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Errata for Jacobi's Lectures on Dynamics
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<a href="geodesic-papers/biblio.html">Geodesic Bibliography</a>
Errata for <a href="https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/440645889">
<i>Jacobi's Lectures on Dynamics</i></a>,
translated by K. Balagangadharan (Hindustan Book Agency, 2009).
Title page: replace “Brockardt” by
p. ix, paragraph 1, line 6: replace “aequtionen
differentiales partiellen primi ordinus” by
“aequationes differentiales partiales primi
p. ix, paragraph 2, line 2: replace “nad” by
p. ix, paragraph 2, line 3: replace “Borckhardt”
by “Borchardt”.
p. ix, paragraph 2, line 5: replace “Brochardt's”
by “Borchardt's”.
p. 15, half-way down: insert a space after
p. 56, before equation (7.4), replace “m” by
p. 62, first paragraph: replace “Mecanique
Analytique” by “Mécanique analytique”.
p. 121, equations in the middle of the page: the corresponding
terms should be aligned by inserting extra space after the equal
signs of the second and following equation.
p. 123, second equation: replace “\(ddx\)” by
p. 124, last equation: remove the commas from the summand.
p. 125, first set of equations: the layout makes a nonsense of
the terms, in particular, line breaks (if they are needed)
should be at commas not plus signs; if possible, revert to the
original layout and alignment.
p. 152: insert spaces in “p.147” and after commas
in three other places.
p. 159, two-thirds of the way down: replace
“\(p_i^0\)” by “\(p_i^\circ\)”.
p. 184, 5th line: insert a space after
p. 204, equation (24.7): remove the periods following
“\(\cos J\)”.
p. 220, two-thirds of the way down: insert comma after
“increases further to \(+\infty\)”.
p. 221, equation (S): insert commas after the first two
p. 221, equation (S1), second sub-equation: the second term in
the sum on the left hand side should include a factor
p. 222, equation (S2): remove braces at the ends of the first
two sub-equations; remove ellipses at the end of the right hand
side of the first sub-equation; in the last sub-equation replace
“\((a_1+\lambda_3)\)” by
“\((a_1+\lambda_n)\)” and
“\((a_{n-2}+\lambda_3)\)” by
p. 222, equation (26.2), second sub-equation: replace
“\((a_2+\lambda_{m-1})(a_2+\lambda_m)\)” by
p. 223, footnote: replace “Berelini” by
“Berolini”; replace “p.3 f.f” by
“p. 3ff.”.
p. 224, line 2: replace “not up to” by “not
p. 224, numerator of displayed equation following equation
(26.5): replace “\((a_m+\lambda_m)\)” by
p. 226: replace “(8*)” by “(26.8*)”
in three places.
p. 226, 3rd line after equation (26.8*): remove the parantheses
from “\((a_1+\lambda)\)”, etc.
p. 226, 3rd last line: replace “(24.4)” by
p. 227: replace “\(x_1^{\prime^2}\)” by
“\(\lambda_1^{\prime^2}\)” by
“\(\lambda_1^{\prime2}\)”, etc.
p. 227, equation in the middle of the page: remove the commas
preceding the equal sign and following the ellipsis.
p. 232, last line of equation (27.2): insert
“\(+\)” at the beginning.
p. 232, last paragraph, 3rd line: replace
“constant\(\lambda_1\)” by
“constant \(\lambda_1\)”.
p. 232, equation (27.3), first term: in the denominator
p. 233, footnote: replace “Exercises” by
“Exercices”; replace “fonictiones” by
p. 235, first paragraph, line 3: replace “(p.194)”
by “(p. 192)”.
p. 236: replace “\(x_1^{\prime^2}\)” by
“\(\lambda_1^{\prime^2}\)” by
“\(\lambda_1^{\prime2}\)”, etc.
p. 236, the line before equation (28.1): remove the comma
from “or,”.
p. 237, the line before equation (28.3): replace
“constants” by replace “constant”.
p. 239, line 2: replace “Lagarange's” by
p. 239, two-thirds of the way down: replace
“\(\mu,\nu\)” by “\(u,v\)”; after the
following equation, replace “hold” by
“holds” and “similarity-ratio” by
“similarity ratio”
p. 244, the line before the last displayed expression: insert a
space after “easily,”.
p. 245, the line after the first displayed equation: replace
“well- known” by “well-known”.
Formatting problems
Separate differential quantities from surrounding terms by
thin spaces, e.g., on p. 239, “\(m\,ds^2\)”,
“\(A\,dp^2\)”, and “\(2B\,dp\,dq\)”.
Consistently use the style of square root with an overbar;
e.g., on p. 239, replace “\(\surd m\)” by
“\(\sqrt m\)”; similarly, on p. 240, replace
“\(\surd -1\)” by “\(\sqrt{-1}\)”.
Currently “\(\phi\)” is used in, e.g., §7,
while “\(\varphi\)” is used in, e.g., §19;
consistently use just one style.
In several places, the formatting of the equations as been
altered from the original, making them less easy to understand;
e.g., on p. 221, the terms “\(x_1^2\)”,
“\(x_2^2\)”, in equation (S1) and the preceding
equation on p. 221 should be moved out of the numerator of the
built-up fractions.
In several places, ellipses in the original have been omitted;
e.g., on p. 222, vertical ellipses are missing in equations (S2)
and the last set of equations.
In several places, equations are split between multiple lines
making it difficult to see the underlying pattern apparent in
the original, e.g., equations (S1) on p. 221, equations (S2) on
p. 222, equation (28.1) and the preceding equation on p. 236.
In several places, terms in the original equations have been
included in ellipses making it difficult to see the underlying
pattern apparent in the original; e.g., on p. 125,
“\((\partial f_2/\partial x_2)\)” has been omitted
from (14.8) and the preceding equation; on p. 224, “\((a_m
+ \lambda_2)\)” has been omitted from the 3rd last
equation, “\((\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)\)” from the 2nd
last equation, and “\((\lambda_1 - \lambda_2)\)” and
“\((a_m - a_2)\)” from the last equation; similarly,
on p. 225, “\((a_2 + \lambda_i)\)” has been omitted
from the first equation, “\((\lambda_2 -
\lambda_i)\)” from equation (26.6), and
“\(x_2^2/(a_2 + \lambda_i)^2\)” and
“\((\lambda_i - \lambda_2)\)” from equation (26.7);
similarly on p. 226 and p. 227.
In some places, a quad space should be use to separate
equations, e.g., in the equations at the top of p. 100, in the
bottom half of p. 168, near the bottom of pp. 180, 181 and 197,
near the middle of p. 227, and near the middle of p. 236.
In several places, the equals sign is displayed with too much
space surrounding it, e.g., in equation (27.2) on p. 232, many
of the equations on pp. 80, 95, 100, 167, 168, 172, 179, 197,
198, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, and 245.
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<address>Charles Karney
<a href="mailto:charles@karney.com"><charles@karney.com></a>
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