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class-inheritance-early-semantics.js 3.9 КБ
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Gavin1012 Отправлено 4 лет назад 0c184d9
/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
function must_throw (str) {
try {
eval ("switch (1) { default: " + str + "}");
assert (false);
} catch (e) { }
try {
eval (str);
assert (false);
catch (e) { }
try {
eval ("'use strict'; switch (1) { default: " + str + "}");
assert (false);
} catch (e) { }
try {
eval ("'use strict'; " + str);
assert (false);
} catch (e) { }
class A {
constructor (a) {
this.a = a;
f () {
return 5;
must_throw ("class B extends 5 + 6 + 5 { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } }");
must_throw ("class B extends null { constructor () { super () } }; new B");
must_throw ("var o = { a : 5 }; \
class B extends Object.keys (o)[0] { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { this.b = b} } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super.f () } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { eval ('this.b = b') } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { eval ('super.f ()') } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a); super (a); } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { eval ('super (a)'); eval ('super (a)'); } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } g () { super (a) } } \
var b = new B (1, 2);");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } g () { eval ('super (a)') } } \
var b = new B (1, 2); \
b.g ();");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } g () { return function () { return super.f () } } } \
var b = new B (1, 2); \
b.g ()();");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } \
g () { return function () { return eval ('super.f ()') } } } \
var b = new B (1, 2); \
b.g ()();");
must_throw ("class B extends A { constructor (a, b) { super (a) } \
g () { return function () { return eval (\"eval ('super.f ();')\") } } } \
var b = new B (1, 2); \
b.g ()();");
must_throw ("class A extends Array { constructor () { return 5; } }; new A");
must_throw ("class A extends Array { constructor () { return undefined; } }; new A");
must_throw ("class B extends undefined { }; new B;");
must_throw ("var A = class extends Array { . }");
must_throw ("class Array extends Array { }");
must_throw ("class A extends A { }");
must_throw ("class A extends { constructor () { super () } }");
must_throw ("class A extends a * b {}");
must_throw ("class A extends a = b {}");
must_throw ("class A extends a++ {}");
must_throw ("class A extends -a {}");
class B extends A {
constructor (a, b) {
super (a);
assert (super.f () === 5);
g () {
return () => {
return super.f ();
h () {
return () => {
return () => {
return eval ('super.f ()');
var b = new B (1, 2);
assert (b.g ()() === 5);
assert (b.h ()()() === 5);

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