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Подсказка: Поскольку Git не поддерживает пустые директории, создание директории приведёт к созданию пустого файла .keep.

Converting incompatible features with Babel

To run ES6 sources with JerryScript that use unsupported language features, you can use Babel to transpile your code, which will output a semantically equivalent source file, where the unsupported features are replaced with ES5.1 code. Babel is a JavaScript compiler that is used to convert ES2015+ code into a backward-compatible version. You can find more information here.


const fn = () => 1;

//After conversion

var fn = function fn() {
  return 1;

Table of Contents

Getting ready

1. Node.js and npm

Start by updating the packages with

$ sudo apt update

Install nodejs using the apt package manager

$ sudo apt install nodejs

Check the version of node.js to verify that it installed

$ nodejs --version
Output: v8.10.0

Next up is installing npm with the following command

$ sudo apt install npm

Verify installation by typing:

$ npm --version
Output: 6.10.2

2. Using babel

Assuming you're in the tools/babel folder,

$ sudo npm install

After installing the dependencies it is ready to use.

Place the files/directories you want transpiled to the babel folder and run

$ npm run transpile [name of input file/directory] [(OPTIONAL)name of output file/directory]

If you want to use the same name, then only give the name once.

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