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/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function must_throw(str) {
try {
eval("switch (1) { default: " + str + "}");
} catch (e) {
try {
catch (e) {
function must_throw_strict(str) {
try {
eval ("'use strict'; switch (1) { default: " + str + "}");
assert (false);
} catch (e) {
try {
eval("'use strict'; " + str);
} catch (e) {
must_throw("class {}");
must_throw("class class {}");
must_throw("class A { constructor() {} this.a = 5 }");
must_throw("class A { constructor() {} constructor() {} }");
must_throw("class A { static prototype() {} }");
must_throw("class A { get constructor() {} }");
must_throw("class A { set constructor() {} }");
must_throw("class A {}; A()");
must_throw("class X {}; var o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'p', { get: X, set: X }); o.p;");
must_throw("var a = new A; class A {};");
must_throw("class A { g\\u0065t e() {} }");
must_throw('class A { "static" e() {} }');
must_throw('class A { *constructor() {} }');
assert(eval("class A {}") === undefined);
assert(eval("var a = class A {}") === undefined);
assert(eval("var a = class {}") === undefined);
assert(eval("class A { ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; }") === undefined);
assert(eval('class A {"constructor"() {} }') === undefined);
assert(isNaN (eval('switch(1) { default: (class A{} % 1) }')));
class A1 {
["constructor"]() {
return 5;
assert ((new A1).constructor() === 5);
class A2 {
*["constructor"]() {
yield 5;
assert ((new A2).constructor().next().value === 5);
class B {
var b = new B;
assert (typeof B === "function");
assert (typeof b === "object");
assert (b.constructor === B);
class C {
c1() {
return 5;
c2() {
return this._c;
3() {
return 3;
super() {
return 42;
return() {
return 43;
static *constructor() {
return 44;
var c = new C;
assert (c.c1() === 5);
assert (c.c2() === undefined);
assert (c["3"]() === 3);
assert (c.super() === 42);
assert (c.return() === 43);
assert (c.constructor === C);
assert (C.constructor().next().value === 44);
class D {
constructor(d) {
this._d = d;
d1() {
return this._d;
var d = new D(5);
assert (d.d1() === 5);
assert (d.constructor === D);
class E {
constructor(e) {
this._e = e;
get e() {
return this._e;
set e(e) {
this._e = e;
get () {
return 11;
set () {
return 12;
var e = new E (5);
assert (e.e === 5);
e.e = 10;
assert (e.e === 10);
assert (e.get() === 11);
assert (e.set() === 12);
assert (e.constructor === E);
var F = class ClassF {
constructor(f) {
this._f = f;
static f1() {
return this;
static f2() {
return this._f;
static f3(a, b) {
return a + b;
static constructor(a) {
return a;
static static(a) {
return a;
static 2 (a) {
return 2 * a;
static function(a) {
return 3 * a;
var f = new F(5);
assert (f.f1 === undefined);
assert (f.f2 === undefined);
assert (F.f1() === F);
assert (F.f2() === undefined);
assert (F.f3(1, 1) === 2);
assert (F.constructor(5) === 5);
assert (F.static(5) === 5);
assert (F["2"](5) === 10);
assert (F.function(5) === 15);
assert (f.constructor === F);
var G = class {
static set a(a) {
this._a = a;
static get a() {
return this._a;
static set 1(a) {
this._a = a;
static get 1() {
return this._a;
static get() {
return 11;
static set() {
return 12;
static set constructor(a) {
this._a = a;
static get constructor() {
return this._a;
static g1() {
return 5;
static g1() {
return 10;
G.a = 10;
assert (G.a === 10);
assert (G.g1() === 10);
G["1"] = 20;
assert (G["1"] === 20);
assert (G.get() == 11);
assert (G.set() == 12);
G.constructor = 30;
assert (G.constructor === 30);
class H {
method() { assert (typeof H === 'function'); return H; }
let H_original = H;
var H_method = H.prototype.method;
C = undefined;
assert(C === undefined);
C = H_method();
assert(C === H_original);
var I = class C {
method() { assert(typeof C === 'function'); return C; }
let I_original = I;
var I_method = I.prototype.method;
I = undefined;
assert(I === undefined);
I = I_method();
assert(I == I_original);
var J_method;
class J {
static [(J_method = eval('(function() { return J; })'), "X")]() {}
var J_original = J;
J = 6;
assert (J_method() == J_original);
var K_method;
class K {
constructor () {
K_method = function() { return K; }
var K_original = K;
new K;
K = 6;
assert (K_method() == K_original);
var L_method;
class L extends (L_method = function() { return L; }) {
var L_original = L;
L = 6;
assert (L_method() == L_original);
/* Test cleanup class environment */
try {
class A {
[d]() {}
let d;
} catch (e) {
assert(e instanceof ReferenceError);
try {
class A extends d {}
let d;
} catch (e) {
assert(e instanceof ReferenceError);
try {
var a = 1 + 2 * 3 >> class A extends d {};
let d;
} catch (e) {
assert(e instanceof ReferenceError);

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