name = "StratoVirt"
version = "2.2.0"
authors = ["Huawei StratoVirt Team"]
edition = "2021"
description = "a lightweight hypervisor with low memory overhead and fast booting speed"
license = "Mulan PSL v2"

thiserror = "1.0"
anyhow = "1.0"
capng = "0.2.2"
error-chain = "0.12.4"
kvm-ioctls = ">=0.11.0"
libc = "0.2"
log = "0.4"
vmm-sys-util = ">=0.10.0"
hypervisor = { path = "hypervisor" }
machine = { path = "machine" }
machine_manager = { path = "machine_manager" }
migration = { path = "migration" }
util = { path = "util" }
virtio = { path = "virtio" }
vhost_user_fs = { path = "vhost_user_fs" }
vfio = { path = "vfio" }

[target.'cfg(not(target_env = "musl"))'.dependencies]
vnc = { path = "vnc" }

members = [

name = "stratovirt"
path = "src/main.rs"

name = "ozone"
path = "ozone/src/main.rs"

name = "vhost_user_fs"
path = "vhost_user_fs/src/main.rs"

default = []
boot_time = ["machine/boot_time"]

buildflags = ["--release"]

stratovirt = { path = "/usr/bin/stratovirt" }

panic = "abort"

panic = "abort"
lto = true