry() self.set("gdb", "source") #Try to install GDB from software source if distro != "Other": print(lang.string("Check the software source...")) version = get_source_version(distro, "gdb") if version >= KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION: print lang.string("Install GDB...") install_packages(distro, ["gdb"], auto) self.set("gdb", "dir", "gdb") continue else: print lang.string("GDB in software source is too old for KGTP.") #Install GDB from source code print lang.string("Get and build a GDB (it will not install to current system) that works OK with KGTP...") if distro == "Ubuntu": install_packages(distro, ["gcc", "texinfo", "m4", "flex", "bison", "libncurses5-dev", "libexpat1-dev", "python-dev", "wget"], auto) elif distro == "openSUSE": install_packages(distro, ["gcc", "texinfo", "m4", "flex", "bison","ncurses-devel", "libexpat-devel", "python-devel", "wget","make"], auto) else: install_packages(distro, ["gcc", "texinfo", "m4", "flex", "bison","ncurses-devel", "expat-devel", "python-devel", "wget"], auto) while True: shutil.rmtree(KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + ".tar.bz2", True) shutil.rmtree(KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB, True) if not call_cmd("wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/" + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + ".tar.bz2", lang.string("Download GDB source package failed."), KGTP_DIR, True): continue if not call_cmd("tar vxjf " + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + ".tar.bz2" + " -C ./", lang.string("Uncompress GDB source package failed."), KGTP_DIR, True): continue shutil.rmtree(KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + ".tar.bz2", True) if not call_cmd("./configure --disable-sid --disable-rda --disable-gdbtk --disable-tk --disable-itcl --disable-tcl --disable-libgui --disable-ld --disable-gas --disable-binutils --disable-gprof --with-gdb-datadir=" + KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + "/gdb/data-directory/", lang.string("Config GDB failed."), KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB, True): continue if not call_cmd("make all", lang.string("Build GDB failed."), KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB, True): continue shutil.rmtree(KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + ".tar.bz2", True) break self.set("gdb", "source", KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB) self.set("gdb", "dir", KGTP_DIR + KGTP_INSTALL_GDB + "/gdb/gdb") #Kernel kernel_version = get_cmd("uname -r") if auto \ and kernel_version == self.set("kernel", "version"): #This part of code help other distro and auto reconfig. kernel_source = os.path.realpath(self.get("kernel", "source")) if kernel_source == "" or not os.path.isdir(kernel_source): kernel_source = "" kernel_image = os.path.realpath(self.get("kernel", "image")) if kernel_image == "" or not os.path.isfile(kernel_image): kernel_image = "" else: kernel_source = "" kernel_image = "" if distro == "Ubuntu" and os.system("dpkg -s linux-image-" + kernel_version) == 0: #Install kernel dev package install_packages(distro, ["linux-headers-generic"], auto) #source if kernel_source == "": install_packages(distro, ["dpkg-dev", "wget"], auto) call_cmd("apt-get source linux-image-" + kernel_version, lang.string("Install Linux kernel source failed. "), KGTP_DIR) short_version = re.search(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+', kernel_version).group() source = "" for f in os.listdir(KGTP_DIR): if os.path.isdir(KGTP_DIR + f) \ and re.match('^linux.*'+ short_version + "$", f): source = f if source == "": print lang.string('Cannot find Linux kernel source in "%s".') %KGTP_DIR print lang.string('Please report this issue to https://github.com/teawater/kgtp/issues or teawater@gmail.com.') exit(-1) try: os.makedirs("/build/buildd/", 0700) except: pass kernel_source = "/build/buildd/" + source shutil.rmtree(kernel_source, True) shutil.move(KGTP_DIR + source, kernel_source) #image if os.system("dpkg -s linux-image-" + kernel_version + "-dbgsym") != 0: name = get_cmd("lsb_release -cs") f = open("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list", "w+") f.write("deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ " + name + " main restricted universe multiverse\n") f.write("deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ " + name + "-security main restricted universe multiverse\n") f.write("deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ " + name + "-updates main restricted universe multiverse\n") f.write("deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ " + name + "-proposed main restricted universe multiverse\n") f.close() os.system("apt-get update") install_packages(distro, ["linux-image-" + kernel_version + "-dbgsym"], auto) kernel_image = "/usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-" + kernel_version elif distro == "Redhat" and os.system("rpm -q kernel-" + kernel_version) == 0: install_packages(distro, ["kernel-devel-" + kernel_version], auto) if os.system("rpm -q kernel-debuginfo-" + kernel_version) != 0: call_cmd("debuginfo-install kernel --skip-broken", lang.string("Install Linux kernel debug image failed. ")) kernel_source = "" kernel_image = "/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/" + kernel_version + "/vmlinux" elif distro == "openSUSE": kernel_version_list = kernel_version.split('-') if len(kernel_version_list) == 3: kernel_version0 = kernel_version_list[2] kernel_version1 = kernel_version_list[0] + '-' + kernel_version_list[1] + ".1" if os.system("rpm -q kernel-" + kernel_version0 + "-" + kernel_version1) == 0: call_cmd("zypper modifyrepo --enable repo-debug repo-debug-update") install_packages(distro, ["kernel-" + kernel_version0 + "-devel-" + kernel_version1, "kernel-" + kernel_version0 + "-devel-debuginfo-" + kernel_version1, "kernel-" + kernel_version0 + "-debugsource-" + kernel_version1], auto) kernel_source = "" kernel_image = "/usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-" + kernel_version + ".debug" #Is not auto or didn't get kernel_image if not auto or kernel_image == "": kernel_source = "" if distro == "Other": install_packages(distro, ["kernel-header", "kernel-debug-image", "kernel-source"], auto) if kernel_image != "": default_dir = kernel_image show_dir = "[" + default_dir + "]" elif os.path.exists("/lib/modules/" + kernel_version + "/build/vmlinux"): default_dir = os.path.realpath("/lib/modules/" + kernel_version + "/build/vmlinux") show_dir = "[" + default_dir + "]" else: default_dir = "" show_dir = "" while True: image_dir = raw_input(lang.string("Please input the filename of Linux kernel debug image:") + show_dir) if len(image_dir) == 0: image_dir = default_dir image_dir = os.path.realpath(image_dir) if os.path.isfile(image_dir): break kernel_image = image_dir self.set("kernel", "version", kernel_version) self.set("kernel", "source", kernel_source) self.set("kernel", "image", kernel_image) #Build KGTP if distro == "Redhat": install_packages(distro, ["glibc-static"], auto) if distro == "openSUSE": install_packages(distro, ["make", "gcc", "glibc-devel-static"], auto) call_cmd("make clean", lang.string("Build KGTP failed. "), KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/") call_cmd("make", lang.string("Build KGTP failed. "), KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/") #Insmod if not kgtp_insmod(self.get("gdb", "dir"), self.get("kernel", "image")): exit(-1) #Ask how long do a auto reconfig to update KGTP try: update_days = int(self.get("misc", "update_days")) except: update_days = -1 if not auto or update_days < 0: if update_days < 0: default_str = "" else: default_str = "[" + str(update_days) + "]" while True: try: days = input(lang.string("How many days are prompted to update KGTP source? (0 means every time):") + default_str) except SyntaxError: days = update_days except Exception: days = -1 if days >= 0: update_days = days break self.set("misc", "update_days", str(update_days)) #Install kgtp.py if not auto: while True: answer = yes_no(lang.string("Do you want install kgtp.py to current system?"), self.get("misc", "install_dir") != "", True) if not answer: self.set("misc", "install_dir") break else: if self.get("misc", "install_dir") == "": default_str = "" else: default_str = "[" + self.get("misc", "install_dir") + "]" answer = raw_input(lang.string("Please input the directory that you want to install kgtp.py:") + default_str) if len(answer) == 0: answer = self.get("misc", "install_dir") if os.path.exists(answer) and not os.path.isdir(answer): print lang.string('"%s" exists but it is not a directory.') %answer continue if len(answer) != 0: self.set("misc", "install_dir", os.path.realpath(answer) + "/") break if self.get("misc", "install_dir") != "": try: os.makedirs(self.get("misc", "install_dir"), 0700) except: pass call_cmd("cp " + KGTP_DIR + "/kgtp/kgtp.py " + self.get("misc", "install_dir") + "/", lang.string("Install kgtp.py failed. ")) call_cmd("chmod 0700 " + self.get("misc", "install_dir") + "/kgtp.py", lang.string("Install kgtp.py failed. ")) print(lang.string('Command "sudo kgtp.py" can start KGTP now.')) #Update setup_time self.set("misc", "setup_time", str(int(time.time()))) #Add a flag to mark setup complete. self.set("misc", "setup", "done") return 0 def usage(name): global KGTP_DIR print "Usage: " + name + " [option]" print "Options:" print " -l, --language=LANGUAGE Set the language (English/Chinese) of output." print " -d, --dir=KGTP_DIR Set dir of kgtp. The default is \"" + KGTP_DIR + "\"." print " -r, --reconfig Reconfig the KGTP." print " -e, --develop-mode" print " -h, --help Display this information." def init(argv): '''Return 0 if init OK. Return 1 is need simple reconfig. Return 2 is need auto reconfig. Return -1 is got error.''' global lang, config, KGTP_DIR, KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION, KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME, KGTP_PY_LAST_TIME, KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE #Check if we have root permission if os.geteuid() != 0: print "You need run this script as the root." return -1 lang = Lang() #Handle argv reconfig = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hel:d:r", ["help", "develop-mode", "language=", "dir", "reconfig"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage(argv[0]) return -1 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage(argv[0]) return -1 if opt in ("-e", "--develop-mode"): KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE = True elif opt in ("-l", "--language"): lang.set_language(arg) elif opt in ("-d", "--dir"): KGTP_DIR = arg elif opt in ("-r", "--reconfig"): reconfig = True #Get KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME = os.path.realpath(argv[0]) KGTP_PY_LAST_TIME = os.path.getmtime(KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME) #Dir if os.path.exists(KGTP_DIR): if not os.path.isdir(KGTP_DIR): print lang.string('"%s" is not a directory.') %KGTP_DIR exit(-1) else: os.mkdir(KGTP_DIR) os.chdir(KGTP_DIR) KGTP_DIR = os.path.realpath(KGTP_DIR) + "/" #Config config = Config() try: config.read(KGTP_DIR + "config") except Exception, x: print lang.string('Get following error when read config file "%s":') %config.filename print x return 1 if reconfig: return 1 #Set lang if not lang.is_set: lang.set_language(config.get("misc", "language")) #Check if config is done if config.get("misc", "setup") != "done": print lang.string('Config is not complete.') return 1 #Check if this kgtp.py in kgtp dir or same with it. #If not, restart and use kgtp.py in kgtp dir. if not KGTP_PY_DEVELOP_MODE \ and KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME != os.path.realpath(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py") \ and os.path.isfile(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py") \ and os.system("diff " + KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py " + KGTP_PY_DIR_NAME) != 0: print(lang.string('kgtp.py is different with "%s", restarting...') %(KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py")) os.execl("/usr/bin/python", "python", KGTP_DIR + "kgtp/kgtp.py") #Distro if get_distro() != config.get("misc", "distro"): print lang.string('Distro is changed.') return 1 #GDB if get_gdb_version(config.get("gdb", "dir")) < KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION: print lang.string('Cannot execute GDB in "%s" or its version is older than %s.') %config.get("gdb", "dir"), str(KGTP_NEED_GDB_VERSION) return 1 #Kernel if get_cmd("uname -r") != config.get("kernel", "version"): print lang.string('Current Linux kernel version is not "%s".') %config.get("kernel", "version") return 1 if config.get("kernel", "source") != "" \ and not os.path.isdir(config.get("kernel", "source")): print lang.string('Linux kernel source "%s" is not right.') %config.get("kernel", "source") return 1 if config.get("kernel", "image") != "" \ and not os.path.isfile(config.get("kernel", "image")): print lang.string('Linux kernel debug image "%s" is not right.') %config.get("kernel", "image") return 1 #Insmod kgtp if not kgtp_insmod(config.get("gdb", "dir"), config.get("kernel", "image")): return 1 #Check if need auto check try: update_days = int(config.get("misc", "update_days")) setup_time = int(config.get("misc", "setup_time")) except: print lang.string('Config is not complete.') return 1 if update_days * 24 * 3600 + setup_time < int(time.time()): if update_days > 0: print lang.string("KGTP source has not been updated more than %d days.") %update_days if yes_no(lang.string("Update source of KGTP?"), True, update_days > 0): return 2 return 0 def run(): global config ret = init(sys.argv) if ret > 0: #KGTP need setup. auto = False if ret == 2: auto = True ret = config.setup(auto) if ret < 0: exit(ret) gdb_dir = config.get("gdb", "dir") os.execl(gdb_dir, gdb_dir, config.get("kernel", "image"), "-ex", "target remote /sys/kernel/debug/gtp") if __name__ == "__main__": run()