<?php $running = true; $exitSig = 0; function signal(int $sig) { global $running, $exitSig; $exitSig = $sig; $running = false; // share_var_set(THREAD_TASK_NAME, debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS)); if(is_main_task()) { task_set_run(false); } else { /*ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); echo THREAD_TASK_NAME, PHP_EOL; debug_print_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); echo ob_get_clean();*/ } } function signal_timeout(int $sig) { throw new TimeoutException('Execute timeout'); } pcntl_async_signals(true); pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'signal', false); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'signal', false); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, 'signal', false); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR2, 'signal', false); pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, 'signal_timeout', false); pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, []); define('IS_TO_FILE', ($env = getenv('IS_TO_FILE')) === false ? true : !empty($env)); isset($onBody) or ($onBody = 'onBody'); isset($onRequest) or ($onRequest = 'onRequest'); $statres = ts_var_declare('statres'); if(!is_main_task()) { // echo THREAD_TASK_NAME . PHP_EOL; $aptres = ts_var_declare('aptres', null, true); $wsres = ts_var_declare('wsres', null, true); if(THREAD_TASK_NAME === 'ws') { $rfd = ts_var_fd($wsres); $bufs = []; $reads = []; $wfds = $efds = null; while($running) { $rfds = $reads; $rfds[] = $rfd; if(($i = @socket_select($rfds, $wfds, $efds, 30)) === false) continue; if($i === 0) { // echo "PING\n"; $buf = mask('ping', 0x89); foreach($reads as $i=>$fd) { if(@socket_write($fd, $buf) === false) { unset($reads[$i], $bufs[$i]); //@socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); @socket_close($fd); } } continue; } $i = array_search($rfd, $rfds, true); if($i !== false) { unset($rfds[$i]); if(!@socket_read($rfd, 1)) continue; list($fd, $addr, $port) = ts_var_shift($wsres); $fd = socket_import_fd($fd); $buf = mask("$addr:$port connected"); @socket_write($fd, $buf); // var_dump($buf); $reads[] = $fd; } foreach($rfds as $fd) { $i = array_search($fd, $reads, true); $buf = @socket_read($fd, 16384); if($buf === false) { close: unset($reads[$i], $bufs[$i]); //@socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); @socket_close($fd); } else { // unmask for message if(isset($bufs[$i])) { if(is_string($bufs[$i])) { $buf = $bufs[$i] . $buf; unset($bufs[$i]); } else { $masks = $bufs[$i][0]; $buf = $bufs[$i][1] . $buf; $length = $bufs[$i][2]; $ctl = $bufs[$i][3]; $n = strlen($buf); if($n < $length) { $bufs[$i][1] = $buf; $buf = null; continue; } elseif($n == $length) { unset($bufs[$i]); } else { $bufs[$i] = substr($buf, $length); $buf = substr($buf, 0, $length); } goto unmask; } } unpack: $n = strlen($buf); if($n < 6) { trybuf: $bufs[$i] = $buf; $buf = null; continue; } $cc = unpack('C2', $buf); if(!($cc[1] & 0x80) || ($cc[1] & 0x70) || !($cc[2] & 0x80)) { // !FIN || (RSV1 || RSV2 || RSV3) || !Mask ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); goto close; } $ctl = $cc[1] & 0xf; $length = $cc[2] & 0x7f; unset($cc); if($length == 126) { if($n < 8) goto trybuf; $length = unpack('n', $buf, 2)[1]; $masks = substr($buf, 4, 4); $buf = substr($buf, 8); } elseif($length == 127) { if($n < 14) goto trybuf; $length = unpack('J', $buf, 2)[1]; $masks = substr($buf, 10, 4); $buf = substr($buf, 14); } else { $masks = substr($buf, 2, 4); $buf = substr($buf, 6); } $n = strlen($buf); if($n < $length) { $bufs[$i] = [$masks, $buf, $length, $ctl]; $buf = $masks = null; continue; } elseif($n > $length) { $bufs[$i] = substr($buf, $length); $buf = substr($buf, 0, $length); } unmask: $text = ""; for($_i = 0; $_i < $length; ++$_i) { $text .= $buf[$_i] ^ $masks[$_i % 4]; } $buf = $text; switch($ctl) { case 0x1: // text case 0x2: // binary break; case 0x8: // close if($length > 2) { $errno = unpack('n', $buf)[1]; $error = substr($buf, 2); echo "WebSocket($errno): $error\n"; } goto close; break; case 0x9: // ping // echo "ping\n"; if(@socket_write($fd, mask($buf, 0x8a)) === false) goto close; goto next; break; case 0xA: // pong // echo "pong\n"; goto next; break; default: ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); goto close; break; } ts_var_inc($statres, 'success', 1); // mask for message $buf = mask($buf); // send message foreach($reads as $_i=>$_fd) { if(@socket_write($_fd, $buf) === false) { unset($reads[$_i], $bufs[$_i]); $_i = array_search($_fd, $rfds, true); if($_i !== false) unset($rfds[$_i]); //@socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); @socket_close($fd); } } next: if(isset($bufs[$i])) { $buf = $bufs[$i]; unset($bufs[$i]); goto unpack; } } } $buf = $text = $masks = null; } socket_export_fd($rfd, true); // skip close socket $rfds = null; foreach($reads as $fd) { //@socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); @socket_close($fd); } } elseif(strncmp(THREAD_TASK_NAME, 'accept', 6) == 0) { //$sock = socket_import_fd((int) $_SERVER['argv'][1]); $sock = (int) $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $flag = (bool) $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $_host = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; $_port = $_SERVER['argv'][4]; $wfd = ts_var_fd($aptres, true); while($running && ($fd = @socket_accept_ex($sock, $addr, $port)) !== false) { @socket_set_option($fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, ['l_onoff'=>1, 'l_linger'=>1]) or strerror('socket_set_option', false); $i = ts_var_inc($statres, 'conns', 1); $fd = socket_export_fd($fd, true); ts_var_set($aptres, $i, [$fd,$addr,$port]); if($flag || ts_var_inc($statres, 'accept', -1) < 0) { create_task('read' . $i, __FILE__, [1,$_host,$_port]); if(!$flag) ts_var_inc($statres, 'accept', 1); } else @socket_write($wfd, 'a', 1); } //socket_export_fd($sock, true); // skip close socket socket_export_fd($wfd, true); // skip close socket //echo THREAD_TASK_NAME . " Closed\n"; } elseif(empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; is_file('http-server-load.php') and require('http-server-load.php'); $rfd = ts_var_fd($aptres); $wfd = ts_var_fd($wsres, true); ts_var_inc($statres, 'accept', 1); while($running) { if(!($a = @socket_read($rfd, 1))) continue; if($a !== 'a') break; list($fd, $addr, $port) = ts_var_shift($aptres); $fd = socket_import_fd($fd); $t = microtime(true); do { $request = new HttpRequest($fd, $addr, $port, $onBody); while(($ret = $request->read()) === false); if(!$request->isHTTP) break; // var_dump($request, $ret); if($request->isKeepAlive && microtime(true) - $t >= min(10, $request->headers['Keep-Alive']??10)) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; } if($ret) { $response = $request->getResponse(); if($request->isKeepAlive) { $response->headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'; } else { $response->headers['Connection'] = 'close'; } if($response->end(call($onRequest, $request, $response))) { ts_var_inc($statres, 'success', 1); if($response->isWebSocket) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; $fd = socket_export_fd($fd, true); ts_var_push($wsres, [$fd,$addr,$port]); @socket_write($wfd, 'a'); } } else { ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); break; } } else { if($ret === 0) { $response = $request->getResponse(400, 'Bad Request'); $response->setContentType('text/plain'); $response->headers['Connection'] = 'close'; $response->end('Bad Request'); } ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); } } while($ret && $request->isKeepAlive); $request = $response = $addr = null; //is_int($fd) or @socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); is_int($fd) or @socket_close($fd); ts_var_inc($statres, 'accept', 1); } socket_export_fd($rfd, true); // skip close socket socket_export_fd($wfd, true); // skip close socket //echo THREAD_TASK_NAME . " Closed\n"; } else { $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; is_file('http-server-load.php') and require('http-server-load.php'); list($fd, $addr, $port) = ts_var_shift($aptres); $fd = socket_import_fd($fd); $t = microtime(true); do { $request = new HttpRequest($fd, $addr, $port, $onBody); while(($ret = $request->read()) === false); if(!$request->isHTTP) break; // var_dump($request, $ret); if($request->isKeepAlive && microtime(true) - $t >= 10) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; } if($ret) { $response = $request->getResponse(); if($request->isKeepAlive) { $response->headers['Connection'] = ($request->headers['Connection'] ?? 'Keep-Alive'); } else { $response->headers['Connection'] = 'close'; } if($response->end(call($onRequest, $request, $response))) { ts_var_inc($statres, 'success', 1); if($response->isWebSocket) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; $fd = socket_export_fd($fd, true); ts_var_push($wsres, [$fd,$addr,$port]); $wfd = ts_var_fd($wsres, true); @socket_write($wfd, 'a'); socket_export_fd($wfd, true); } } else { ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); break; } } else { if($ret === 0) { $response = $request->getResponse(400, 'Bad Request'); $response->setContentType('text/plain'); $response->headers['Connection'] = 'close'; $response->end('Bad Request'); } ts_var_inc($statres, 'error', 1); } } while($ret && $request->isKeepAlive); //is_int($fd) or @socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); is_int($fd) or @socket_close($fd); } } else { $host = ($_SERVER['argv'][1]??''); $port = ($_SERVER['argv'][2]??5000); $flag = ($_SERVER['argv'][3]??0); $tasks = ($_SERVER['argv'][4]??100); ($sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) or strerror('socket_create'); @socket_set_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or strerror('socket_set_option', false); @socket_bind($sock, $host, (int)$port) or strerror('socket_bind'); @socket_listen($sock, 128) or strerror('socket_listen'); $fd = socket_export_fd($sock); echo "Server listening on $host:$port\n"; share_var_init(3); $aptres = ts_var_declare('aptres', null, true); $wsres = ts_var_declare('wsres', null, true); create_task('ws', __FILE__, []); if(!$flag) for($i=0; $i<$tasks; $i++) create_task('read' . $i, __FILE__, [0,$host,$port]); for($i=0; $i<4; $i++) create_task('accept' . $i, __FILE__, [$fd,$flag,$host,$port]); $n = $ns = $ne = 0; while($running) { for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { usleep(100000); trigger_timeout(); } $n2 = ts_var_get($statres, 'conns'); $n3 = ts_var_count($aptres); $n4 = ts_var_get($statres, 'success'); $n5 = ts_var_get($statres, 'error'); $n = $n2 - $n; $ns = $n4 - $ns; $ne = $n5 - $ne; echo "$n connects, $n3 accepts, $ns successes, $ne errors\n"; $n = $n2; $ns = $n4; $ne = $n5; //var_dump(share_var_get()); } $wfd = ts_var_fd($aptres, true); @socket_write($wfd, str_repeat('e', task_get_threads(true))); socket_export_fd($wfd, true); // skip close socket unset($wfd); task_wait($exitSig?:SIGINT); $accepts = ts_var_get($aptres) + ts_var_get($wsres); foreach($accepts as $i=>$_fd) { list($fd, $addr, $port) = $_fd; echo $str = "unread($addr:$port): $i=>$fd\n"; $fd = socket_import_fd($fd); @socket_shutdown($fd) or strerror('socket_shutdown', false); @socket_close($fd); } @socket_shutdown($sock) or strerror('socket_shutdown'); @socket_close($sock); // $vars = share_var_get(); // ksort($vars); // echo json_encode($vars, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); share_var_destory(); echo "Stoped\n"; } function strerror(string $msg, bool $isExit = true) { $err = socket_last_error(); socket_clear_error(); if($err === SOCKET_EINTR) return; ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); debug_print_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); $trace = ob_get_clean(); printf("[%s] %s(%d): %s\n%s", THREAD_TASK_NAME, $msg, $err, socket_strerror($err), $trace); if($isExit) exit; else return true; } function mask(string $txt, int $ctl = 0x81) { $n = strlen($txt); if($n <= 125) return pack('CC', $ctl, $n) . $txt; elseif($n > 125 && $n < 65536) return pack('CCn', $ctl, 126, $n) . $txt; else return pack('CCJ', $ctl, 127, $n) . $txt; } function get_status_text_by_code($code) { switch ($code) { case 100: $text = 'Continue'; break; case 101: $text = 'Switching Protocols'; break; case 200: $text = 'OK'; break; case 201: $text = 'Created'; break; case 202: $text = 'Accepted'; break; case 203: $text = 'Non-Authoritative Information'; break; case 204: $text = 'No Content'; break; case 205: $text = 'Reset Content'; break; case 206: $text = 'Partial Content'; break; case 300: $text = 'Multiple Choices'; break; case 301: $text = 'Moved Permanently'; break; case 302: $text = 'Moved Temporarily'; break; case 303: $text = 'See Other'; break; case 304: $text = 'Not Modified'; break; case 305: $text = 'Use Proxy'; break; case 400: $text = 'Bad Request'; break; case 401: $text = 'Unauthorized'; break; case 402: $text = 'Payment Required'; break; case 403: $text = 'Forbidden'; break; case 404: $text = 'Not Found'; break; case 405: $text = 'Method Not Allowed'; break; case 406: $text = 'Not Acceptable'; break; case 407: $text = 'Proxy Authentication Required'; break; case 408: $text = 'Request Time-out'; break; case 409: $text = 'Conflict'; break; case 410: $text = 'Gone'; break; case 411: $text = 'Length Required'; break; case 412: $text = 'Precondition Failed'; break; case 413: $text = 'Request Entity Too Large'; break; case 414: $text = 'Request-URI Too Large'; break; case 415: $text = 'Unsupported Media Type'; break; case 500: $text = 'Internal Server Error'; break; case 501: $text = 'Not Implemented'; break; case 502: $text = 'Bad Gateway'; break; case 503: $text = 'Service Unavailable'; break; case 504: $text = 'Gateway Time-out'; break; case 505: $text = 'HTTP Version not supported'; break; default : $text = 'Unknown'; break; } return $text; } function call(callable $call, HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response = null) { try { return go($call, $request, $response); } catch (GoExitException $e) { $status = $e->getStatus(); if(is_int($status)) { if($response) { $response->status = $status; $response->statusText = get_status_text_by_code($status); } return null; } else { return (string) $status; } } catch(Throwable $e) { $e = (string) $e; error_log("{$request->head}\n$e"); $ret = ($response ? $e : false); if(!$response) { $response = $request->getResponse(); } $response->status = 500; $response->statusText = 'Internal Server Error'; $response->setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8'); if(!$ret) $response->end($e); return $ret; } } function onBody(HttpRequest $request): bool { $request->isDav = strncmp($request->path . '/', '/dav/', 5) === 0; if($request->isDav) { if($request->method === 'POST' || $request->method === 'PUT') { $fp = @fopen(__DIR__ . $request->path, 'wb+'); if($fp) { $request->setFp($fp); } else { $response = $request->getResponse(404, 'Not Found'); $response->end('<h1>Not Found: fopen failure</h1>'); return false; } } } elseif($request->bodylen > 8*1024*1024) { $response = $request->getResponse(413, 'Request Entity Too Large'); $response->end('<h1>Request Entity Too Large</h1>'); return false; } return true; } class TimeoutException extends Exception { } function onRequest(HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response): ?string { switch($request->path) { case '/request-info': if(isset($request->get['json'])) { $response->setContentType('application/json; charset=utf-8'); return json_encode($request, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { $response->setContentType('text/plain'); return var_export($request, true); } case '/hello-json': $response->setContentType('application/json'); return json_encode(['method'=>$request->method, 'message'=>'Hello threadtask!']); case '/null': unset($response->headers['Content-Type']); return null; case '/chunked': $response->setContentType('text/plain'); $n = rand(5, 50); for($i=0;$i<$n;$i++) $response->write("LINE: $i/$n\r\n"); return $n % 2 === 0 ? null : "END: $i/$n\r\n"; case '/ws': return onWebSocket($request, $response); case '/setcookie': $response->setCookie( $request->get['name'] ?? 'test', $request->get['value'] ?? null, (int) ($request->get['expires'] ?? 0), $request->get['path'] ?? '', $request->get['domain'] ?? '', !empty($request->get['secure']), !empty($request->get['httponly']), $request->get['samesite'] ?? '' ); return null; case '/timeout': set_timeout(1); $t = microtime(true); try { sleep(5); return null; } catch(TimeoutException $e) { $response->status = 408; $response->statusText = 'Request Timeout'; $response->headers['Run-Time'] = microtime(true) - $t; return '<h1>Request Timeout</h1>'; } finally { clear_timeout(); } case '/mysql': global $DB, $CFG, $DB_time, $DB_wait; try { $t = microtime(true); if(!$DB || $DB_time < $t || array_diff($CFG, $request->get['cfg']??[])) { $CFG = $request->get['cfg']??[]; $DB = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . ($CFG['db']??'test') . ';host=' . ($CFG['host']??'localhost'), $CFG['user']??'root', $CFG['pass']??'123456'); $query = $DB->prepare('SELECT @@wait_timeout'); $query->execute(); $DB_wait = (int) $query->fetchColumn(0); $response->headers['Wait-Timeout'] = $DB_wait; } $query = $DB->prepare($request->get['query']??'show tables'); $query->execute(); $DB_time = $t + $DB_wait; $response->setContentType('application/json; charset=utf-8'); return json_encode($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)); } catch(PDOException $e) { $response->setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8'); return (string) $e; } break; default: if($request->isDav) { switch($request->method) { case 'OPTIONS': $response->headers['Allow'] = 'HEAD, GET, PUT, MKCOL, DELETE'; return null; case 'POST': case 'PUT': if(($n = @filesize($path)) !== $request->bodylen) { $response->status = 500; $response->statusText = 'Internal Server Error'; return $n === false ? 'Upload failure' : 'File size not equal'; } else { return 'OK'; } break; case 'MKCOL': if(is_dir($path)) { return 'The directory already exists'; } elseif(@mkdir($path, 0755, true)) { return 'OK'; } else { $response->status = 500; $response->statusText = 'Internal Server Error'; return 'mkdir failure'; } case 'DELETE': if(@unlink($path)) { return 'OK'; } else { $response->status = 500; $response->statusText = 'Internal Server Error'; return 'Delete failure'; } break; } } return onMediaFile($request, $response, __DIR__ . $request->path); break; } } function onWebSocket(HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response): ?string { if(!isset($request->headers['Upgrade'], $request->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'], $request->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Version']) || empty($request->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key']) || $request->headers['Upgrade'] !== 'websocket') { $response->status = 404; $response->statusText = 'Not Found'; return '<h1>Not Found</h1>'; } $host = $request->headers['Host'] ?? ''; $secAccept = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($request->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Key'] . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'))); $response->status = 101; $response->statusText = 'Web Socket Protocol Handshake'; $response->headers['Upgrade'] = 'websocket'; $response->headers['Connection'] = 'Upgrade'; $response->headers['WebSocket-Origin'] = $host; $response->headers['WebSocket-Location'] = 'ws://' . $host . $request->path; $response->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Version'] = $request->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Version']; $response->headers['Sec-WebSocket-Accept'] = $secAccept; $response->isWebSocket = true; return null; } function onMediaFile(HttpRequest $request, HttpResponse $response, string $path, bool $isDir = true): ?string { static $MIME_TYPES = [ 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'php' => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'css' => 'text/css', 'js' => 'text/javascript', 'json' => 'application/json', 'xml' => 'application/xml', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'flv' => 'video/x-flv', 'woff' => 'font/woff', 'woff2' => 'font/woff2', 'sh' => 'application/x-shellscript', 'md' => 'text/markdown', 'o' => 'application/x-object', // images 'png' => 'image/png', 'jpe' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', 'jpg' => 'image/jpeg', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'bmp' => 'image/bmp', 'ico' => 'image/x-icon', 'tiff' => 'image/tiff', 'tif' => 'image/tiff', 'svg' => 'image/svg+xml', 'svgz' => 'image/svg+xml', // archives 'zip' => 'application/zip', 'rar' => 'application/x-rar-compressed', 'exe' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'msi' => 'application/x-msdownload', 'cab' => 'application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed', // audio/video 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'qt' => 'video/quicktime', 'mov' => 'video/quicktime', // adobe 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'psd' => 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'ai' => 'application/postscript', 'eps' => 'application/postscript', 'ps' => 'application/postscript', // ms office 'doc' => 'application/msword', 'rtf' => 'application/rtf', 'xls' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'ppt' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', // open office 'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'ods' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', ]; switch($request->method) { case 'OPTIONS': $response->headers['Allow'] = 'HEAD, GET'; return null; case 'HEAD': case 'GET': break; default: $response->status = 405; $response->statusText = 'Method Not Allowed'; return '<h1>Method Not Allowed</h1>'; } if(is_dir($path)) { if(!$isDir) goto end404; $files = []; $_path = rtrim($request->path, '/') . '/'; if(($dh = @opendir($path)) !== false) { while(($f=readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($f === '.' || $f === '..') continue; $st = stat($path . '/' . $f); $files[] = [ 'name' => $f, 'url' => $_path . $f, 'size' => $st['size'], 'perms' => getperms($st['mode'], $type), 'type' => $type, 'atime' => $st['atime'], 'mtime' => $st['mtime'], 'ctime' => $st['ctime'], ]; } closedir($dh); } $key = ($request->get['key'] ?? 'name'); $sort = ($request->get['sort'] ?? 'asc'); if($files) { if($key === 'url' || !isset($files[0][$key])) $key = 'name'; switch($key) { case 'size': case 'atime': case 'mtime': case 'ctime': $call = function(array $a, array $b) use($key) {return $a[$key] <=> $b[$key];}; break; default: $call = function(array $a, array $b) use($key) {return strcmp($a[$key], $b[$key]);}; break; } if($sort === 'asc') usort($files, $call); else usort($files, function(array $a, array $b) use($call) {return -$call($a, $b);}); } if(isset($request->get['json'])) { $response->setContentType('application/json; charset=utf-8'); return json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); ?><!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <meta name="referrer" content="origin" /> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-transform" /> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-siteapp" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <title><?=$request->path?></title> <style type="text/css"> body{margin:0;padding:5px;} table{border:1px #ccc solid;border-width:1px 0 0 1px;border-spacing:0;margin:0 auto;} th,td{border:1px #ccc solid;padding:5px;} td{border-width:0 1px 1px 0;} th{border-width:0 1px 2px 0;} </style> </head> <body> <table> <thead> <tr><?php $titles = [ 'name' => 'Name', 'size' => 'Size', 'type' => 'Type', 'perms' => 'Perm', 'atime' => 'Time of last access', 'mtime' => 'Time of last modification', 'ctime' => 'Time of last modification', ]; foreach($titles as $k=>$t): if($k === $key): ?><th><a href="?key=<?=$k?><?=($sort === 'asc' ? '&sort=desc' : null)?>"><?=$t?><?=($sort === 'asc' ? '↑' : '↓')?></a></th><?php else: ?><th><a href="?key=<?=$k?>"><?=$t?></a></th><?php endif; endforeach; ?></tr> </thead> <tbody><?php if($request->path !== '/'): ?><tr><td colspan="7"><a href="<?=dirname($request->path)?>">..</a></td></tr><?php endif; foreach($files as $file): ?><tr> <td><a href="<?=$file['url']?>"><?=$file['name']?></a></td> <td><?=$file['size']?></td> <td><?=$file['type']?></td> <td><?=$file['perms']?></td> <td><?=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file['atime'])?></td> <td><?=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file['mtime'])?></td> <td><?=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file['ctime'])?></td> </tr><?php endforeach; ?></tbody> </table> </body> </html> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } elseif(is_file($path)) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if(isset($request->get['format']) && $ext === 'php') { return ($buf = highlight_file($path, true)) === false ? null : $buf; } if(($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) !== false) { if(isset($MIME_TYPES[$ext])) $response->setContentType($MIME_TYPES[$ext]); else unset($response->headers['Content-Type']); $stat = @fstat($fp); if($stat === false) { fclose($fp); $response->status = 404; $response->statusText = 'Not Found'; return '<h1>Not Found</h1>'; } $response->headers['Last-Modified'] = gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', $stat['mtime']); $response->headers['ETag'] = sprintf('%xT-%xO', $stat['mtime'], $stat['size']); $response->headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'; $response->headers['Expires'] = gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', time() + 60); $response->headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=60'; if(isset($request->headers['If-None-Match'])) { if($request->headers['If-None-Match'] === $response->headers['ETag']) { $response->headers['If-None-Match'] = 'false'; $response->status = 304; $response->statusText = 'Not Modified'; @fclose($fp); return null; } else { $response->headers['If-None-Match'] = 'true'; } } if(isset($request->headers['If-Modified-Since'])) { if($request->headers['If-Modified-Since'] === $response->headers['Last-Modified']) { $response->headers['If-Modified-Since'] = 'true'; $response->status = 304; $response->statusText = 'Not Modified'; @fclose($fp); return null; } else { $response->headers['If-Modified-Since'] = 'false'; } } if(isset($request->headers['If-Unmodified-Since'])) { if(strcmp($request->headers['If-Unmodified-Since'], $response->headers['Last-Modified']) < 0) { $response->headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = 'false'; $response->status = 412; $response->statusText = 'Precondition failed'; @fclose($fp); return null; } else { $response->headers['If-Unmodified-Since'] = 'true'; } } if(isset($request->headers['If-Range'])) { if(isset($request->headers['Range']) && $request->headers['If-Range'] === $response->headers['Last-Modified']) { goto range; } } elseif(isset($request->headers['Range'])) { range: $ranges = []; $range = $request->headers['Range']; $n = preg_match_all('/(bytes=)?([0-9]+)\-([0-9]*),?\s*/i', $request->headers['Range'], $matches); if($n && implode('', $matches[0]) === $range) { for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $range = $matches[3][$i]; $start = $matches[2][$i]; $end = ($range === '' ? $stat['size']-1 : $range); $ranges[] = [$start, $end]; if($start < 0 || $start > $stat['size'] || $end < 0 || $end > $stat['size']) { $response->status = 416; $response->statusText = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'; @fclose($fp); return null; } } if($n > 1) { $boundary = bin2hex(random_bytes(8)); $boundaryEnd = "--$boundary--\r\n"; $contentType = $response->headers['Content-Type']; $response->status = 206; $response->statusText = 'Partial Content'; $response->headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/byteranges; boundary=' . $boundary; $size = strlen($boundaryEnd); foreach($ranges as &$range) { $range[2] = "--$boundary\r\nContent-Type: {$contentType}\r\nContent-Range: bytes {$range[0]}-{$range[1]}/{$stat['size']}\r\n\r\n"; $size += strlen($range[2]) + $range[1] - $range[0] + 3; } unset($range); $response->headSend($size); foreach($ranges as $range) { if(!$response->send($range[2])) { @fclose($fp); return null; } $size = $range[1] - $range[0] + 1; @fseek($fp, $range[0], SEEK_SET); while($size > 0 && !@feof($fp)) { if(($buf = @fread($fp, min(8192, $size))) === false) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; @fclose($fp); return null; } else { if(!$response->send($buf)) { @fclose($fp); return null; } $size -= strlen($buf); } } if(!$response->send("\r\n")) { @fclose($fp); return null; } } $response->send($boundaryEnd); } else { $size = $ranges[0][1] - $ranges[0][0] + 1; if($size === $stat['size']) goto all; $response->status = 206; $response->statusText = 'Partial Content'; $response->headers['Content-Range'] = "bytes {$ranges[0][0]}-$ranges[0][1]/{$stat['size']}"; $response->headSend($size); fseek($fp, $ranges[0][0], SEEK_SET); while($size > 0 && !@feof($fp)) { if(($buf = @fread($fp, min($size, 8192))) === false) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; break; } else { if(!$response->send($buf)) break; $size -= strlen($buf); } } } @fclose($fp); return null; } } all: $response->headSend($stat['size']); if($request->method === 'GET') { while(!@feof($fp)) { if(($buf = @fread($fp, 8192)) === false) { $request->isKeepAlive = false; break; } else { if(!$response->send($buf)) break; } } } @fclose($fp); return null; } else { goto end404; } } else { end404: $response->status = 404; $response->statusText = 'Not Found'; return '<h1>Not Found</h1>'; } } function getperms(int $mode, ?string &$type = null) { if (($mode & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { // Socket $info = 's'; $type = 'Socket'; } elseif (($mode & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { // Symbolic Link $info = 'l'; $type = 'Symbolic Link'; } elseif (($mode & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { // Regular $info = '-'; $type = 'Regular'; } elseif (($mode & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { // Block special $info = 'b'; $type = 'Block special'; } elseif (($mode & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { // Directory $info = 'd'; $type = 'Directory'; } elseif (($mode & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { // Character special $info = 'c'; $type = 'Character special'; } elseif (($mode & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $info = 'p'; $type = 'FIFO pipe'; } else { // Unknown $info = 'u'; $type = 'Unknown'; } // Owner $info .= (($mode & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0040) ? (($mode & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($mode & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); // Group $info .= (($mode & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0008) ? (($mode & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($mode & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); // World $info .= (($mode & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($mode & 0x0001) ? (($mode & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($mode & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info; } class HttpRequest { public $clientAddr = null; public $clientPort = 0; public $readlen = 0; public $head = null; public $method = null; public $uri = null; public $protocol = null; public $isHTTP = false; public $path = null; public $query = null; public $fragment = null; public $get = []; public $headers = []; public $cookies = []; public $post = []; public $files = []; public $isKeepAlive = false; private $fd; public $mode = self::MODE_FIRST; public $buf = null; public $bodymode = 0; public $bodytype = null; public $bodyargs = []; public $bodylen = 0; public $bodyoff = 0; public $isDav = false; private $onBody = null; private $isToFile = IS_TO_FILE; private $fp = null; private $formmode = self::FORM_MODE_BOUNDARY; private $boundary = null; private $boundaryBgn = null; private $boundaryPos = null; private $boundaryEnd = null; private $formheaders = []; private $formargs = []; const MODE_FIRST = 1; const MODE_HEAD = 2; const MODE_BODY = 3; const MODE_END = 4; const BODY_MODE_URL_ENCODED = 1; const BODY_MODE_FORM_DATA = 2; const BODY_MODE_JSON = 3; const FORM_MODE_BOUNDARY = 1; const FORM_MODE_HEAD = 2; const FORM_MODE_VALUE = 3; public function __construct($fd, string $addr, int $port, ?callable $onBody = null) { $this->fd = $fd; $this->clientAddr = $addr; $this->clientPort = $port; $this->onBody = $onBody; } public function __destruct() { if($this->fp) { fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = null; } foreach($this->files as $file) { empty($file['path']) or unlink($file['path']); } $this->unregisterVars(); } public function setFp($fp) { if($this->bodylen > 0 && $this->bodyoff === 0) $this->fp = $fp; } public function getResponse(int $status = 200, $statusText = 'OK'): HttpResponse { return new HttpResponse($this->fd, $this->protocol??'HTTP/1.0', $status, $statusText); } public function read() { if($this->mode === self::MODE_END) return true; $n = @socket_recv($this->fd, $buf, 16384, 0); if($n === false) { if($this->readlen) strerror('socket_recv', false); else socket_clear_error(); return null; } if($n <= 0) { return null; } $this->readlen += $n; // echo $buf; if($this->buf !== null) { $n2 = strlen($this->buf); $n += $n2; $buf = $this->buf . $buf; $this->buf = null; } else { $n2 = 0; } $i = 0; while($i < $n) { switch($this->mode) { case self::MODE_FIRST: $pos = strpos($buf, "\r\n", $i); if($pos === false) { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); $i = $n; } else { $this->head = substr($buf, $i, $pos-$i); @list($this->method, $this->uri, $this->protocol) = explode(' ', $this->head, 3); $uri = parse_url($this->uri); if(isset($uri['path'])) { $this->path = $uri['path']; if(strpos($this->path, '%') !== false) $this->path = urldecode($this->path); $this->isHTTP = preg_match('/HTTP\/1\.[01]/', $this->protocol) > 0; } if(isset($uri['query'])) { $this->query = $uri['query']; parse_str($uri['query'], $this->get); } if(isset($uri['fragment'])) { $this->fragment = $uri['fragment']; } $i = $pos + 2; $this->mode = self::MODE_HEAD; } break; case self::MODE_HEAD: $pos = strpos($buf, "\r\n", $i); if($pos === false) { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); $i = $n; } elseif($i === $pos) { $i += 2; $this->bodylen = (int) ($this->headers['Content-Length'] ?? 0); if($this->bodylen < 0) $this->bodylen = 0; $this->mode = ($this->bodylen ? self::MODE_BODY : self::MODE_END); $this->isKeepAlive = (isset($this->headers['Connection']) && !strcasecmp($this->headers['Connection'], 'keep-alive')); $args = $this->getHeadArgs($this->headers['Content-Type'] ?? ''); $this->bodytype = $args[0]; unset($args[0]); $this->bodyargs = $args; if(!empty($this->headers['Cookie'])) { $cookies = (array) $this->headers['Cookie']; foreach($cookies as $cookie) { if(($cookie = preg_split('/;\s+/', $cookie, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) !== false) { foreach($cookie as $_cookie) { @list($name, $value) = explode('=', $_cookie, 2); $this->cookies[$name] = urldecode($value); } } } } if(($onBody = $this->onBody) !== null && !call($onBody, $this)) { return null; } if(isset($this->headers['Expect']) && $this->headers['Expect'] === '100-continue') { if(!$this->send("{$this->protocol} 100 Continue\r\n\r\n")) return null; } switch($this->bodytype) { case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': $this->bodymode = self::BODY_MODE_URL_ENCODED; break; case 'multipart/form-data': $this->bodymode = self::BODY_MODE_FORM_DATA; $this->boundary = $this->bodyargs['boundary']; $this->boundaryBgn = '--' . $this->boundary; $this->boundaryPos = "\r\n--{$this->boundary}"; $this->boundaryEnd = '--' . $this->boundary . '--'; break; case 'application/json': $this->bodymode = self::BODY_MODE_JSON; break; default: break; } } else { @list($name, $value) = preg_split('/:\s*/', substr($buf, $i, $pos-$i), 2); if(isset($this->headers[$name])) { $_value = & $this->headers[$name]; if(!is_array($_value)) { $_value = (array) $_value; } $_value[] = $value; } else { $this->headers[$name] = $value; } $i = $pos + 2; } break; case self::MODE_BODY: // echo 'BODYOFF: ', $n-$i, "\n"; $this->bodyoff += $n - $i - $n2; if($this->bodymode === self::BODY_MODE_FORM_DATA) { while($i < $n) { switch($this->formmode) { case self::FORM_MODE_BOUNDARY: $pos = strpos($buf, "\r\n", $i); if($pos === false) { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); $i = $n; } elseif(($boundary = substr($buf, $i, $pos-$i)) === $this->boundaryBgn) { $this->formmode = self::FORM_MODE_HEAD; $i = $pos + 2; } elseif($boundary === $this->boundaryEnd) { $this->mode = self::MODE_END; $this->buf = null; $i = $n; } else { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); // var_dump('BOUNDARY', $boundary, $this->boundaryBgn, $this->boundaryEnd); return 0; } break; case self::FORM_MODE_HEAD: $pos = strpos($buf, "\r\n", $i); if($pos === false) { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); $i = $n; } elseif($i === $pos) { $this->formmode = self::FORM_MODE_VALUE; $i += 2; $this->formargs = $this->getHeadArgs($this->formheaders['Content-Disposition']); if($this->formargs[0] !== 'form-data') { $this->buf = null; return 0; } if(isset($this->formargs['filename'], $this->formheaders['Content-Type'])) { if($this->isToFile) { $path = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir') ?: sys_get_temp_dir(), 'TTHS_'); $this->fp = fopen($path, 'wb+'); } else { $this->fp = null; $path = null; } $this->files[$this->formargs['name']] = ['name'=>$this->formargs['filename'], 'type'=>$this->formheaders['Content-Type'], 'path'=>$path, 'size'=>0]; } } else { @list($name, $value) = preg_split('/:\s*/', substr($buf, $i, $pos-$i), 2); $this->formheaders[$name] = $value; $i = $pos + 2; } break; case self::FORM_MODE_VALUE: $pos = strpos($buf, $this->boundaryPos, $i); if($pos === false) { if($this->fp) { $j = $n - $i - strlen($this->boundaryPos) + 1; if($j > 0) { if(isset($this->files[$this->formargs['name']]['size'])) $this->files[$this->formargs['name']]['size'] += $j; fwrite($this->fp, substr($buf, $i, $j), $j); $this->buf = substr($buf, $i + $j); } else { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); } } else { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); } $i = $n; } else { $value = substr($buf, $i, $pos - $i); if(isset($this->files[$this->formargs['name']]['size'])) $this->files[$this->formargs['name']]['size'] += $pos - $i; if($this->fp) { fwrite($this->fp, $value, strlen($value)); fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = null; } else { $this->post[$this->formargs['name']] = $value; } $i = $pos + 2; $this->formmode = self::FORM_MODE_BOUNDARY; $this->formheaders = $this->formargs = []; } break; } } if($this->bodyoff >= $this->bodylen && $this->mode !== self::MODE_END) { echo "BODYOFF: $buf\n"; return 0; } } elseif($this->fp) { if($i === 0) { fwrite($this->fp, $buf, $n); } else { fwrite($this->fp, substr($buf, $i), $n - $i); } if($this->bodyoff >= $this->bodylen) { fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = null; $this->mode = self::MODE_END; } } else { $this->buf = substr($buf, $i); if($this->bodyoff >= $this->bodylen) { $this->mode = self::MODE_END; switch($this->bodymode) { case self::BODY_MODE_URL_ENCODED: parse_str($this->buf, $this->post); break; case self::BODY_MODE_JSON: $json = json_decode($this->buf, true); $errno = json_last_error(); if($errno === JSON_ERROR_NONE) { if(is_array($json)) { $this->post = & $json; } } else { fprintf(STDERR, "JSON(%d): %s\n", $errno, json_last_error_msg()); } break; default: break; } } } $i = $n; break; default: // MODE_END $this->buf = null; $i = $n; break; } } return $this->mode === self::MODE_END; } public function getHeadArgs($head): array { @list($arg0, $args) = preg_split('/;\s*/', $head, 2); $ret = [$arg0]; $n = preg_match_all('/([^\=]+)\=("([^"]*)"|\'([^\']*)\'|([^;]*));?\s*/', $args, $matches); for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $ret[$matches[1][$i]] = implode('', [$matches[3][$i], $matches[4][$i], $matches[5][$i]]); } // var_dump($ret, $head); return $ret; } private function send(string $data): bool { loop: $n = strlen($data); if($n === 0) return true; $ret = @socket_send($this->fd, $data, $n, 0); if($ret > 0) { if($ret < $n) { $data = substr($data, $ret); goto loop; } else return true; } else { strerror('socket_send', false); return false; } } private $vars; public function registerVars() { if($this->vars !== null) return; $this->vars = $_SERVER; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->clientAddr; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $this->clientPort; foreach($this->headers as $key=>$val) { $_SERVER['HTTP_' . preg_replace('/[^_A-Z0-9]+/', '_', strtoupper($key))] = $val; } if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE'])) { $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']; unset($_SERVER['HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE']); } $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = $this->protocol; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = $this->method; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $this->uri; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $this->query??''; $_GET = $this->get; $_POST = $this->post; $_COOKIE = $this->cookies; foreach($this->files as $name=>$file) { clearstatcache(true, $file['path']); $_FILES[$name] = [ 'name'=>$file['name'], 'type'=>$file['type'], 'size'=>filesize($file['path']), 'tmp_name'=>$file['path'], 'error'=>0, ]; } } protected function unregisterVars() { if($this->vars !== null) { $_SERVER = $this->vars; $_GET = $_POST = $_FILES = $_COOKIE = []; $this->vars = null; } } } class HttpResponse { public $protocol; public $status; public $statusText; private $fd; private $isHeadSent = false; public $headers = ['Content-Type'=>'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Task-Name'=>THREAD_TASK_NAME]; public $isChunked = false; public $isEnd = false; public $isWebSocket = false; public function __construct($fd, string $protocol, int $status = 200, $statusText = 'OK') { $this->fd = $fd; $this->protocol = $protocol; $this->status = $status; $this->statusText = $statusText; } public function headSend(int $bodyLen = 0): bool { if($this->isHeadSent) return true; $this->isHeadSent = true; if($bodyLen >= 0) { $this->headers['Content-Length'] = $bodyLen; } else { $this->headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'; $this->isChunked = true; } $this->headers['Date'] = gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T'); ob_start(); ob_implicit_flush(false); echo $this->protocol, ' ', $this->status, ' ', $this->statusText, "\r\n"; foreach($this->headers as $name=>$value) { if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $val) { echo $name, ': ', (string) $val, "\r\n"; } } else { echo $name, ': ', $value, "\r\n"; } } echo "\r\n"; $buf = ob_get_clean(); return $this->send($buf); } public function setContentType(string $type) { $this->headers['Content-Type'] = $type; } public function setCookie(string $name, ?string $value, int $expires = 0, string $path = '', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = false, string $samesite = '') { $this->setRawCookie($name, $value === null ? null : urlencode($value), $expires, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly, $samesite); } public function setRawCookie(string $name, ?string $value, int $expires = 0, string $path = '', string $domain = '', bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = false, string $samesite = '') { if($value === null || $value === '') { $expire = gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', 1); $cookie = "$name=deleted; expires=$expire; Max-Age=0"; } else { $cookie = "$name=$value"; if($expires > 0) { $cookie .= '; expires=' . gmdate('D, d-M-Y H:i:s T', $expires); $diff = $expires - time(); if($diff < 0) $diff = 0; $cookie .= "; Max-Age=$diff"; } } if($path !== '') $cookie .= "; path=$path"; if($domain !== '') $cookie .= "; domain=$domain"; if($secure) $cookie .= "; secure"; if($httponly) $cookie .= "; HttpOnly"; if($samesite !== '') $cookie .= "; SameSite=$samesite"; $this->headers['Set-Cookie'][] = $cookie; } public function write(string $data): bool { if(!$this->headSend(-1)) return false; $n = strlen($data); if($n === 0) return true; if($this->isChunked) { $data = sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n", $n, $data); } return $this->send($data); } public function end(?string $data = null): bool { if($this->isEnd) return true; $this->isEnd = true; $n = strlen($data); if(!$this->headSend($n)) return false; if($this->isChunked) { if($n) { $data = sprintf("%x\r\n%s\r\n0\r\n\r\n", $n, $data); } else { $data = "0\r\n\r\n"; } } return $data === null || $this->send($data); } public function send(string $data): bool { loop: $n = strlen($data); if($n === 0) return true; $ret = @socket_send($this->fd, $data, $n, 0); if($ret > 0) { if($ret < $n) { $data = substr($data, $ret); goto loop; } else return true; } else { // strerror('socket_send', false); socket_clear_error(); return false; } } }