# Reference

## Termination

It is questionable whether a library should be able to terminate an application. Any API function can signal an error (ex.: cannot allocate memory), so the engine use the termination approach with this port function.

 * Signal the port that jerry experienced a fatal failure from which it cannot
 * recover.
 * @param code gives the cause of the error.
 * Note:
 *      Jerry expects the function not to return.
 * Example: a libc-based port may implement this with exit() or abort(), or both.
void jerry_port_fatal (jerry_fatal_code_t code);

Error codes

typedef enum
} jerry_fatal_code_t;

## I/O

These are the only I/O functions jerry calls.

 * Jerry log levels. The levels are in severity order
 * where the most serious levels come first.
typedef enum
  JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,    /**< the engine will terminate after the message is printed */
  JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,  /**< a request is aborted, but the engine continues its operation */
  JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,    /**< debug messages from the engine, low volume */
  JERRY_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE     /**< detailed info about engine internals, potentially high volume */
} jerry_log_level_t;

 * Display or log a debug/error message, and sends it to the debugger client as well.
 * The function should implement a printf-like interface, where the first argument
 * specifies the log level and the second argument specifies a format string on how
 * to stringify the rest of the parameter list.
 * This function is only called with messages coming from the jerry engine as
 * the result of some abnormal operation or describing its internal operations
 * (e.g., data structure dumps or tracing info).
 * It should be the port that decides whether error and debug messages are logged to
 * the console, or saved to a database or to a file.
 * Example: a libc-based port may implement this with vfprintf(stderr) or
 * vfprintf(logfile), or both, depending on log level.
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when JERRY_LOGGING is
 *      enabled. It is also common practice though to use this function in
 *      application code.
void jerry_port_log (jerry_log_level_t level, const char *fmt, ...);

The `jerry_port_print_char` is currenlty not used by the jerry-core directly.
However, it provides a port specifc way for `jerry-ext` components to print

 * Print a character to stdout.
void jerry_port_print_char (char c);

### ES2015 Module system

The port API provides functions that can be used by the module system to open
and close source files, and normalize file paths.
The `jerry_port_get_native_module` port function can be used to provide native
modules to the engine. This function will be called when an import/export
statement is encountered with an unknown module specifier, which embedders can
use to supply native module objects based on the module name argument.

 * Opens file with the given path and reads its source.
 * @return the source of the file
uint8_t *
jerry_port_read_source (const char *file_name_p, /**< file name */
                        size_t *out_size_p) /**< [out] read bytes */
  // open file from given path
  // return its source
} /* jerry_port_read_source */

 * Release the previously opened file's content.
jerry_port_release_source (uint8_t *buffer_p) /**< buffer to free */
  free (buffer_p);
} /* jerry_port_release_source */

 * Normalize a file path
 * @return length of the path written to the output buffer
jerry_port_normalize_path (const char *in_path_p, /**< input file path */
                           char *out_buf_p,       /**< output buffer */
                           size_t out_buf_size,   /**< size of output buffer */
                           char *base_file_p)     /**< base file path */
  // normalize in_path_p by expanding relative paths etc.
  // if base_file_p is not NULL, in_path_p is relative to that file
  // write to out_buf_p the normalized path
  // return length of written path
} /* jerry_port_normalize_path */

 * Get the module object of a native module.
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when ES2015_MODULE_SYSTEM
 *      is enabled.
 * @param name String value of the module specifier.
 * @return Undefined, if 'name' is not a native module
 *         jerry_value_t containing the module object, otherwise
jerry_port_get_native_module (jerry_value_t name) /**< module specifier */
  (void) name;
  return jerry_create_undefined ();

## Date

 * Get local time zone adjustment, in milliseconds, for the given timestamp.
 * The timestamp can be specified in either UTC or local time, depending on
 * the value of is_utc. Adding the value returned from this function to
 * a timestamp in UTC time should result in local time for the current time
 * zone, and subtracting it from a timestamp in local time should result in
 * UTC time.
 * Ideally, this function should satisfy the stipulations applied to LocalTZA
 * in section of the ECMAScript version 9.0 spec.
 * See Also:
 *          ECMA-262 v9,
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when
 *      JERRY_BUILTIN_DATE is set to 1. Otherwise this function is
 *      not used.
 * @param unix_ms The unix timestamp we want an offset for, given in
 *                millisecond precision (could be now, in the future,
 *                or in the past). As with all unix timestamps, 0 refers to
 *                1970-01-01, a day is exactly 86 400 000 milliseconds, and
 *                leap seconds cause the same second to occur twice.
 * @param is_utc Is the given timestamp in UTC time? If false, it is in local
 *               time.
 * @return milliseconds between local time and UTC for the given timestamp,
 *         if available
 *.        0 if not available / we are in UTC.
double jerry_port_get_local_time_zone_adjustment (double unix_ms, bool is_utc);

 * Get system time
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when
 *      JERRY_BUILTIN_DATE is set to 1. It is also common practice
 *      in application code to use this function for the initialization of the
 *      random number generator.
 * @return milliseconds since Unix epoch
double jerry_port_get_current_time (void);

## External context

Allow user to provide external buffer for isolated engine contexts, so that user
can configure the heap size at runtime and run multiple JS applications

 * Get the current context of the engine. Each port should provide its own
 * implementation of this interface.
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when
 *      JERRY_EXTERNAL_CONTEXT is enabled. Otherwise this function is not
 *      used.
 * @return the pointer to the engine context.
struct jerry_context_t *jerry_port_get_current_context (void);

## Sleep

 * Makes the process sleep for a given time.
 * Note:
 *      This port function is called by jerry-core when JERRY_DEBUGGER is set to 1.
 *      Otherwise this function is not used.
 * @param sleep_time milliseconds to sleep.
void jerry_port_sleep (uint32_t sleep_time);

# How to port JerryScript

This section describes a basic port implementation which was created for Unix based systems.

## Termination

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "jerryscript-port.h"

 * Default implementation of jerry_port_fatal.
void jerry_port_fatal (jerry_fatal_code_t code)
  exit (code);
} /* jerry_port_fatal */

## I/O

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "jerryscript-port.h"

 * Provide log message implementation for the engine.
 * Note:
 *      This example ignores the log level.
jerry_port_log (jerry_log_level_t level, /**< log level */
                const char *format, /**< format string */
                ...)  /**< parameters */
  va_list args;
  va_start (args, format);
  vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
  va_end (args);
} /* jerry_port_log */

 * Print a character to stdout with putchar.
jerry_port_print_char (char c)
  putchar (c);
} /* jerr_port_print_char */

## Date

#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "jerryscript-port.h"

 * Default implementation of jerry_port_get_local_time_zone_adjustment.
double jerry_port_get_local_time_zone_adjustment (double unix_ms, /**< ms since unix epoch */
                                                  bool is_utc)    /**< is the time above in UTC? */
  struct tm tm;
  time_t now = (time_t) (unix_ms / 1000);
  localtime_r (&now, &tm);
  if (!is_utc)
    now -= tm.tm_gmtoff;
    localtime_r (&now, &tm);
  return ((double) tm.tm_gmtoff) * 1000;
} /* jerry_port_get_local_time_zone_adjustment */

 * Default implementation of jerry_port_get_current_time.
double jerry_port_get_current_time (void)
  struct timeval tv;

  if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) != 0)
    return 0;

  return ((double) tv.tv_sec) * 1000.0 + ((double) tv.tv_usec) / 1000.0;
} /* jerry_port_get_current_time */

## External context

#include "jerryscript-port.h"
#include "jerryscript-port-default.h"

 * Pointer to the current context.
 * Note that it is a global variable, and is not a thread safe implementation.
static jerry_context_t *current_context_p = NULL;

 * Set the current_context_p as the passed pointer.
jerry_port_default_set_current_context (jerry_context_t *context_p) /**< points to the created context */
  current_context_p = context_p;
} /* jerry_port_default_set_current_context */

 * Get the current context.
 * @return the pointer to the current context
jerry_context_t *
jerry_port_get_current_context (void)
  return current_context_p;
} /* jerry_port_get_current_context */

## Sleep

#include "jerryscript-port.h"
#include "jerryscript-port-default.h"

#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
#include <time.h>
#elif defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
#include <unistd.h>
#endif /* HAVE_TIME_H */

#if defined (JERRY_DEBUGGER) && (JERRY_DEBUGGER == 1)
void jerry_port_sleep (uint32_t sleep_time)
#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
  nanosleep (&(const struct timespec)
    (time_t) sleep_time / 1000, ((long int) sleep_time % 1000) * 1000000L /* Seconds, nanoseconds */
  , NULL);
#elif defined (HAVE_UNISTD_H)
  usleep ((useconds_t) sleep_time * 1000);
#endif /* HAVE_TIME_H */
  (void) sleep_time;
} /* jerry_port_sleep */
#endif /* defined (JERRY_DEBUGGER) && (JERRY_DEBUGGER == 1) */