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specified!cl::alias must not have cl::sub(), aliased option's cl::sub() will be used!cl::alias must only have one cl::aliasopt(...) specified!E@E@`=@E@B@B@E@E@`=@E@B@B@F@F@`=@F@B@B@ F@ F@`=@0F@B@B@@F@@F@`=@PF@B@B@`F@`F@`=@pF@B@B@F@F@`=@F@B@B@F@F@`=@F@B@B@F@F@`=@F@B@B@F@F@`=@F@B@B@Alias for -helphClang-format optionsG@G@`=@G@B@B@G@G@`=@H@B@B@ G@`?@p@ H@G@G@0E@H@`=@в@Format a range starting at this byte offset. Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying several -offset and -length pairs. Can only be used with one input file.offsetFormat a range of this length (in bytes). Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying several -offset and -length pairs. When only a single -offset is specified without -length, clang-format will format up to the end of the file. Can only be used with one input file.lengthPH@PH@`=@`H@B@B@pH@`?@p@J@G@G@0E@I@`=@в@: - format a range of lines (both 1-based). Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying several -lines arguments. Can't be used with -offset and -length. Can only be used with one input file.linesJ@J@`=@@J@B@B@styleThe name of the predefined style used as a fallback in case clang-format is invoked with -style=file, but can not find the .clang-format file to use. Use -fallback-style=none to skip formatting.fallback-styleOverride filename used to determine the language. When reading from stdin, clang-format assumes this filename to determine the language.assume-filenameInplace edit s, if specified.iOutput replacements as XML.output-replacements-xmlDump configuration options to stdout and exit. Can be used with -style option.dump-configThe position of the cursor when invoking clang-format from an editor integrationcursorIf set, overrides the include sorting behavior determined by the SortIncludes style flagsort-includesIf set, shows the list of processed filesverboseIf set, do not actually make the formatting changesdry-runAlias for --dry-runnWarnings about individual formatting changes needed. Used only with --dry-run or -nWclang-format-violationsDo not warn about individual formatting changes needed. Used only with --dry-run or -nWno-clang-format-violationsSet the maximum number of clang-format errors to emit before stopping (0 = no limit). Used only with --dry-run or -nferror-limitIf set, changes formatting warnings to errorsWerrorIf set, and on a color-capable terminal controls whether or not to print diagnostics in colorfcolor-diagnosticsfno-color-diagnostics[ ...]n@P@p@unknown exceptionn@P@p@bad array new lengthstring too longAllocation failedtruefalsegenericsystemunknown error o@`u@`@`@P@ @`=@NN`uAp@Po@`u@`@`@P@ @`=@}Av@`uAp@n@ @@A}@0@p@Multiple errors: '-error: cannot use -lines with -offset/-length error: invalid : pair error: start line should be less than end line error: number of -offset and -length arguments must match. error: offset is outside the file error: invalid length , offset + length () is outside the file. <& <& code should be clang-formatted [-Wclang-format-violations] error: cannot use -i when reading from stdin. error: encoding with unsupported byte order mark "" detected in file '. error: empty filenames are not allowed { "Cursor": , "IncompleteFormat": , "Line": } clang-formatA tool to format C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf/C# code. If no arguments are specified, it formats the code from standard input and writes the result to the standard output. If s are given, it reformats the files. If -i is specified together with s, the files are edited in-place. Otherwise, the result is written to the standard output. error: -offset, -length and -lines can only be used for single file. Formatting p@p@p@0q@B@B@: This option category has no options. Generic Options@p@@P=@p@Ю@@@@p@`=@в@Display list of available options (--help-list-hidden for more)help-listDisplay list of all available optionshelp-list-hidden@@P=@p@Ю@@@@p@`=@в@Display available options (--help-hidden for more)helpAlias for --helpDisplay all available optionshelp-hiddenPrint non-default options after command line parsingprint-optionsPrint all option values after command line parsingprint-all-options@@`=@@B@B@ @ @`=@0@B@B@@@@@`=@P@B@B@`@`@`=@p@B@B@@P=@p@Ю@@@@p@`=@в@Display the version of this programversion@@`=@@B@B@ =map/set too longcl::location(x) specified more than once!p@@-- - `@@General options10TRUEFALSE': : CommandLine Error: Option '' registered more than once! inconsistency in registered CommandLine optionsCannot specify more than one option with cl::ConsumeAfter!=requires a value!multi-valued option specified with ValueDisallowed modifier!' specified.does not allow a value! 'not enough values!may not occur within a group!Could not convert UTF16 to UTF8error - this positional option will never be matched, because it does not Require a value, and a cl::ConsumeAfter option is active!error - option can never match, because another positional argument will match an unbounded number of values, and this option does not require a value!' is all messed up! : Unknown command line argument ''. Try: ' --help' : Did you mean ''? This argument does not take a value. Instead, it consumes any positional arguments until the next recognized option.: Not enough positional command line arguments specified! Must specify at least positional arguments: See: --help : Too many positional arguments specified! Can specify at most positional arguments: See: must be specified at least once!: for the option: may only occur zero or one times!must occur exactly one time! <>...=<TrueFalse' is invalid value for boolean argument! Try 0 or 1' value invalid for integer argument!' value invalid for uint argument!' value invalid for ullong argument! = (default: ) *no default*= *cannot print option value* OVERVIEW: USAGE: [subcommand] [options]SUBCOMMAND ' --SUBCOMMANDS: Type " --help" to get more help on a specific subcommandOPTIONS: LLVM ( LLVM version 10.0.1 Optimized build(unknown) Default target: Host CPU: @BA`u@`@`@P@ @`=@}A0oA`uAp@uALLVM ERROR: LLVM ERROR: out of memory :0x0X0b0B0o: lAmAuA@vAprAprA@oA{A oAPuAp@puA|IO failure on output stream: invalid string positionA0A@pA`AAp@AA@PoApAAp@n@AA`w@}@@}@ErrorMultiple errorsInconvertible error value. An error has occurred that could not be converted to a known std::error_code. Please file a bug.A file error occurred.ApANUnknown bufferA@AAPAAP=@ Included from AN@BNNAN0ANNNNN@B@B` BAB`BPABPAB B` B/\ABPBpAAABBA`BpAB B` B`A@BANA!BA`#BHardLink to -> AB@BA@AA0B`ABtypecontentsfilefallthrough.}" `APAAAAPA`AAAPA0AAAPAAA-B D-B-B-B.BB@B@null")i686-pc-windows-msvcnehalemwestmeresandybridgeamdfam10bdver1bdver2bdver3bdver4znver1ivybridgehaswellbroadwellskylakeskylake-avx512cannonlakeicelake-clienticelake-serverznver2cascadelakecore2penrynk6k6-2k6-3geodecooperlaketigerlakebonnellsilvermontknlbtver1btver2knmgoldmontgoldmont-plustremonti386i486pentiumpentium-mmxpentiumpropentium2pentium3pentium4pentium-myonahnoconaprescottathlonathlon-xpk8k8-sse3\/..0123456789abcdef-%%%%%%-%%%%%%.\\?\\\?\UNC\.tmp.exe9R9R9R9R 9R(9R09R89R@9RH9RP9RX9R`9Rh9Rp9Rx9R9R9R9R9R9R9Rnulconprnauxcom1com2com3com4com5com6com7com8com9lpt1lpt2lpt3lpt4lpt5lpt6lpt7lpt8lpt9\\.\PEMZTMPTEMPUSERPROFILEC:\Tempunknowninvalidxscalethumbarmv2v3v6v7kaarch64aarch64_32aarch64_beamdgcnamdil64amdilarcarmebavrbpfebbpfelhexagonhsail64hsailkalimbalanaile32le64mips64mips64elmipsmipselmsp430nvptx64nvptxpowerpc64powerpc64lepowerpcr600renderscript32renderscript64riscv32riscv64shavesparcsparcelsparcv9spir64spirs390xtcetcelethumbebvewasm32wasm64x86_64xcoreppcbpfwasmamdapplebgpbgqcsrfslibmimgmesamtimyriadnvidiaoepcsceisuseaixamdhsaamdpalananascnkcudacloudabicontikidarwindragonflyelfiamcuemscriptenfreebsdfuchsiahaikuhermithurdioskfreebsdlinuxlv2mesa3dminixnvclnaclnetbsdopenbsdps4rtemssolaristvoswasiwatchoswindowsandroidcode16coreclrcygnuseabieabihfgnugnuabi64gnuabin32gnueabignueabihfgnux32itaniummsvcmacabimuslmusleabimusleabihfsimulatorbpf_bebpf_learm64arm64_32ppc64ppc32ppc64lesystemzi686i586i986i886i786x86_64hamd64powerpcspeppuxscaleebmipsr6mipsisa32r6mipsallegrexmipsebmipsr6elmipsisa32r6elmipsallegrexelmipsn32r6mips64r6mipsisa64r6mipsn32mips64ebmipsn32r6elmips64r6elmipsisa64r6elmipsn32elsparc64macoswin32xcoffcoffelfmachor6elr6kalimba3kalimba4kalimba5mipsisa64mipsisa32cygwinmingwandroideabi  *?/?-?Could not acquire a cryptographic contextCould not generate a random numberntdll.dllRtlGetVersionPCP=@p@0D@PC@`C@C C`=@в@Disable symbolizing crash backtraces.disable-symbolication0C0C`=@@CB@B@p@CNxx-X-x+X+XDtoo many signal callbacks already registeredp@C`5C#{0}llvm-symbolizersymbolizer-inputsymbolizer-output--functions=linkage--inlining--relative-address--demangle??(Dbghelp.dllMiniDumpWriteDumpStackWalk64SymGetModuleBase64SymGetSymFromAddr64SymGetLineFromAddr64SymGetModuleInfo64SymFunctionTableAccess64SymSetOptionsSymInitializeEnumerateLoadedModules64p@DCp@DCp@0ECp@EC0x%08lX (0x%08lX 0x%08lX 0x%08lX 0x%08lX) , %s() + 0x%llX bytes(s), %s, %s, line %lu + 0x%lX byte(s)LLVM_DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTDumpFolderDumpTypeCustomDumpFlagsSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps.%%%%%%.dmpdmpWrote crash dump file "Could not write crash dump file: Nd@0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZY@/\PATHEXT;: Unknown error (0xNULinputoutput: Can't open file for program not executableUnable to convert environment variable to UTF-16can't redirect stdincan't redirect stdoutcan't dup stderr to stdoutcan't redirect stderrUnable to convert application name to UTF-16Unable to convert command-line to UTF-16Couldn't execute program 'Unable to set memory limit "&'()*<>\`^| Failed to terminate timed-out programFailed getting status for program@C@C`=@PCB@B@Color Options`CP=@p@@@p?@?@5A?@`=@в@Use colors in output (default=autodetect)colorerror: warning: note: remark: p@p@p@ Dp@ Dp@p D\\\"\0\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\e\x\N\_\L\P\u\UYAML#;/?:@&=+$,_.!~*'()[]Cannot consume non-ascii charactersCould not find expected : for simple keyTAGExpected quote at end of scalarFound unexpected ':' while scanning a plain scalar,:?[]{}Found invalid tab character in indentationGot empty plain scalarGot empty alias or anchorExpected a line break after block scalar headerLeading all-spaces line must be smaller than the block indentA text line is less indented than the block scalar-?:,[]{}#&*!|>'"%@`Unrecognized character while tokenizing.Can only iterate over the stream once!!!Unknown tag handle,,,,2002:seq\ Unrecognized escape codeNull key in Key Value.Unexpected token in Key Value.Unexpected token. Expected Key or Block EndUnexpected token. Expected Key, Flow Entry, or Flow Mapping End.Unexpected token. Expected Block Entry or Block End.Could not find closing ]!Expected , between entries!,2002:Already encountered an anchor for this node!Already encountered a tag for this node!Unexpected token DN. Stack dump: Program arguments: noneiwmmxtiwmmxt29RRRPSRXSR:R\SRdSRhSRlSRtSR:RxSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSR SRSR :R SRSRSR SRTRTR  TRTRTR  TR(TR,TR 0TR8TR\HHmp_`IINOWWYY^_[\}  7?T_mmqqt  x,/<?ACnou__}~LO}8:JLFGNOXXZZ\\^^~  * . ` o r s !!##'$?$K$_$''M+O+Z++/,/,_,_,,,&-&-(-,-.-/-h-n-q-~-------------------<......////@0@00011.101d1d11111112222MM͟ǤϤ,?,/:?xŨͨڨߨT^}ΩΩکݩ7?NOZ[|êڪ''/no77==??BBEE@O'/SSgglouu  '';;>>NO^46$/K  669;=>VV`  : > @              4 7 ; > H O Y _   6 8 V W s w   I _NQp55Do##c$o$t$//4g9jnEoOoooo'(szFW_rUU  ::??EEGIQQ  ##%&((3388::<ACFHHJJLLPPSSUVXXZZ\\^^``ccefkkssxx}},/ //lo;?IOR!/66}??AA>?DOhADPtצ5?WR$oK_pp0J#%')-Y[  : : < < A H M M Q W b c   < < A B G H K M Q Q p q u u   < < ? ? A D M M V V b c > @ F H J M U V b c A D M M b c 114:GN557799q~-0279:=>XY^`qt]_24RSrs   "'(229;VVX^``bbels|446:<<BBks,367 ,,----*0-000ort} %&ĨĨ&-GQ).1256CCLL &      8 : ? ? 8F'+-4oogi{BD)#*#.>0@0Ϥ0o`ߦODarguments of OpenMP clause '%0' in '#pragma omp %2' directive cannot be of variably-modified type %1one of 'for', 'parallel', 'sections' or 'taskgroup' is expectedexpected an integer or a pointer type of the outer loop counter '%0' for non-rectangular nestsfunction with 'device_type(%0)' is not available on %select{device|host}1%0 variable cannot be %1directive name modifier '%0' is not allowed for '#pragma omp %1'expected %select{'val' modifier|one of 'ref', val' or 'uval' modifiers}0variable of non-reference type %0 can be used only with 'val' modifier, but used with '%1'the parameter of the 'ordered' clause must be greater than or equal to the parameter of the 'collapse' clausethe value of 'simdlen' parameter must be less than or equal to the value of the 'safelen' parameteronly %select{'omp_priv' or 'omp_orig'|'omp_in' or 'omp_out'}0 variables are allowed in %select{initializer|combiner}0 expressionaccess specifier can only have annotation attributesonly constructors take base initializersonly enumeration types have underlying typesvariables in the %0 address space can only be declared in the outermost scope of a kernel functionatomic variable can be %select{assigned|initialized}0 to a variable only in global address spacebit-fields are not supported in OpenCLcannot refer to a block inside blockthe __block storage type is not permittedillegal call to %0, expected %1 argument typeinvalid number of arguments to function: %0first argument to %0 must be a pipe typeinvalid pipe access modifier (expecting %0)invalid argument type to function %0 (expecting %1 having %2)invalid argument %0 to function: %1, expecting a generic pointer argumentcannot cast non-zero value '%0' to 'event_t'casting to type %0 is not allowedvariable in constant address space must be initializedblocks with parameters are not accepted in this prototype of enqueue_kernel callblocks used in enqueue_kernel call are expected to have parameters of type 'local void*'illegal call to enqueue_kernel, incorrect argument typesillegal call to enqueue_kernel, parameter needs to be specified as integer typemismatch in number of block parameters and local size arguments passedvector component access has invalid length %0. Supported: 1,2,3,4,8,16.invalid block variable declaration - using 'extern' storage class is disallowedpointers to functions are not allowed%select{non-kernel function|function scope}0 variable cannot be declared in %1 address space%select{program scope|static local|extern}0 variable must reside in %1 address spacedeclaring variable of type %0 is not allowed%select{loading directly from|assigning directly to}0 pointer to type %1 requires cl_khr_fp16. Use vector data %select{load|store}0 builtin functions insteaddeclaring function parameter of type %0 is not allowed; did you forget * ?implicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in OpenCLimplicit conversions between vector types (%0 and %1) are not permittedaccess qualifier can only be used for pipe and image typeinvalid block variable declaration - must be %select{const qualified|initialized}0access qualifier %0 can not be used for %1 %select{|prior to OpenCL version 2.0}2declaring function return value of type %0 is not allowed %select{; did you forget * ?|}1array of %0 type is invalid in OpenCLattribute %0 can only be applied to an OpenCL kernel functionmultiple access qualifiers%select{function|kernel}0 cannot be called 'main'global sampler requires a const or constant address space qualifierpointer to type %0 is invalid in OpenCLkernel parameter cannot be declared as a pointer to a pointeruse of %select{type|declaration}0 %1 requires %2 extension to be enabledreturn value cannot be qualified with address spacescalar operand type has greater rank than the type of the vector element. (%0 and %1)invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align|__alignof}0' to a void typetaking address of a capture is not allowedblock type cannot be used as expression in ternary expression in OpenCLtype %0 can only be used as a function parameter in OpenCLthe %0 type cannot be used to declare a structure or union fieldinvalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCLvariable length arrays are not supported in OpenCLuse of placement new requires explicit declarationinvalid application of '__builtin_omp_required_simd_align' to an expression, only type is allowedcircular pointer delegation detecteduse of 'operator->' on type %0 would invoke a sequence of more than %1 'operator->' calls%0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use %1 insteadfirst parameter of %0 must have type %1parameter of %0 cannot have a default argument%0 cannot be declared inside a namespace%0 cannot be declared static in global scope%0 cannot have a dependent return type; use %1 instead%0 must return type %1%0 template must have at least two parameters%0 must have at least one parameter%0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use size_t (%1) instead%0 takes type size_t (%1) as first parameterparameter of overloaded %0 cannot have a default argumentoverloaded %0 must be a %select{unary|binary|unary or binary}2 operator (has %1 parameter%s1)overloaded %0 must be a non-static member functionoverloaded %0 must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration typeparameter of overloaded post-%select{increment|decrement}1 operator must have type 'int' (not %0)overloaded %0 cannot be a static member functionoverloaded %0 cannot be variadicos_log() argument %0 is too big (%1 bytes, max %2)os_log() format argument is not a string constantdefaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 would delete it after its first declarationqualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a %select{template name|type}1 in this contextoperand argument to overflow builtin must be an integer (%0 invalid)result argument to overflow builtin must be a pointer to a non-const integer (%0 invalid)exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base versioncall to %0 is ambiguousambiguous conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2call to constructor of %0 is ambiguouscall to member function %0 is ambiguouscall to object of type %0 is ambiguoususe of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (with operand types %1 and %2)use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (operand type %1)call to deleted function %0object of type %0 cannot be compared because its %1 is implicitly deleted%select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 uses deleted functioncall to deleted constructor of %0call to deleted member function %0call to deleted function call operator in type %0overload resolution selected deleted operator '%0'call to implicitly-deleted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|function}0 of %1object of type %0 cannot be %select{constructed|copied|moved|assigned|assigned|destroyed}1 because its %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 is implicitly deletedfunctions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloadedcannot convert %1 to %2 without a conversion operatortype %0 does not provide a %select{subscript|call}1 operatorno matching conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2no matching function for call to %0no matching constructor for initialization of %0no matching literal operator for call to %0%select{| with argument of type %2| with arguments of types %2 and %3}1%select{| or 'const char *'}4%select{|, and no matching literal operator template}5no matching member function for call to %0no matching function for call to object of type %0no viable overloaded '%0'no viable overloaded operator[] for type %0return type %0 of selected 'operator==' function for rewritten '%1' comparison is not 'bool'static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types cannot be overloadedreference to %select{overloaded|multiversioned}1 function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it%select{| with no arguments}0?'ownership_returns' attribute index does not match; here it is %0%0 attribute only applies to %select{pointer|integer}1 argumentspack expansion contains parameter packs %0 and %1 that have different lengths (%2 vs. %3)pack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different length (%1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packspack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different length (at least %1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packspack expansion for initialization of member %0pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packsC does not support default argumentsdefault arguments cannot be added to an out-of-line definition of a member of a %select{class template|class template partial specialization|nested class in a template}0missing default argument on parametermissing default argument on parameter %0default arguments can only be specified for parameters in a function declarationparameter pack cannot have a default argumentredefinition of default argumentdefault argument references local variable %0 of enclosing functiondefault argument references parameter %0default argument references 'this'default arguments cannot be added to a function template that has already been declaredargument may not have 'void' typeparameter name omitteda lambda parameter cannot shadow an explicitly captured entity%select{parameters|function return value}0 cannot have __fp16 type; did you forget * ?cannot parenthesize the name of a method when forming a member pointer%select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to %select{declare|define}1 the primary template, remove the template argument listpartial specialization of %0 does not use any of its template parametersambiguous partial specializations of %0class template partial specialization %0 cannot be redeclaredpartial specialization cannot be declared as a frienddeduced type %0 does not satisfy %1'new' expression with placement arguments refers to non-placement 'operator delete'call to pointer to member function of type %0 drops '%1' qualifier%s2pointer-to-member function type %0 can only be called on an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1invalid use of pointer to member type after %select{.*|->*}0this builtin is only valid on POWER7 or later CPUs'#pragma clang attribute' attribute with no matching '#pragma clang attribute push'attribute %0 can't be applied to %1negated attribute subject matcher sub-rule '%0' contradicts sub-rule '%1'redundant attribute subject matcher sub-rule '%0'; '%1' already matches those declarationsunterminated '#pragma clang attribute push' at end of file'#pragma clang attribute %select{%1.|}0pop' with no matching '#pragma clang attribute %select{%1.|}0push'%select{incompatible|duplicate}0 directives '%1' and '%2'invalid argument of type %0; expected an integer type%select{invalid value '%0'; must be positive|value '%0' is too large}1expected a for, while, or do-while loop to follow '%0'mac68k alignment pragma is not supported on this target#pragma visibility pop with no matching #pragma visibility push#pragma visibility push with no matching #pragma visibility pop__builtin_preserve_field_info argument %0 not a constant__builtin_preserve_field_info argument %0 not a field accessinstance variable %0 is privateprivate module fragment declaration with no preceding module declarationprivate module fragment in module implementation unitprivate module fragment redefinedtype of property %0 (%1) does not match type of accessor %2 (%3)property %0 found on object of type %1; did you mean to access it with the "." operator?use of Objective-C property in function nested in Objective-C container not supported, move function outside its containerproperty %0 is already implementedproperty %0 has a variably modified typetype of property %0 (%1) does not match type of instance variable %2 (%3)property access is using %0 method which is unavailableproperty %0 refers to an incomplete Objective-C class %1 (with no @interface available)property %0 not found on object of type %1property %0 cannot be found in forward class object %1property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean %2?synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim setter %2 - use of this setter will cause unexpected behaviorproperty cannot have array or function type %0instance variable %0 is protectedprotocol has circular dependencyproperty %select{of type %1|with attribute '%1'|without attribute '%1'|with getter %1|with setter %1}0 was selected for synthesisobject expression of non-scalar type %0 cannot be used in a pseudo-destructor expressioncall to pseudo-destructor cannot have any arguments%0 does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression; expected the name of type %1the type of object expression %diff{($) does not match the type being destroyed ($)|does not match the type being destroyed}0,1 in pseudo-destructor expressionfriend declaration cannot have a pure-specifierexception declarator cannot be qualifiedfriend function definition cannot be qualified with '%0'type operand %0 of 'typeid' cannot have '%1' qualifierqualified member access refers to a member in %0%q0 is not a member of class %1%select{property|instance variable}0 access cannot be qualified with '%1'@catch parameter declarator cannot be qualifiedparameter declarator cannot be qualifiedtypedef declarator cannot be qualifiedcannot build range expression with array function parameter %0 since parameter with array type %1 is treated as pointer type %2assigning to 'readonly' return result of an Objective-C message not allowedinvalid type %0 to %1 operator%select{struct|union}0 kernel parameters may not contain pointersrecursive evaluation of default argumenttrying to recursively use %0 as superclass of %1redeclaration of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2redefinition of %0redefinition of %0 as different kind of symbolredefinition of %0 as an alias for a different namespaceredefinition of %0 with a different type%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2%select{typedef|type alias|type alias template}0 redefinition with different types%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2redefinition of a 'extern inline' function %0 is not supported in %select{C99 mode|C++}1redefinition of enumerator %0redefinition of label %0redefinition of %select{typedef|type alias}0 for variably-modified type %1cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside blockreference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 functionreference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in global initializercannot refer to declaration of structure variable with flexible array member inside blockreference initialization of type %0 with initializer of type %1 is ambiguous%0 does not refer to a valueref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a constructorref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a destructorcannot overload a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}0 with a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}1cannot refer to declaration with a variably modified type inside blockbinding reference %diff{of type $ to value of type $|to value}0,1 %select{drops %3 qualifier%plural{1:|2:|4:|:s}4|changes address space|not permitted due to incompatible qualifiers}2reference %diff{to %select{type|incomplete type}1 $ could not bind to an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of type $|could not bind to %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of incompatible type}0,3reference to type %0 cannot bind to an initializer listreference of type %0 cannot bind to a temporary object because of address space mismatch%select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to bit-field%select{| %1}2%select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to vector element'&' cannot precede a capture when the capture default is '&'reference cannot be initialized with multiple valuespipes packet types cannot be of reference typeinvalid reference to function %0: constraints not satisfiedreference to local %select{variable|binding}1 %0 declared in enclosing %select{%3|block literal|lambda expression|context}2cannot form a reference to 'void'declaration of reference variable %0 requires an initializerreference to type %0 requires an initializerfunction declared with regparm(%0) attribute was previously declared %plural{0:without the regparm|:with the regparm(%1)}1 attribute%0 attribute cannot be repeatedvariable does not have a constant initializerdefault arguments not allowed for parameters of a requires expressionconstraint variable %0 cannot be used in an evaluated contextcannot subclass a class that was declared with the 'objc_subclassing_restricted' attributereturning block that lives on the local stack@throw (rethrow) used outside of a @catch blockvoid block should not return a valuecannot return from %0return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegalreturn statement not allowed in coroutine; did you mean 'co_return'?%select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 must not return a value%0 cannot use 'super' because it is a root classrvalue reference type %0 is not allowed in exception specificationsampler_t variable required - got %0sampler_t initialization requires 32-bit integer, not %0second argument to __builtin_call_with_static_chain must be of pointer typesecond argument to 'va_arg' is of abstract type %0second argument to 'va_arg' is of incomplete type %0%0 causes a section type conflict with %1cannot use SEH '__try' in a coroutine when C++ exceptions are enabledcannot use SEH '__try' in blocks, captured regions, or Obj-C method declsSEH '__try' is not supported on this targetchosen constructor is explicit in copy-initializationselector element of type %0 cannot be a constant l-value expressionselector element is not a valid lvalueselector element type %0 is not a valid objecttype of setter must be voidinitialization is not supported for __shared__ variables.requested shift is a vector of type %0 but the first operand is not a vector (%1)index for __builtin_shufflevector must be less than the total number of vector elementsindex for __builtin_shufflevector must be a constant integerinvalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align|__alignof}0' to a function typeinvalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|vec_step|__builtin_omp_required_simd_align|__alignof}0' to an incomplete type %1invalid application of '%select{sizeof|alignof|typeof}0' to bit-fieldapplication of '%select{alignof|sizeof}1' to interface %0 is not supported on this architecture and platform%0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack%0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack; did you mean %1?argument to 'operator<=>' %select{cannot be narrowed from type %1 to %2|evaluates to %1, which cannot be narrowed to type %2}0specialization of member %q0 does not specialize an instantiated memberexplicit specialization of %0 after instantiationcannot reference member of primary template because deduced class template specialization %0 is %select{instantiated from a partial|an explicit}1 specializationcannot specialize %select{|(with 'template<>') }0a member of an unspecialized templateforward declaration of %select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}0 cannot have a nested name specifierstatic_assert expression is not an integral constant expressionstatic_assert failed%select{ %1|}0static_assert failed due to requirement '%0'%select{ %2|}1function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage classstatic data member %0 not allowed in anonymous structstatic data member %0 not allowed in local class %1static data member %0 already has an initializercannot cast %0 to %1 via virtual base %2variables in function scope cannot be declared staticthe 'static' modifier for the array size is not legal in new expressionskernel functions cannot be declared static'main' is not allowed to be declared staticstatic declaration of %0 follows non-static declarationstatic member %0 cannot be a bit-field'static' can only be specified inside the class definition'static' member function %0 overrides a virtual function in a base classinterface type cannot be statically allocatedstandard library implementation of %0 is not supported; %select{member '%2' does not have expected form|member '%2' is missing|the type is not trivially copyable|the type does not have the expected form}1unsupported standard library implementation: 'std::%0' is not a class template%0 attribute cannot be applied to a declarationstatic data member definition cannot specify a storage class@catch parameter cannot have storage specifier '%0'storage class specified for a member declarationexisting instance variable %1 for strong property %0 may not be __weaksubscript of pointer to function type %0subscript of pointer to incomplete type %0subscript requires size of interface %0, which is not constant for this architecture and platformuse of '__super' inside a lambda is unsupported'%0' parameter must have pointer%select{| to unqualified pointer}1 type; type here is %2'swift_error_result' parameter must follow 'swift_context' parameter'swift_indirect_result' parameters must be first parameters of function'%0' parameter can only be used with swiftcall calling conventionswitch condition type %0 requires explicit conversion to %1switch condition has incomplete class type %0cannot jump from switch statement to this case labelmultiple conversions from switch condition type %0 to an integral or enumeration type@synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation@synthesize not allowed on a class property %0synthesized property with variable size type %0 requires an existing instance variablecannot synthesize weak property in file using manual reference countingcannot synthesize weak property because the current deployment target does not support weak referencesinvalid transaction abort codedefinition of type %0 conflicts with %select{typedef|type alias}1 of the same name%select{type tag|argument}0 index %1 is greater than the number of arguments specifiedimplicit declaration introduced by elaborated type conflicts with a %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}0 of the same name%select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias template|template template argument}1 %0 cannot be referenced with a %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}2 specifierfriend type templates must use an elaborated typeambiguous constructor call when %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1%select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1 invokes deleted constructorcopying a temporary object of incomplete type %0no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type %0deduced incomplete pack %0 for template parameter %1non-type template argument refers to non-static data member %0constraints not satisfied for %select{class template|function template|variable template|alias template|template template parameter|template}0 %1%2%select{too few|too many}0 template arguments for %select{class template|function template|variable template|alias template|template template parameter|concept|template}1 %2sorry, non-type template argument of pointer-to-member type %1 that refers to member %q0 of a different class is not supported yetnon-type template argument refers to non-static member function %0template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expressiontemplate argument for template template parameter must be a class template%select{| or type alias template}0template argument for template type parameter must be a typetemplate argument for template type parameter must be a type; did you forget 'typename'?non-type template parameter of reference type %diff{$ cannot bind to template argument of type $|cannot bind to template of incompatible argument type}0,1template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as function type %0non-type template argument of type %0 is not a constant expressionnon-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type %0 must have its address takennon-type template argument of type %0 cannot be converted to a value of type %1non-type template argument does not refer to any declarationnon-type template argument of type %0 is not an integral constant expressionnon-type template argument of type %0 must have an integral or enumeration typenon-type template argument does not refer to an object or functionnon-type template argument is not a pointer to member constanttemplate argument does not refer to a class or alias template, or template template parameternon-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 %1 that does not have linkagetemplate argument is the type of an unresolved overloaded functionreference binding of non-type template parameter %diff{of type $ to template argument of type $|to template argument}0,1 ignores qualifiersnon-type template argument of reference type %0 is not an objecttemplate template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template parameternon-type template argument refers to thread-local objectnull non-type template argument must be cast to template parameter type %0null non-type template argument of type %0 does not match template parameter of type %1requires clause differs in template redeclarationtype constraint differs in template redeclarationpack expansion used as argument for non-pack parameter of %select{alias template|concept}0template name refers to non-type template %0templates cannot be declared inside of a local class%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of undefined template %1%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of template %1 within its own definitionkernel functions cannot be used in a template declaration, instantiation or specializationmissing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1''%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template%0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a templatetemplates must have C++ linkagemember %0 declared as a templateextraneous 'template<>' in declaration of member %0use of %select{class template|function template|variable template|alias template|template template parameter|concept|template}0 %1 requires template argumentsa non-type template parameter cannot have type %0template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclarationtemplates can only be declared in namespace or class scopetemplate parameter missing a default argumenttemplate parameter redefines default argumenttemplate parameter has a different kind in template %select{|template parameter }0redeclaration%select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclarationtemplate parameter list matching the non-templated nested type %0 should be empty ('template<>')template parameter pack cannot have a default argumenttemplate parameter pack must be the last template parameterdeclaration of %0 shadows template parameterdefault template argument not permitted on a friend templatecannot add a default template argument to the definition of a member of a class template%select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 conflicts with previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1nested name specifier '%0' for declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specializationrecursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0cannot declare an explicit specialization in a friendexplicit specialization of %0 in function scopedefault argument not permitted on an explicit %select{instantiation|specialization}0 of function %1extraneous template parameter list in template specialization or out-of-line template definitiontemplate specialization declaration cannot be a friendtemplate specialization requires 'template<>'template specialization or definition requires a template parameter list corresponding to the nested type %0%select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 must occur at global scope%select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 not in %select{a namespace enclosing %2|class %2 or an enclosing namespace}3can only provide an explicit specialization for a class template, function template, variable template, or a member function, static data member, %select{or member class|member class, or member enumeration}0 of a class templateextraneous 'template<>' in declaration of %0 %1template template argument %0 is more constrained than template template parameter %1template template parameter must have its own template parametersa typedef cannot be a templatecannot declare a class template with no nameextraneous 'template<>' in declaration of variable %0tentative definition has type %0 that is never completed'this' cannot be %select{implicitly |}0captured in this context'this' cannot be%select{| implicitly}0 used in a static member function declarationinitializer for thread-local variable must be a constant expression'%0' variables must have global storagethread-local declaration of %0 follows non-thread-local declarationtype of thread-local variable has non-trivial destructionthread-local declaration of %0 with %select{static|dynamic}1 initialization follows declaration with %select{dynamic|static}1 initializationthread-local storage is not supported for the current targetthree-way comparison between vectors is not supportedcannot throw an object of abstract type %0cannot throw object of incomplete type %0cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type %0alignment (%0) of thread-local variable %1 is greater than the maximum supported alignment (%2) for a thread-local variable on this targetonly one element declaration is alloweddeduction guide cannot have a requires clausetrailing return type may not be nested within parenthesesfunction with trailing return type must specify return type 'auto', not %0%0 requires more than 1 template argument; provide the remaining arguments explicitly to use it hereconcept named in type constraint is not a type concept%0 cannot be defined in a type alias template%0 cannot be defined in a condition%0 cannot be defined in an enumerationtypes may not be defined in a for range declaration%0 cannot be defined in a parameter type%0 cannot be defined in the result type of a function%0 cannot be defined in a type specifiertype of property %0 in class extension does not match property type in primary classa parameter pack may not be accessed at an out of bounds index'%0' does not name a type'%0' refers to a %select{class template|function template|variable template|alias template|template template parameter|template}1, not a type template'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression'type_tag_for_datatype' attribute requires the initializer to be an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression that can be represented by a 64 bit integer%0 is not supported on this targetaddress of %select{bit-field|vector element|property expression|register variable}0 requestedtaking the address of a destructortaking the address of a temporary object of type %0conversion %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 is ambiguousvariable declared with 'objc_externally_retained' cannot be modified in ARCcannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init familycannot assign to 'self' in a class methodarithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %0fast enumeration variables cannot be modified in ARC by default; declare the variable __strong to allow thisarray type %0 is not assignable%select{cannot assign to return value because function %1 returns a const value|cannot assign to variable %1 with const-qualified type %2|cannot assign to %select{non-|}1static data member %2 with const-qualified type %3|cannot assign to non-static data member within const member function %1|cannot assign to %select{variable %2|non-static data member %2|lvalue}1 with %select{|nested }3const-qualified data member %4|read-only variable is not assignable}0value of type %0 is not contextually convertible to 'bool'ordered compare requires two args of floating point type%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1floating point classification requires argument of floating point type (passed in %0)called object type %0 is not a function or function pointertoo few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, at least argument %1 must be specifiedtoo few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2; did you mean %3?too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, single argument %1 was not specifiedtoo few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3?too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most single argument %1, have %2 argumentstoo many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2; did you mean %3?too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected single argument %1, have %2 argumentstoo many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2; did you mean %3?cast to incomplete type %0cast to union type from type %0 not present in union'__builtin_choose_expr' requires a constant expressioncomparison of distinct block types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1comparison of distinct pointer types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1)comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1)used type %0 where integer or floating point type is requiredused type %0 where floating point type is not allowedused type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is requiredincompatible operand types%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1non-pointer operand type %0 incompatible with %select{NULL|nullptr}1%select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different number of parameters (%5 vs %6)|: type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}6,7|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}5,6|: different qualifiers (%5 vs %6)|: different exception specifications}4incompatible block pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2value of type %0 is not implicitly convertible to %1conversion from %0 to %1 is not allowed in a converted constant expressionconversion from %0 to %1 in converted constant expression would bind reference to a temporaryvariable has incomplete type %0conversion function %diff{from $ to $|between types}0,1 invokes a deleted functionvector is not assignable (contains duplicate components)used type %0 where integer is requiredoperand of type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is requiredfields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supportedcannot %select{decrement|increment}1 value of type %0%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes address space of pointer%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes address space of nested pointer%select{%diff{assigning $ to $|assigning to different types}1,0|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 changes retain/release properties of pointerdefinition of variable with array type needs an explicit size or an initializerincomplete definition of type %0incomplete type %0 is not assignableindirection requires pointer operand (%0 invalid)cannot take the address of an rvalue of type %0extra '&' taking address of overloaded functioninvalid operands to binary expression (%0 and %1)pointer to function type %0 may not be 'restrict' qualifiedrestrict requires a pointer or reference (%0 is invalid)restrict requires a pointer or referenceinstance variables must have a constant sizelogical expression with vector %select{type %1 and non-vector type %2|types %1 and %2}0 is only supported in C++assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supportedmember reference type %0 is not a pointer%0 does not have a member named %1%0 does not have a member named %1; did you mean %2?member reference base type %0 is not a structure or unionmember reference type %0 is %select{a|not a}1 pointer; did you mean to use '%select{->|.}1'?cannot refer to type member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2'cannot refer to member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2'%diff{return type $ must match previous return type $|return type must match previous return type}0,1 when %select{block literal|lambda expression}2 has unspecified explicit return typearray size is negativenon-object type %0 is not assignableno viable conversion%select{%diff{ from $ to $|}1,2|%diff{ from returned value of type $ to function return type $|}1,2}0no viable conversion%diff{ from $ to incomplete type $|}0,1%select{comparison between %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|arithmetic operation with operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1|conditional operator with the second and third operands of type %diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1}2 which are pointers to non-overlapping address spacesordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1)arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to voidillegal storage class on file-scoped variableillegal storage class on functionstatement requires expression of integer type (%0 invalid)statement requires expression of scalar type (%0 invalid)%diff{$ and $ are not pointers to compatible types|pointers to incompatible types}0,1array subscript is not an integersubscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vectorthree-way comparison between pointer and zeroinvalid argument type %0 to unary expressionvector operands do not have the same number of elements (%0 and %1)cannot convert between vector values of different size (%0 and %1)cannot convert between %select{scalar|vector}0 type %1 and vector type %2 as implicit conversion would cause truncationcannot convert between vector and non-scalar values (%0 and %1)zero-length arrays are not permitted in C++unsupported: typedef changes linkage of anonymous type, but linkage was already computedtypedef member %0 cannot be a bit-fieldtypedef name must be an identifiermissing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1'missing 'typename' prior to dependent type template name '%0%1'no type named %0 in %1no type named 'type' in %0; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declarationfailed requirement '%0'; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declarationtypename specifier refers to non-type member %0 in %1typename specifier refers to non-type %0typename specifier refers to a dependent using declaration for a value %0 in %1%0 is unavailable%0 is unavailable in ARC%0 is unavailable: %1%0 has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return typeno known method %select{%objcinstance1|%objcclass1}0; cast the message send to the method's return type%0 has unknown type; cast it to its declared type to use itdeclaration of %0 is missing in %1 classuse of undeclared label %0definition of class %0 must be available to use Objective-C %select{array literals|dictionary literals|numeric literals|boxed expressions|string literals}1cannot find protocol declaration for %0cannot find protocol declaration for %0; did you mean %1?use of undeclared %0use of undeclared %0; did you mean %1?use of undeclared identifier %0use of undeclared identifier %0; did you mean %1?cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1?cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1; did you mean %2?inline variable %q0 is not defined%select{function|variable}0 %q1 is used but not defined in this translation unit, and cannot be defined in any other translation unit because its type does not have linkagecannot determine underlying type of incomplete enumeration type %0%select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization|__if_exists name|__if_not_exists name|lambda|block|type constraint}0 contains%plural{0: an|:}1 unexpanded parameter pack%plural{0:|1: %2|2:s %2 and %3|:s %2, %3, ...}1friends can only be classes or functionsunexpected interface name %0: expected expressionunexpected namespace name %0: expected expressionunexpected type name %0: expected expressioncannot define the implicit copy assignment operator for %0, because non-static %select{reference|const}1 member %2 cannot use copy assignment operator%select{constructor for %1|implicit default constructor for %1|cannot use constructor inherited from %1:}0 must explicitly initialize the %select{reference|const}2 member %3unions cannot be base classesunion member %0 has reference type %1the address of a declaration with unknown type can only be cast to a pointer typeaddress-of operator cannot be applied to a call to a function with unknown return typefunction %0 with unknown type must be given a function typevariable %0 with unknown type cannot be given a function typeno type named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3?unknown receiver %0; did you mean %1?unknown %select{type|class}1 name %0; did you mean %2?unknown type name %0unknown type name %0; did you mean %1?must explicitly qualify name of member function when taking its addressconstrained placeholder types other than simple 'auto' on non-type template parameters not supported yetcall to unsupported expression with unknown type%0 has unknown type, which is not supported for this kind of declarationunsupported expression with unknown typecannot cast %0 to its %select{private|protected}2 base class %1illegal redeclaration of property in class extension %0 (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly')illegal redeclaration of 'readwrite' property in class extension %0 (perhaps you intended this to be a 'readwrite' redeclaration of a 'readonly' public property?)use of default argument to function %0 that is declared later in class %1use of %0 with tag type that does not match previous declarationusing declaration cannot refer to class memberusing declaration cannot refer to a namespaceusing declaration cannot refer to a scoped enumeratortarget of using declaration conflicts with declaration already in scopedeclaration conflicts with target of using declaration already in scopeusing declaration cannot refer to a constructor%0 is not a direct base of %1, cannot inherit constructorsusing declaration cannot refer to a destructorcannot befriend target of using declarationusing declaration refers to its own classusing declaration refers into '%0', which is not a base class of %1using declaration in class refers into '%0', which is not a classredeclaration of using declarationusing declaration pack expansion at block scope produces multiple valuesusing declaration cannot refer to a template specializationdependent using declaration resolved to type without 'typename'no namespace named %0 in %1; did you mean %select{|simply }2%3?no namespace named %0; did you mean %1?%select{|member}0 using declaration %1 instantiates to an empty packusing declaration requires a qualified name'typename' keyword used on a non-typecannot call operator __uuidof on a type with multiple GUIDscannot call operator __uuidof on a type with no GUIDCUDA device code does not support va_arg'va_start' cannot be used in a captured statement'va_start' used in function with fixed args'va_start' cannot be used outside a function'va_start' used in %select{System V|Win64}0 ABI functionarray types cannot be value-initializedvariable template partial specialization %0 cannot be redefinedno variable template matches%select{| partial}0 specializationno variable template matches specialization; did you mean to use %0 as function template instead?%select{variable|static data member}0 instantiated with function type %1variable-sized object may not be initialized'new' cannot allocate object of variably modified type %0non-type template parameter of variably modified type %0variably modified type %0 cannot be used as a template argument'typeid' of variably modified type %0CUDA device code does not support variadic functionsfirst two arguments to %0 must have the same typefirst two arguments to %0 must be vectors'vec_step' requires built-in scalar or vector type, %0 invalid%select{too many|too few}0 elements in vector initialization (expected %1 elements, have %2)unions cannot have virtual functions'virtual' cannot be specified on member function templates'virtual' can only appear on non-static member functions'virtual' can only be specified inside the class definitionvariable length array declaration cannot have 'extern' linkagevariable length array declaration cannot have 'static' storage durationvariable length array declaration not allowed at file scopevariable length array cannot be formed during template argument deductionvariable length arrays are not supported for the current targetvariably modified type declaration cannot have 'extern' linkagevariably modified type declaration not allowed at file scopefunction declaration cannot have variably modified type'void' must be the first and only parameter if specified'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiersargument %0 to %1 must be a 2-bit unsigned literal (i.e. 0, 1, 2 or 3)existing instance variable %1 for __weak property %0 must be __weaksampler type cannot be used with the __local and __global address space qualifiersinvalid rounding argumentscale argument must be 1, 2, 4, or 8%0 calling convention is not supported %select{for this target|on variadic function|on constructor/destructor|on builtin function}1duplicate use of asm operand name "%0"asm-specifier for input or output variable conflicts with asm clobber listuse of function template name with no prior declaration in function call with explicit template arguments is a C++20 extensioninitializer for aggregate is not a compile-time constantanonymous types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are an extensiontypes declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft extensionanonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%1'anonymous unions are a C11 extensioninitialization of an array %diff{of type $ from a compound literal of type $|from a compound literal}0,1 is a GNU extensionparenthesized initialization of a member array is a GNU extensionimplicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extensionISO C++ standards before C++17 do not allow new expression for type %0 to use list-initialization'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extensionISO C++ does not allow %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 because it casts away qualifiers, even though the source and destination types are unrelatedanonymous structs are a C11 extension%select{qualifier in |static |}0array size %select{||'[*] '}0is a C99 featureflexible array members are a C99 feature'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to %0cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension%select{case value|enumerator value|non-type template argument|array size|constexpr if condition|explicit specifier argument}0 %select{cannot be narrowed from type %2 to %3|evaluates to %2, which cannot be narrowed to type %3}1complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extensionuse of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extensionuse of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++20 extensionmultiple return statements in constexpr function is a C++14 extensionconstexpr constructor that does not initialize all members is a C++20 extensionconstexpr %select{function|constructor}0 never produces a constant expressionfunction try block in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++20 extensionvariable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extensionuninitialized variable in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++20 extensiontype definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is a C++14 extensionconstexpr union constructor that does not initialize any member is a C++20 extension'constinit' specifier missing on initializing declaration of %0use of the %0 attribute is a C++14 extensionuse of the %0 attribute is a C++17 extensionuse of the %0 attribute is a C++20 extensiondesignated initializers are a C++20 extensiondecomposition declarations are a C++17 extensionISO C++17 does not permit structured binding declaration in a conditiondecomposition declaration declared %plural{1:'%1'|:with '%1' specifiers}0 is a C++20 extensiondefault initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| without a user-provided default constructor}1 is a Microsoft extensiondefaulted comparison operators are a C++20 extensioncannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type %0ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to %0designated initializers are a C99 featurearray designators are a C99 extensionmixture of designated and non-designated initializers in the same initializer list is a C99 extensionnested designators are a C99 extensionISO C++ requires field designators to be specified in declaration order; field %1 will be initialized after field %0empty %select{struct|union}0 is a GNU extensionbefriending enumeration type %0 is a C++11 extensionenumeration values exceed range of largest integerISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too %select{small|large}1)incremented enumerator value %0 is not representable in the largest integer typeexplicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is a C++20 extensionambiguous use of internal linkage declaration %0 defined in multiple modulesexplicit conversion functions are a C++11 extensionduplicate explicit instantiation of %0 ignored as a Microsoft extensionqualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id (a typedef is not permitted)explicit specialization cannot have a storage classISO C++20 does not permit %select{an empty|a static_assert}0 declaration to appear in an export blockISO C++20 does not permit a declaration that does not introduce any names to be exportedISO C++20 does not permit using directive to be exportedexpression is not an %select{integer|integral}0 constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extensionflexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a GNU extensionflexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}1 is a Microsoft extension%0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member%0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array memberflexible array initialization is a GNU extensionflexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extensionflexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is a C++17 extensionISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' typesredeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extensionuse of identifier %0 found via unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class templates is a Microsoft extensioncomplex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementationunqualified friend declaration referring to type outside of the nearest enclosing namespace is a Microsoft extension; add a nested name specifieranonymous structs are a GNU extensionarithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extensionsubscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extensionarithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extensionjump from this goto statement to its label is a Microsoft extensionimaginary constants are a GNU extensionfunction previously declared with an %select{explicit|implicit}0 exception specification redeclared with an %select{implicit|explicit}0 exception specificationimplicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in C99implicitly declaring library function '%0' with type %1in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 is a GNU extensionin-class initializer for static data member is not a constant expression; folding it to a constant is a GNU extensionISO C++17 does not allow incrementing expression of type boolinitialized lambda captures are a C++14 extensioninitialized lambda pack captures are a C++20 extensionconstant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer listnon-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer listinitializer %select{partially |}0overrides prior initialization of this subobjectinline variables are a C++17 extensionISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0complex integer types are a GNU extensionISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0static %select{function|variable}0 %1 is used in an inline function with external linkagereturn type of 'main' is not 'int'ISO C++ does not allow 'main' to be used by a programtoo many braces around scalar initializerdeclaration specifier missing, defaulting to 'int'type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and codeimport of C++ module '%0' appears within extern "C" language linkage specificationredundant #include of module '%0' appears within %1accessing inaccessible direct base %0 of %1 is a Microsoft extensionanonymous %select{structs|unions}0 are a Microsoft extensionstatic_cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extensionusing the undeclared type %0 as a default template argument is a Microsoft extensionnon-type template argument containing a dereference operation is a Microsoft extensionexplicit constructor calls are a Microsoft extensionforward references to 'enum' types are a Microsoft extensionimplicit conversion between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is a Microsoft extension%select{class template|class template partial|variable template|variable template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class|member enumeration}0 specialization of %1 not in %select{a namespace enclosing %2|class %2 or an enclosing namespace}3 is a Microsoft extensiontemplate argument for template type parameter must be a type; omitted 'typename' is a Microsoft extensionusing declaration referring to inaccessible member '%0' (which refers to accessible member '%1') is a Microsoft compatibility extension'mutable' on a reference type is a Microsoft extensionlookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of %1use of enumeration in a nested name specifier is a C++11 extension%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiers in nested pointer typeswhen type is in parentheses, array cannot have dynamic sizedeclaration does not declare anything%select{struct|union}0 without named members is a GNU extensionnon-class friend type %0 is a C++11 extension'main' is not allowed to be declared _Noreturnoffset of on non-POD type %0offset of on non-standard-layout type %0vector component name '%0' is an OpenCL version 2.2 featurereplacement function %0 cannot be declared 'inline'out-of-line declaration of a member must be a definitionISO C++ specifies that qualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a %select{template name|type}1 in this context, despite preceding %select{'typename'|'template'}2 keywordISO C++20 considers use of overloaded operator '%0' (with operand types %1 and %2) to be ambiguous despite there being a unique best viable functionparameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int'%diff{promoted type $ of K&R function parameter is not compatible with the parameter type $|promoted type of K&R function parameter is not compatible with parameter type}0,1 declared in a previous prototype%select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization is not more specialized than the primary template%select{class|variable}0 template partial specialization contains %select{a template parameter|template parameters}1 that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be usedplain '_Complex' requires a type specifier; assuming '_Complex double'invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is a C++20 extensionpredefined identifier is only valid inside functionpseudo-destructors on type void are a Microsoft extensionfunction definition with pure-specifier is a Microsoft extensionredefinition of typedef %0 is a C11 featureISO C++17 does not allow 'register' storage class specifierfriend function %0 retaining previous language linkage is an extension%select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 should not return a valuevoid %select{function|method|block}1 %0 should not return void expressionnon-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a valueC++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary'%0' is not permitted on a declaration of a typecapture of '*this' by copy is a C++17 extensionstatic data member %0 in union is a C++11 extensionredeclaring non-static %0 as static is a Microsoft extensionstring literal operator templates are a GNU extensionISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue arrayaddress non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parenthesestemplate argument uses local type %0non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is a C++11 extensiontemplate argument uses unnamed type'template' keyword outside of a templatedefault template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extensionISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void'method parameter type %diff{$ does not match super class method parameter type $|does not match super class method parameter type}0,1C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same typecast to union type is a GNU extensionincompatible operand types (%0 and %1)pointer type mismatch%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void sidepointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 discards qualifiersincompatible function pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3incompatible pointer types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between pointers to integer types with different signincompatible integer to pointer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3incompatible pointer to integer conversion %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2%select{|; dereference with *|; take the address with &|; remove *|; remove &}3%select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2 converts between void pointer and function pointertentative definition of variable with internal linkage has incomplete non-array type %0ISO C++ does not allow indirection on operand of type %0ordered comparison of function pointers (%0 and %1)ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extensionordered comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1)zero size arrays are an extensiontypedef requires a name'typename' occurs outside of a templateuse of undeclared identifier %0; unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class template %1 is a Microsoft extensionISO C++ requires a definition in this translation unit for %select{function|variable}0 %q1 because its type does not have linkageunelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension; specify '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' to befriend %1union member %0 has reference type %1, which is a Microsoft extensionuse of out-of-scope declaration of %0%select{| whose type is not compatible with that of an implicit declaration}1using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std'field %0 with variable sized type %1 not at the end of a struct or class is a GNU extensionvariable templates are a C++14 extension'main' is not allowed to be declared variadicvariable length arrays are a C99 featurevariable length array folded to constant array as an extensionconstrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0 inheritance here%select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 hereprotected %select{constructor|destructor}0 can only be used to %select{construct|destroy}0 a base class subobjectmust name member using the type of the current context %0can only access this member on an object of type %0call 'std::move' explicitly to avoid copyingcall 'std::move' explicitly to avoid copying on older compilersadd a '@synthesize' directiveadd a pair of parentheses to declare a variablecandidate function made ineligible by enable_ifdeclared with %0 attribute hereallocated with 'new%select{[]|}0' herelookup in the object type %0 refers herelookup from the current scope refers heresimilar constraint expressions not considered equivalent; constraint expressions cannot be considered equivalent unless they originate from the same conceptsimilar constraint expression herecandidate found by name lookup is %q0inherited from base class %0 heremember found by ambiguous name lookupbecause of ambiguity in conversion %diff{of $ to $|between types}0,1anonymous namespace begins hereuse __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership)use %select{__bridge_retained|CFBridgingRetain call}1 to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0use %select{__bridge_transfer|CFBridgingRelease call}1 to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARCuse __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly (no change in ownership)use __bridge_retained with C-style cast to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0use __bridge_transfer with C-style cast to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARCfield has non-trivial ownership qualificationdeclaration uses type that is ill-formed in ARCdeclaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1init method must return a type related to its receiver typedeclaration in interfaceblock will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly retained by the captured object}0also accessed heredeclaration uses __weak, but ARC is disableddeclaration uses __weak, which the current deployment target does not supportarray %0 declared hereadd 'u8' prefix to form a 'char8_t' string literalconversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared hereconstraint '%0' is already present hereuse constraint modifier "%0"type %0 is incomplete%select{and|because}0 '%1' evaluated to false%select{and|because}0 '%1' (%2 %3 %4) evaluated to falsesetter and getter must both be synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomicattribute is hereprevious %select{unmarked |}0overload of function is hereproperty should be changed to be readwrite%0 has been explicitly marked %select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated}1 herereturn type of 'await_ready' is required to be contextually convertible to 'bool'explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warningbase class %0 specified herebit-field is declared heredid you mean to use __block %0?called by %0%0 declared herecallee declares array parameter as static heredeclaration missing '[[carries_dependency]]' attribute is herecast expression to void to silence warning%select{category|class extension}0 conforms to protocol %1 which defines method %2consider making the bitfield type %select{unsigned|signed}0consider defining %0 with the '%1' calling conventionwhile checking constraint satisfaction for class template partial specialization '%0' required herewhile checking constraint satisfaction for function '%0' required herewhile checking constraint satisfaction for template '%0' required herewhile checking constraint satisfaction for variable template partial specialization '%0' required hereclass is declared hereexplicitly declare getter %objcinstance0 with '%1' to return an 'unowned' objectparameter of the 'collapse' clausein defaulted %select{|equality|three-way|equality|relational}0 comparison operator for %1 first required herecompatible type %0 specified herewhile checking the satisfaction of concept '%0' requested hereplace parentheses around the assignment to silence this warninguse '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparisonuse '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparisonconflicting attribute is hereconflicting %0 hereprevious return statement is heremember not initialized by constructor%select{data member %1|base class %2}0 declared herevirtual base class declared hereadd the %select{'require_constant_initialization' attribute|'constinit' specifier}0 to the initializing declaration herevariable declared constinit herewhile calculating associated constraint of template '%0' herewhile substituting template arguments into constraint expression hereconstraints not satisfiedtype conversion function declared hereuse 'static' to give inline function %0 internal linkagecall to %0 implicitly required by coroutine function herecall to 'await_transform' implicitly required by 'co_await' herecall to '%select{initial_suspend|final_suspend}0' implicitly required by the %select{initial suspend point|final suspend point}0conflicting __device__ function declared herecandidate template ignored: target attributes do not matchremove 'u8' prefix to avoid a change of behavior; Clang encodes unprefixed narrow string literals as UTF-8annotate %select{%1|anonymous %1}0 with an availability attribute to silence this warningthis declaration is not a prototype; add %select{'void'|parameter declarations}0 to make it %select{a prototype for a zero-parameter function|one}0declare the parameter __strong or capture a __block __strong variable to keep values alive across autorelease poolsfunction is a coroutine due to use of '%0' heredeclared %select{'returns_nonnull'|'nonnull'}0 hererequired by %select{'require_constant_initialization' attribute|'constinit' specifier}0 hereduring template argument deduction for %select{class|variable}0 template %select{partial specialization |}1%2 %3deduction guide declared %0 by intervening access specifiermember template declared %0 herein instantiation of default argument for '%0' required heredefault argument declared herein instantiation of default function argument expression for '%0' required heredefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because implied %select{|'==' |'<' }1comparison %select{|for member %3 |for base class %3 }2is ambiguousdefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because it would invoke a deleted comparison function%select{| for member %2| for base class %2}1return type of defaulted 'operator<=>' cannot be deduced because return type %2 of three-way comparison for %select{|member|base class}0 %1 is not a standard comparison category typeselected 'operator<=>' for %select{|member|base class}0 %1 declared here%select{|member|base class}0 %1 declared heredefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because it would invoke a %select{private|protected}3 %4%select{ member of %6| member of %6 to compare member %2| to compare base class %2}1defaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because there is no viable comparison function%select{| for member %2| for base class %2}1three-way comparison cannot be synthesized because there is no viable function for %select{'=='|'<'}0 comparisonnon-constexpr comparison function would be used to compare %select{|member %1|base class %1}0non-constexpr comparison function declared heredefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because this non-rewritten comparison function would be the best match for the comparisondefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because class %1 has a reference memberdefaulted %0 is implicitly deleted because %2 is a %select{union-like class|union}1 with variant members%0 defined hereconversion to pointer type %0qualify call to silence this warning%select{copy|move}0 assignment operator of %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 is of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3copy constructor of %0 is implicitly deleted because field %1 is of rvalue reference type %2copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}0 is implicitly deleted because %1 has a user-declared move %select{constructor|assignment operator}2%select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because all %select{data members|data members of an anonymous union member}2 are const-qualified%select{default constructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because field %2 of %select{reference|const-qualified}4 type %3 would not be initializedvirtual destructor requires an unambiguous, accessible 'operator delete'%select{default constructor of|copy constructor of|move constructor of|copy assignment operator of|move assignment operator of|destructor of|constructor inherited by}0 %1 is implicitly deleted because %select{base class %3|%select{||||variant }4field %3}2 %select{has %select{no|a deleted|multiple|an inaccessible|a non-trivial}4 %select{%select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor|%select{default|corresponding|default|default|default}4 constructor}0|destructor}5%select{||s||}4|is an ObjC pointer}6function is implicitly deleted because its declared type does not match the type of an implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0candidate ignored: %select{not a function template|not a member of the enclosing namespace; did you mean to explicitly qualify the specialization?}0template parameter is used in default argument declared heremust qualify identifier to find this declaration in dependent base classadd an explicit capture of 'this' to capture '*this' by referencefirst non-designated initializer is heretype %0 is declared heredirect method %0 declared heredue to %0 being dllexported%select{|; try compiling in C++11 mode}1asm operand name "%0" first referenced hereelement %0 also has value %1put the semicolon on a separate line to silence this warningremove parentheses to declare a variablechange this ',' to a ';' to call %0replace parentheses with an initializer to declare a variablejump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ objectjump enters lifetime of block which captures a C struct that is non-trivial to destroyjump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variablejump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variableenum %0 was explicitly specialized hereremove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warninguse '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignmentdeclared here%select{ in module '%1'|}0place parentheses around comparison expression to evaluate it firstin evaluation of exception specification for %q0 needed herejump exits scope of __block variablejump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible C++ objectjump exits lifetime of block which captures a C struct that is non-trivial to destroyjump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variablejump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variablejump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))jump exits catch blockjump exits try blockjump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructorjump exits autoreleasepool blockjump exits @catch blockjump exits @finally blockjump exits scope of __strong variablejump exits @synchronized blockjump exits @try blockjump exits scope of __weak variablejump exits __except blockjump exits __finally blockjump exits __try blockjump exits scope of lifetime-extended temporary with non-trivial destructorexplicit %select{constructor|deduction guide}0 declared hereexplicit instantiation candidate function %q0 template here %1explicit instantiation definition is hereexplicit instantiation refers hereexplicit specialization declared herewhile substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function template %0 %1'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 declared hereexport block begins here%select{and|because}0 type constraint '%1' was not satisfied:%select{and|because}0 %1 does not satisfy %2:%select{and|because}0 '%1' would be invalid: %2%select{and|because}0 '%1' would be invalid%select{and|because}0 '%1' may throw an exceptionextern "C" language linkage specification begins heredeclared %select{in global scope|with C language linkage}0 heredid you forget ';'?field designator refers heremark %0 as '%select{final|sealed}1' to silence this warningfinal overrider of %q0 in %1initialized flexible array member %0 is hereselected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3in implicit call to 'operator%select{!=|*|++}0' for iterator of type %1member is not a candidate because range type %0 has no '%select{end|begin}1' memberdid you mean to use '%0'?treat the string as an argument to avoid thisformat string is defined hereforward declaration of class hereforward declaration of template entity is herefound near match '%0'from 'diagnose_if' attribute on %0:add enclosing parentheses to perform a function-style castdid you mean %0?while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 %1in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested herefunction template %q0 matches specialization %1suffix with parentheses to turn this into a function callprefix with the address-of operator to silence this warningor because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is foundadd 'module;' to the start of the file to introduce a global module fragmentinline assembly label %0 declared hereGuarded_by declared here.hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here%select{|: different classes%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different number of parameters (%2 vs %3)|: type mismatch at %ordinal2 parameter%diff{ ($ vs $)|}3,4|: different return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}2,3|: different qualifiers (%2 vs %3)|: different exception specifications}1type declaration hiddendeclaration hides typefield of illegal %select{type|pointer type}0 %1 declared hereclass implementation is declared herewhen implemented by class %0while checking implicit 'delete this' for virtual destructorimplicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 inferred target collision: call to both %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 and %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 members%0 is an implicit parameterexplicitly defaulted function was implicitly deleted herein implicit initialization of binding declaration %0add 'constexpr'default member initializer declared herewhile declaring the corresponding implicit 'operator==' for this defaulted 'operator<=>'while declaring the implicit %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 for %0when looking up '%select{begin|end}0' function for range expression of type %1in implicit initialization of %select{array element %1 with omitted initializer|field %1 with omitted initializer|trailing array elements in runtime-sized array new}0in initialization of temporary of type %0 created to list-initialize this referenceinclude the header <%0> or explicitly provide a declaration for '%1'conformance of forward class %0 to protocol %1 can not be confirmedpossible target of %select{indirect|asm}0 goto statementconsider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile'use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignmentinsert an explicit cast to silence this issueinitializing field %0 with default member initializerinsert 'break;' to avoid fall-throughinsert '%0;' to silence this warningadd an explicit instantiation declaration to suppress this warning if %q0 is explicitly instantiated in another translation unit(skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to see all)%select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required hereit delegates toinstance variable is declared herelambda expression begins hereimplicit capture of lambda object due to conversion to block pointer here%select{%select{reference|'std::initializer_list'}0 member|member with %select{reference|'std::initializer_list'}0 subobject}1 declared herelocal declaration nearly matchestype of %ordinal0 parameter of local declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2%select{via initialization of|binding reference}0 variable %select{%2 |}1herethe other acquisition of %0 '%1' is here%0 acquired hereuse '%0' for a bitwise operationremove constant to silence this warningadd parentheses after the '!' to evaluate the %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0 firstadd parentheses around left hand side expression to silence this warning%select{decremented|incremented}0 herechange return type to 'int'remove '_Noreturn'member is declared heremember %0 declared heremember declaration does not match because it %select{is|is not}0 const qualifiedmember declaration nearly matchestype of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2member %0 first declared here'->' applied to return value of the operator->() declared herein %select{implicit|defaulted}0 %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 for %2 first required hereexplicitly cast the argument to size_t to silence this warningdid you mean to compare the result of %0 instead?method %0 declared herecompiler has implicitly changed method %0 return typemethod %0 is used for the forward class%0 begins herefunction multiversioning caused by this declarationnamespace %0 defined hereconsider using vld1_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcreate_%0%1() to initialize from an integer constantconsider using vld1q_%0%1() to initialize a vector from memory, or vcombine_%0%1(vcreate_%0%1(), vcreate_%0%1()) to initialize from integer constantswhile checking the satisfaction of nested requirement requested herenext field declaration is herenext %select{instance variable declaration|synthesized instance variable}0 is herenon-deducible template parameter %0not-yet-instantiated member is declared here%0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type%0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of %select{non-literal|volatile}3 type %2incomplete type %0 is not a literal typelambda closure types are non-literal types before C++17%0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move constructors%0 is not literal because its destructor is not constexpr%0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor%0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor%select{struct|interface|class}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal typenon-template declaration found by name lookup%select{%2 has subobjects that are|%3 has type %2 that is}0 non-trivial to %select{default-initialize|destruct|copy}1non-usual %0 declared herenon-templated declaration is herebecause it has a default argumentfield is non-trivial to %select{copy|default-initialize}0because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1because field %0 has an initializerbecause no %select{<>|constructor|constructor|assignment operator|assignment operator|<>}2 can be used to %select{<>|copy|move|copy|move|<>}2 %select{base class|field|an object}0 of type %3because %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has no default constructorbecause type %0 has a member with %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}1 ownershipbecause its parameter is %diff{of type $, not $|of the wrong type}2,3because the function selected to %select{construct|copy|move|copy|move|destroy}2 %select{base class|field}0 of type %1 is not trivialbecause %select{base class of |field of |}0type %1 has a user-provided %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2because it is a variadic functiondestructor for %0 is not trivial because it is virtualdeclaration missing '[[noreturn]]' attribute is here%0 should be declared prior to the call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1add 'export' here if this is intended to be a module interface unitinsert '%select{_Nonnull|_Nullable|_Null_unspecified}0' if the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|array parameter}1 %select{should never be null|may be null|should not declare nullability}0%0 specified hereuse nullability type specifier %0 to affect the innermost pointer type of %1method marked as designated initializer of the class hereuse 'isEqual:' instead%select{first|second|third}0 parameter has unexpected type %1 (should be %2)method returns unexpected type %0 (should be an object type)add a super class to fix this problemtype parameter %0 declared heremethod %0 that returns %1 declared here%select{expected assignment expression|expected compound statement|expected exactly two expression statements|expected in right hand side of the first expression}0'%0' clause used here%select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in assignment operator|expected expression of scalar type|expected lvalue expression}0%select{expected an expression statement|expected built-in binary or unary operator|expected unary decrement/increment operation|expected expression of scalar type|expected assignment expression|expected built-in binary operator|expected one of '+', '*', '-', '/', '&', '^', '%|', '<<', or '>>' built-in operations|expected in right hand side of expression}0as specified in %select{'collapse'|'ordered'|'collapse' and 'ordered'}0 clause%select{||s}0%select{|previous }0'hint' clause with value '%1'%select{|previous }0directive with no 'hint' clause specifiedexplicit data sharing attribute requested hereexplicit data sharing attribute, data mapping attribute, or is_device_ptr clause requested heredefined as %0implicitly determined as %0expected length on mapping of 'this' array section expression to be '1'expected lower bound on mapping of 'this' array section expression to be '0' or not specifiedexpected 'this' subscript expression on map clause to be 'this[0]'loop step is expected to be %select{negative|positive}0 due to this conditionmarked as 'declare variant' heremarked as 'device_type(%0)' here%select{statement|directive}0 outside teams construct herenested teams construct here'nowait' clause is here'ordered' clause with specified parameter%select{static data member is predetermined as shared|variable with static storage duration is predetermined as shared|loop iteration variable is predetermined as private|loop iteration variable is predetermined as linear|loop iteration variable is predetermined as lastprivate|constant variable is predetermined as shared|global variable is predetermined as shared|non-shared variable in a task construct is predetermined as firstprivate|variable with automatic storage duration is predetermined as private}0%select{|; perhaps you forget to enclose 'omp %2' directive into a parallel or another task region?}1previous allocator is specified hereprevious 'critical' region starts here'%0' clause is specified hereprevious clause with directive name modifier specified herepreviously marked as task_reduction with different reduction operationpreviously referenced heretarget previously encountered here%0 clause previously used herepredetermined as a firstprivate in a task construct herepreviously declared '%0' hereuse -foperator-arrow-depth=N to increase 'operator->' limit'operator->' declared here produces an object of type %0(skipping %0 'operator->'%s0 in backtrace)parameter of overridden method is annotated with __attribute__((noescape))overridden method is hereoverridden virtual function is hereambiguity is between a regular call to this operator and a call with the argument order reversedbuilt-in candidate %0candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %3}1%select{| has different class%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}5,6| has different number of parameters (expected %5 but has %6)| has type mismatch at %ordinal5 parameter%diff{ (expected $ but has $)|}6,7| has different return type%diff{ ($ expected but has $)|}5,6| has different qualifiers (expected %5 but found %6)| has different exception specification}4candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}3 %4 argument%s4, but %5 %plural{1:was|:were}5 providedcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{requires at least|allows at most single|requires single}3 argument %4, but %plural{0:no|:%5}5 arguments were providedcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot %select{pass pointer to|bind reference in}5 %3 %select{as a pointer to|to object in}5 %4 in %ordinal6 argumentcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: 'this' object is in %3, but method expects object in %4candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument %diff{of type $ to $|type to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5 under ARCcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}3 %select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}3 %4 to %select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}3 %5 for %ordinal6 argumentcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: no known conversion %diff{from $ to $|from argument type to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}7candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type %diff{$ to $|to parameter type}3,4 for %select{%ordinal6 argument|object argument}5%select{|; dereference the argument with *|; take the address of the argument with &|; remove *|; remove &}7candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %ordinal5 argument (%3) would lose %select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}4 qualifier%select{||s||s|s|s}4candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: 'this' argument has type %3, but method is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}4candidate template ignored: failed template argument deductioncandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{%ordinal7|'this'}6 argument (%3) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}5 ownershipcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %4candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: expects an l-value for %select{%ordinal4 argument|object argument}3candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: no overload of %4 matching %3 for %ordinal5 argumentcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %select{%ordinal7|'this'}6 argument (%3) has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}4 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}5 ownershipcandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: call to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}3 function from %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__|invalid}4 functioncandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: %ordinal5 argument (%3) would lose __unaligned qualifiercandidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 not viable: constraints not satisfiedcandidate template ignored: deduced type %diff{$ of %select{|element of }4%ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type $ of %select{|element of }4argument|of %select{|element of }4%ordinal0 parameter does not match adjusted type of %select{|element of }4argument}1,2%3candidate %select{function|function|function (with reversed parameter order)|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|function (the implicit 'operator==' for this 'operator<=>)'|inherited constructor}0%select{| template| %2}1 has been %select{explicitly made unavailable|explicitly deleted|implicitly deleted}3candidate template ignored: disabled by %0%1candidate unavailable as it requires OpenCL extension '%0' to be enabledcandidate disabled: %0candidate template ignored: requirement '%0' was not satisfied%1explicit %select{constructor|conversion function|deduction guide}0 is not a candidate%select{| (explicit specifier evaluates to true)}1candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter %0candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for %ordinal0 template parametercandidate address cannot be taken because parameter %0 has pass_object_size attributecandidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: instantiation %select{takes|would take}0 its own class type by valuecandidate constructor ignored: cannot be used to construct an object in address space %0candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument %0candidate template ignored: deduced too few arguments for expanded pack %0; no argument for %ordinal1 expanded parameter in deduced argument pack %2candidate template ignored: deduced %select{conflicting types|conflicting values|conflicting templates|packs of different lengths}0 for parameter %1%diff{ ($ vs. $)|}2,3candidate template ignored: deduced values %diff{of conflicting types for parameter %0 (%1 of type $ vs. %3 of type $)|%1 and %3 of conflicting types for parameter %0}2,4constructor from base class %0 inherited herecandidate %select{constructor|template}0 ignored: inherited constructor cannot be used to %select{copy|move}1 objectcandidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template instantiation depthcandidate template ignored: could not match %diff{$ against $|types}0,1candidate template ignored: could not match %q0 against %q1candidate template ignored: substitution failure%0%1candidate template ignored: cannot deduce a type for %0 that would make %2 equal %1candidate template ignored: constraints not satisfied%0conversion candidate of type %0remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; pass -fshow-overloads=all to show themdeclared with index %0 herepassing argument to parameter herewhile substituting into concept arguments here; substitution failures not allowed in concept argumentspassing argument to parameter %0 hereparameter pack %0 declared hereparameter of type %0 is declared here%0 has been marked as being introduced in %1 %2 here, but the deployment target is %1 %3partial specialization matches %0inline function performs a conversion which is forbidden in ARCpointer %0 declared herepossible target for callwhen applied to this declaration'#pragma clang attribute push' regions ends hereprevious '#pragma pack' directive that modifies alignment is heredid you intend to use '#pragma pack (pop)' instead of '#pragma pack()'?place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it firstplace parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it firstplace parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warningprevious module declaration is heremodule loaded from '%0'previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is herepreviously declared '%1' hereprevious attribute is here%0 is a builtin with type %1for type %0previous explicit instantiation is hereprevious initialization for field %0 is hereprevious initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here%select{| (side effects will not occur at run time)}0previous inheritance model specified herepreviously defined as an alias for %0previous template specialization is hereprevious uuid specified heredid you mean to call the %0 method?while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0 template parameter%1 %2use __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) attribute insteadprivate module fragment begins hereproperty %0 is declared %select{deprecated|unavailable|partial}1 hereproperty declared hereproperty synthesized herejump bypasses setup of __block variablejump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup))jump enters controlled statement of constexpr ifjump bypasses initialization of catch blockjump bypasses initialization of try blockjump enters controlled statement of if availablejump bypasses initialization of variable of non-trivial C struct typejump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool blockjump bypasses initialization of @catch blockjump enters Objective-C fast enumeration loopjump bypasses initialization of @finally blockjump bypasses initialization of __strong variablejump bypasses initialization of @synchronized blockjump bypasses initialization of @try blockjump bypasses initialization of __weak variablejump bypasses initialization of __except blockjump bypasses initialization of __finally blockjump bypasses initialization of __try blockjump bypasses variable initializationjump bypasses initialization of non-POD variablejump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructorjump bypasses initialization of variable length arrayjump bypasses initialization of VLA type aliasjump bypasses initialization of VLA typedefprotocol is declared hereprotocol %0 has no definitionprotocol method is hereit could also be property %select{of type %1|without attribute '%1'|with attribute '%1'|with getter %1|with setter %1}0 declared herequalified call to %0::%1 is treated as a virtual call to %1 due to -fapple-kextunimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1add a variable name to declare a %0 initialized with %1receiver is instance of class declared herereceiver expression is herereceiver is treated with 'id' type for purpose of method lookup'%0' included multiple times, additional include site here'%0' included multiple times, additional include site in header from module '%1'%select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here%select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized%0 returns a referenceclass template declared hereuse 'static_cast' to adjust the pointer correctly while %select{upcasting|downcasting}0%select{overridden|current}0 method is explicitly declared 'instancetype'%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0%select{overridden|current}0 method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|mutableCopy|new|autorelease|dealloc|finalize|release|retain|retainCount|self}1' method family%select{| and is expected to return an instance of its class type}0%select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of its receiver type (%2)overridden method returns an instance of its class typeremove the call to '%0' since unsigned values cannot be negativeremove call to max function and unsigned zero argumentremove std::move call hereremove parentheses to silence this warninguse function '%0' insteadexpression is invalid: %0no implicit conversion exists between expression type %0 and expected type %1while rewriting comparison as call to 'operator<=>' declared hererepeated RISC-V 'interrupt' attribute is here%select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel hereif you supply your own aligned allocation functions, use -faligned-allocation to silence this diagnostic%select{and|because}0 %1 does not satisfy %2attempt to specialize declaration hereexplicitly specialized declaration is heredeclare 'static' if the %select{variable|function}0 is not intended to be used outside of this translation unituse array indexing to silence this warningchange size argument to be the size of the destinationchange the argument to be the free space in the destination buffer minus the terminating null bytedid you mean %select{struct|interface|class}0 here?because substituted constraint expression is ill-formed%0add a deduction guide to suppress this warningclass with specified objc_requires_property_definitions attribute is declared heresurrounding namespace with visibility attribute ends heresurrounding namespace with visibility attribute starts hereparenthesize the second argument to silence%select{parenthesize the third argument|cast the second argument to 'int'}0 to silenceconversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1non-type template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 herenon-type template argument refers heretemplate argument refers to function template %0, hereclass template %0 was explicitly specialized herein instantiation of template class %q0 requested hereclass template %0 was instantiated heretemplate is declared here%select{function template|class template|variable template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 %1 declared herewhile checking a default template argument used herein instantiation of enumeration %q0 requested herein instantiation of exception specification for %0 requested heredeclared as a non-template herein instantiation of member class %q0 requested herein instantiation of member function %q0 requested heretemplate non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argumentprevious non-type template parameter with type %0 is herein instantiation of default member initializer %q0 requested heretemplate parameter has a different kind in template argumenttemplate parameter is declared here%select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template argumentprevious default template argument defined hereprevious %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here%select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argumentprevious template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is hereuse -ftemplate-depth=N to increase recursive template instantiation depthin instantiation of requirement herein instantiation of static data member %q0 requested herein instantiation of template type alias %0 requested hereunnamed type used in template argument was declared herein instantiation of variable template specialization %q0 requested hereThread warning in function %0%select{destructor|deallocator}0 has a %select{non-throwing|implicit non-throwing}1 exception specificationfunction declared non-throwing hererequired alignment of type %0 (%1 bytes) is larger than the supported alignment of C++ exception objects on this target (%2 bytes)%select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits%0 is incomplete%select{function %1 which returns const-qualified type %2 declared here|variable %1 declared const here|%select{non-|}1static data member %2 declared const here|member function %q1 is declared const here|%select{|nested }1data member %2 declared const here}0%select{first|second}0 operand was implicitly converted to type %1did you mean to use '.' instead?use a tag name here to establish linkage prior to definitionreferenced member %0 is declared herereferenced %0 is declared hereenclose %0 in %select{an @available|a __builtin_available}1 check to silence this warningremove the %select{'%1' if its condition|condition if it}0 is always %select{false|true}2during field initialization in %select{this|the implicit default}0 constructoruninitialized reference member is here%select{uninitialized use occurs|variable is captured by block}0 heresilence by adding parentheses to mark code as explicitly deadunguarded header; consider using #ifdef guards or #pragma onceuse non-reference type %0use reference type %0 to prevent copyinguse 'thread_local' to allow thisuse non-reference type %0 to keep the copy or type %1 to prevent copyingused hereused in initialization hereimplicit default constructor suppressed by user-declared constructor%select{|previous }0using declarationuse %select{an alias declaration|a typedef declaration|a reference|a const variable|a constexpr variable}0 insteadconflicting declarationtarget of using declarationadd 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a typein value-initialization of type %0 herevariable %0 is declared herevariable %0 is%select{| explicitly}1 captured hereinitialize the variable %0 to silence this warningprevious declaration of variable template partial specialization is here%select{%1 is a virtual base class of base class %2 declared here|virtual base class %1 declared here}0which delegates todetected while default synthesizing properties in class implementationwiden this field to %0 bits to store all values of %1within field of type %0 declared herereplace expression with '%0' %select{|or use 'xor' instead of '^' }1to silence this warningnon-virtual member function marked '%0' hides virtual member %select{function|functions}1only virtual member functions can be marked '%0'absolute value function %0 given an argument of type %1 but has parameter of type %2 which may cause truncation of valueabstract class is marked '%select{final|sealed}0'initializer for virtual base class %0 of abstract class %1 will never be usedaccess declarations are deprecated; use using declarations insteadtype of property %0 does not match type of accessor %1acquiring %0 '%1' requires negative capability '%2'%0 '%1' must be acquired before '%2'Cycle in acquired_before/after dependencies, starting with '%0'operator '%0' has lower precedence than '%1'; '%1' will be evaluated firstreference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to truereference cannot be bound to dereferenced null pointer in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0%select{aligning a value|the result of checking whether a value is aligned}0 to 1 byte is %select{a no-op|always true}0use of function %0 is discouraged; there is no way to check for failure but failure may still occur, resulting in a possibly exploitable security vulnerabilitysecond argument to __builtin_alloca_with_align is supposed to be in bitsmultiple suitable %0 functions for %1; no 'operator delete' function will be invoked if initialization throws an exceptionwidth of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds width of its type; value will be truncated to %1 bit%s1ARC %select{unused|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}0 lifetime qualifier on return type is ignoredassigning %select{array literal|dictionary literal|numeric literal|boxed expression||block literal}0 to a weak %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignment%select{destination for|source of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to ownership-qualified type %2performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknownweak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 may be accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 and may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object aliveweak %select{variable|property|implicit property|instance variable}0 %1 is accessed multiple times in this %select{function|method|block|lambda}2 but may be unpredictably set to nil; assign to a strong variable to keep the object alivecapturing %0 strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycleassigning retained object to %select{weak|unsafe_unretained}0 %select{property|variable}1; object will be released after assignmentassigning retained object to unsafe property; object will be released after assignmentmethod parameter of type %0 with no explicit ownership%select{arithmetic between|bitwise operation between|comparison of|conditional expression between|compound assignment of}0 %select{floating-point|enumeration}1 type %2 %plural{2:with|4:from|:and}0 %select{enumeration|floating-point}1 type %3%select{arithmetic between|bitwise operation between|comparison of|conditional expression between|compound assignment of}0 %select{floating-point|enumeration}1 type %2 %plural{2:with|4:from|:and}0 %select{enumeration|floating-point}1 type %3 is deprecated%select{arithmetic between|bitwise operation between|comparison of|conditional expression between|compound assignment of}0 different enumeration types%diff{ ($ and $)|}1,2%select{arithmetic between|bitwise operation between|comparison of|conditional expression between|compound assignment of}0 different enumeration types%diff{ ($ and $)|}1,2 is deprecatedcall to function without interrupt attribute could clobber interruptee's VFP registersarray index %0 is past the end of the array (which contains %1 element%s2)array index %0 is before the beginning of the arrayignored asm label '%0' on automatic variablevalue size does not match register size specified by the constraint and modifierrequested alignment must be %0 bytes or smaller; maximum alignment assumedthe argument to %0 has side effects that will be discarded%select{@available|__builtin_available}0 does not guard availability here; use if (%select{@available|__builtin_available}0) insteadspecifying 'uuid' as an ATL attribute is deprecated; use __declspec insteadimplicit use of sequentially-consistent atomic may incur stronger memory barriers than necessarymemory order argument to atomic operation is invalidwritable atomic property %0 cannot pair a synthesized %select{getter|setter}1 with a user defined %select{getter|setter}2'abi_tag' attribute on %select{non-inline|anonymous}0 namespace ignoredconsumed analysis attribute is attached to member of class '%0' which isn't marked as consumablemultiple identical address spaces specified for typeattribute %0 after definition is ignored%0 attribute parameter %1 is negative and will be ignoredpropagating dll attribute to %select{already instantiated|explicitly specialized}0 base class template without dll attribute is not supportedredeclaration of %q0 should not add %q1 attributeexplicit instantiation declaration should not be 'dllexport''dllexport' attribute ignored on explicit instantiation definitiondefinition of dllimport static field%0 attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties%0 attribute ignored%0 attribute ignored for field of type %1%0 attribute ignored on inline function'%0' attribute cannot be specified on a definition'%0' is not a valid builtin name for %1'nonnull' attribute applied to function with no pointer arguments'nonnull' attribute when used on parameters takes no arguments%0 attribute ignored when parsing type'packed' attribute was ignored on bit-fields with single-byte alignment in older versions of GCC and Clang%0 attribute only applies to a pointer or reference (%1 is invalid)attribute declaration must precede definitiontarget does not support 'protected' visibility; using 'default'%0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers%0 attribute only applies to return values that are pointers or references#pragma %0(".drectve") has undefined behavior, use #pragma comment(linker, ...) insteadsection attribute is specified on redeclared variable'sentinel' attribute requires named arguments'sentinel' attribute only supported for variadic %select{functions|blocks}0%0 attribute argument not supported: %1unknown visibility %0attribute %0 cannot be applied to %select{functions|Objective-C method}1 without return value__weak attribute cannot be specified on a field declaration__weak attribute cannot be specified on an automatic variable when ARC is not enabledproperty is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the propertyreadonly IBOutlet property %0 when auto-synthesized may not work correctly with 'nib' loader'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 declared in protocol %1'auto' deduced as 'id' in declaration of %0auto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0; it will be implemented by its superclass, use @dynamic to acknowledge intentionautosynthesized property %0 will use %select{|synthesized}1 instance variable %2, not existing instance variable %3ignoring availability attribute %select{on '+load' method|with constructor attribute|with destructor attribute}0only 'unavailable' and 'deprecated' are supported for Swift availabilityunknown platform %0 in availability macrofeature cannot be %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}0 in %1 version %2 before it was %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}3 in version %4; attribute ignored%select{reinterpret_cast|C-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 changes address space of nested pointerscast from function call of type %0 to non-matching type %1receiver type %0 is not 'id' or interface pointer, consider casting it to 'id'base class %0 is uninitialized when used here to access %q1binding reference member %0 to stack allocated %select{variable|parameter}2 %1binding dereferenced null pointer to reference has undefined behaviorbit-field %0 is not wide enough to store all enumerators of %1width of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds the width of its type; value will be truncated to %2 bit%s2bitwise negation of a boolean expression%select{;| always evaluates to 'true';}0 did you mean logical negation?'%0' within '%1'block captures an autoreleasing out-parameter, which may result in use-after-free bugsattribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to omitted return type'%0' qualifier on omitted return type %1 has no effectswitch condition has boolean valuebraces around scalar initializer'break' is bound to loop, GCC binds it to switch'%0' will always overflow; destination buffer has size %1, but size argument is %2use of unknown builtin %0call to pure virtual member function %0 has undefined behavior; overrides of %0 in subclasses are not available in the %select{constructor|destructor}1 of %2too %select{few|many}0 arguments in call to %1cannot pass object of %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 type %1 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; call will abort at runtimecannot resolve lock expressionempty case range specifiedoverflow converting case value to switch condition type (%0 to %1)cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3cast between incompatible calling conventions '%0' and '%1'; calls through this pointer may abort at runtimenonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' will evaluate to 'true' on first encountercast of type %0 to %1 is deprecated; use sel_getName insteadcast from %0 to %1 drops %select{const and volatile qualifiers|const qualifier|volatile qualifier}2cast from %0 to %1 must have all intermediate pointers const qualified to be safecategory is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary classcannot refer to a non-static member from the handler of a %select{constructor|destructor}0 function try blockinput conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id')class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcclass2?GCC does not allow the 'cleanup' attribute argument to be anything other than a simple identifiercollection expression type %0 may not respond to %1possible misuse of comma operator here%select{self-|array }0comparison always evaluates to %select{a constant|true|false|'std::strong_ordering::equal'}1bitwise comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true}0bitwise or with non-zero value always evaluates to truecomparison of different enumeration types in switch statement%diff{ ($ and $)|}0,1concatenated NSString literal for an NSArray expression - possibly missing a commausing the result of an assignment as a condition without parenthesesconflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in declaration of %0conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in declaration of %0conflicting return type in declaration of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2conflicting variadic declaration of method and its implementationconflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in implementation of %0conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of %0conflicting return type in implementation of %0%diff{: $ vs $|}1,2conversion function converting %0 to its base class %1 will never be usedconversion function converting %0 to itself will never be usedconversion function converting %0 to %1 will never be used%0 is required to declare the member 'unhandled_exception()' when exceptions are enabled%select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to record %2 that is not trivial to %select{primitive-default-initialize|primitive-copy}3%0 may not intend to support class template argument deductionconstructor parameter %0 shadows the field %1 of %2use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14multiple return statements in constexpr function is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14constexpr function with no return statements is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14variable declaration in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14type definition in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14return type deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++14generic lambdas are incompatible with C++11initialized lambda captures are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14variable templates are incompatible with C++ standards before C++14attribute %0 ignored, because it cannot be applied to a typeclass template argument deduction is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17%select{|; for compatibility, use explicit type name %1}0'constexpr' non-static member function will not be implicitly 'const' in C++14; add 'const' to avoid a change in behaviordecomposition declarations are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17inline variables are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17by value capture of '*this' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17non-type template parameters declared with %0 are incompatible with C++ standards before C++17use of function template name with no prior function template declaration in function call with explicit template arguments is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20use of this statement in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20constexpr constructor that does not initialize all members is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20function try block in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20uninitialized variable in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20constexpr union constructor that does not initialize any member is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20virtual constexpr functions are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20decomposition declaration declared %plural{1:'%1'|:with '%1' specifiers}0 is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20defaulted comparison operators are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20explicitly defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 with a type different from the implicit type is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20designated initializers are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20explicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20mangled name of %0 will change in C++17 due to non-throwing exception specification in function signatureinitialized lambda capture packs are incompatible with C++ standards before C++20%select{default construction|assignment}0 of lambda is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20invoking a pointer to a 'const &' member function on an rvalue is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20'char8_t' type specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20'constinit' specifier is incompatible with C++ standards before C++20aggregate initialization of type %0 with user-declared constructors is incompatible with C++20type of UTF-8 string literal will change from array of const char to array of const char8_t in C++20implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98constructor call from initializer list is incompatible with C++98delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98enumeration type in nested name specifier is incompatible with C++98explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98jump from this goto statement to its label is incompatible with C++98jump from this %select{indirect|asm}0 goto statement to one of its possible targets is incompatible with C++98initialization of initializer_list object is incompatible with C++98use of non-static data member %0 in an unevaluated context is incompatible with C++98non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98%select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 with a non-trivial %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 is incompatible with C++98passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98reference initialized from initializer list is incompatible with C++98substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98static data member %0 in union is incompatible with C++98jump from switch statement to this case label is incompatible with C++98%select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|initializing statement expression result|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element|capturing value}1 of type %2 when binding a reference to a temporary would %select{invoke an inaccessible constructor|find no viable constructor|find ambiguous constructors|invoke a deleted constructor}0 in C++98redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98use of null pointer as non-type template argument is incompatible with C++98non-type template argument referring to %select{function|object}0 %1 with internal linkage is incompatible with C++98unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98befriending %1 without '%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0' keyword is incompatible with C++98'%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98inheriting constructors are incompatible with C++98ms_struct may not produce Microsoft-compatible layouts for classes with base classes or virtual functionsobject backing the pointer will be destroyed at the end of the full-expressioninitializing pointer member %0 to point to a temporary object whose lifetime is shorter than the lifetime of the constructed object%select{reference|backing array for 'std::initializer_list'}2 %select{|subobject of }1member %0 %select{binds to|is}2 a temporary object whose lifetime is shorter than the lifetime of the constructed object%select{temporary %select{whose address is used as value of|%select{|implicitly }2bound to}4 %select{%select{|reference }4member of local variable|local %select{variable|reference}4}1|array backing %select{initializer list subobject of local variable|local initializer list}1}0 %select{%3 |}2will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression-dealloc is being overridden in a categorydeclaration of %0 will not be visible outside of this functiondeclaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2|typedef in %2|type alias in %2}1ignoring __declspec(allocator) because the function return type %0 is not a pointer or reference typeattribute %0 is ignored, place it after "%select{class|struct|interface|union|enum}1" to apply attribute to type declaration%plural{1:enumeration value %1 not explicitly handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not explicitly handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not explicitly handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not explicitly handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 (property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended)explicitly defaulted %select{|equality|three-way|equality|relational}0 comparison operator is implicitly deletedexplicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 is implicitly deletedconstructor for %0 creates a delegation cycle%select{delete|destructor}0 called on %1 that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor'delete' applied to a pointer-to-array type %0 treated as 'delete[]'deleting pointer to incomplete type %0 may cause undefined behavior%select{delete|destructor}0 called on non-final %1 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorcomparison between two arrays is deprecated; to compare array addresses, use unary '+' to decay operands to pointers%0 is deprecated'deprecated' attribute on anonymous namespace ignoredtop-level comma expression in array subscript is deprecatedcompound assignment to object of volatile-qualified type %0 is deprecateddefinition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared destructordefinition of implicit copy %select{constructor|assignment operator}1 for %0 is deprecated because it has a user-declared copy %select{assignment operator|constructor}1implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0%0 may be deprecated because the receiver type is unknown%select{decrement|increment}0 of object of volatile-qualified type %1 is deprecated%0 is deprecated: %1out-of-line definition of constexpr static data member is redundant in C++17 and is deprecated'register' storage class specifier is deprecated and incompatible with C++17use of result of assignment to object of volatile-qualified type %0 is deprecatedconversion from string literal to %0 is deprecatedimplicit capture of 'this' with a capture default of '=' is deprecatedvolatile-qualified parameter type %0 is deprecatedvolatile-qualified return type %0 is deprecatedvolatile qualifier in structured binding declaration is deprecateddereferencing %0; was declared with a 'noderef' typedereferencing expression marked as 'noderef'%0 overrides a destructor but is not marked 'override'explicit call to +initialize results in duplicate call to +initializeinstance variable %0 is being directly accessedexplicit call to [super initialize] should only be in implementation of +initializebody of cpu_dispatch function will be ignoredexpression does not compute the number of elements in this array; element type is %0, not %1'%0' will return the size of the pointer, not the array itself%q0 redeclared inline; %1 attribute ignoreddouble precision constant requires cl_khr_fp64, casting to single precisionacquiring %0 '%1' that is already heldattribute %0 is already applied with different parametersattribute %0 is already appliedduplicate code segment specifierselement %0 has been implicitly assigned %1 which another element has been assignedmultiple declarations of method %0 found and ignoredduplicate protocol definition of %0 is ignored%select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to %select{|class containing a }2dynamic class %3; vtable pointer will be %select{overwritten|copied|moved|compared}4for loop has empty bodyformat string is emptyif statement has empty bodyempty parentheses interpreted as a function declarationrange-based for loop has empty bodyswitch statement has empty bodywhile loop has empty bodyconverting the enum constant to a booleanoverflow in enumeration valueequality comparison with extraneous parenthesesexception of type %0 will be caught by earlier handlerdeclaration requires an exit-time destructorexpecting %0 '%1' to be held at start of each loopexpecting %0 '%1' to be held at the end of functionexplicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit specialization has no effect'extern' variable has an initializernon-void coroutine does not return a valuenon-void function does not return a valuenon-void lambda does not return a valuefunction declared 'noreturn' should not returnfallthrough annotation in unreachable codefield %0 is uninitialized when used hereclass with destructor marked '%select{final|sealed}0' cannot be inherited fromenumeration value %0 is out of range of flags in enumeration type %1magnitude of floating-point constant too large for type %0; maximum is %1magnitude of floating-point constant too small for type %0; minimum is %1comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe'begin' and 'end' returning different types (%0 and %1) is incompatible with C++ standards before C++17loop variable %0 %diff{has type $ but is initialized with type $| is initialized with a value of a different type}1,2 resulting in a copyloop variable %0 of type %1 creates a copy from type %2loop variable %0 is always a copy because the range of type %1 does not return a referenceusing '%%P' format specifier without precision%select{values of type|enum values with underlying type}2 '%0' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to %1 insteadusing '%0' format specifier, but argument has boolean valueformat specifies type %0 but the argument has %select{type|underlying type}2 %1using '%0' format specifier annotation outside of os_log()/os_trace()invalid conversion specifier '%0'invalid position specified for %select{field width|field precision}0cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments in format string'%0' %select{length modifier|conversion specifier}1 is not supported by ISO Cusing length modifier '%0' with conversion specifier '%1' is not supported by ISO Cpositional arguments are not supported by ISO Cformat string is not a string literalformat string is not a string literal (potentially insecure)length modifier '%0' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '%1' conversion specifierformat string should not be a wide stringposition arguments in format strings start counting at 1 (not 0)'%0' size argument is too large; destination buffer has size %1, but size argument is %2redefinition of forward class %0 of a typedef name of an object type is ignoredcannot call function '%1' while %0 '%2' is heldcalling function %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3instantiation of function %q0 required here, but no definition is availablefunction definition inside an Objective-C container is deprecated%0 overrides a member function but is not marked 'override'Objective-C GC does not allow weak variables on the stackGCC does not allow the %0 attribute to be written on a typedeclaration requires a global constructordeclaration requires a global destructor'gnu_inline' attribute requires function to be marked 'inline', attribute ignored'gnu_inline' attribute without 'extern' in C++ treated as externally available, this changed in Clang 10arithmetic on a null pointer treated as a cast from integer to pointer is a GNU extensionpassing variable %1 by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3%select{instance variable|property}2 with %0 attribute must be an object type (invalid %1)IBOutletCollection properties should be copy/strong and not assignassigning %select{field|instance variable}0 to itselfinheritance model ignored on %select{primary template|partial specialization}0'objc_externally_retained' can only be applied to local variables %select{of retainable type|with strong ownership}0size of static array must be an integer constant expressionimplicit truncation from %2 to bit-field changes value from %0 to %1initialization of pointer of type %0 to null from a constant boolean expressionimplicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1implicit conversion from constant value %0 to 'BOOL'; the only well defined values for 'BOOL' are YES and NOimplicit conversion from enumeration type %0 to different enumeration type %1implicit conversion increases floating-point precision: %0 to %1implicit conversion from %0 cannot fit within the range of values for %1implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1implicit conversion when assigning computation result loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1implicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes value from %2 to %3implicit conversion of out of range value from %0 to %1 is undefinedimplicit conversion from %0 to %1 changes non-zero value from %2 to %3implicit conversion from floating-point type %0 to 'BOOL'implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: %0 to %1higher order bits are zeroes after implicit conversionimplicit conversion from integral type %0 to 'BOOL'implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1implicit conversion from %0 to %1 may lose precisionimplicit conversion from %2 to %3 changes value from %0 to %1implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1the resulting value is always non-negative after implicit conversionimplicit conversion of %select{NULL|nullptr}0 constant to %1implicit boolean conversion of Objective-C object literal always evaluates to trueaddress of%select{| function| array}0 '%1' will always evaluate to 'true'implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1class property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementationclass property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this categorydefault assign attribute on property %0 which implements NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only]property is assumed atomic by defaultdeclaration of built-in function '%0' requires the declaration of the 'jmp_buf' type, commonly provided in the header .declaration of built-in function '%1' requires inclusion of the header <%0>implicit declaration of function %0block implicitly retains 'self'; explicitly mention 'self' to indicate this is intended behaviordirect base %0 is inaccessible due to ambiguity:%1%select{%diff{assigning to $ from incompatible type $|assigning to type from incompatible type}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of incompatible type $|passing type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with incompatible result type $|returning type from a function with incompatible result type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to incompatible type $|converting type to incompatible type}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of incompatible type $|initializing type with an expression of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of incompatible type $|sending type to parameter of incompatible type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to incompatible type $|casting type to incompatible type}0,1}2incompatible vector types %select{%diff{assigning to $ from $|assigning to different types}0,1|%diff{passing $ to parameter of type $|passing to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{returning $ from a function with result type $|returning from function with different return type}0,1|%diff{converting $ to type $|converting between types}0,1|%diff{initializing $ with an expression of type $|initializing with expression of different type}0,1|%diff{sending $ to parameter of type $|sending to parameter of different type}0,1|%diff{casting $ to type $|casting between types}0,1}2encoding of %0 type is incomplete because %1 component has unknown encodingincrementing expression of type bool is deprecated and incompatible with C++17'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignoredindirection of non-volatile null pointer will be deleted, not trapall paths through this function will call itselfconstant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in C++11type %0 cannot be narrowed to %1 in initializer list in C++11non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list in C++11initializing pointer member %0 with the stack address of %select{variable|parameter}2 %1%select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after %select{field|base}2 %3inline namespace reopened as a non-inline namespaceinstance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id')instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id'); did you mean %objcinstance2?instance method %0 found instead of class method %1cast to %1 from smaller integer type %0converting the result of '?:' with integer constants to a boolean always evaluates to 'true''internal_linkage' attribute on a non-static local variable is ignored%select{MIPS|MSP430|RISC-V}0 'interrupt' attribute only applies to functions that have %select{no parameters|a 'void' return type}1invalid use of a cast in an inline asm context requiring an l-value: accepted due to -fheinous-gnu-extensions, but clang may remove support for this in the futureinvalid capability name '%0'; capability name must be 'mutex' or 'role'invalid constructor form class in system header, should not be explicitlocal declaration of %0 hides instance variabledeclaration of instance variables in the interface is deprecatedjump out of __finally block has undefined behaviorignored 'inline' attribute on kernel function %0kernel function %0 is a member function; this may not be accepted by nvccconverting the result of '<<' to a boolean always evaluates to %select{false|true}0converting the result of '<<' to a boolean; did you mean '(%0) != 0'?%0 '%1' is acquired exclusively and shared in the same scope%0 '%1' is not held on every path through here'&&' within '||'use of logical '%0' with constant operandlogical not is only applied to the left hand side of this %select{comparison|bitwise operator}0'%0' is bound to current loop, GCC binds it to the enclosing loopstate of variable '%0' must match at the entry and exit of looponly one parameter on 'main' declarationvariable named 'main' with external linkage has undefined behaviorbool literal returned from 'main'taking the max of %select{a value and unsigned zero|unsigned zero and a value}0 is always equal to the other valuenon-void coroutine does not return a value in all control pathsnon-void function does not return a value in all control pathsnon-void lambda does not return a value in all control pathsvariable %0 may be uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1%0 may not respond to %1size argument in %0 call is a comparisonmessaging unqualified id'mig_server_routine' attribute only applies to routines that return a kern_return_tavailability does not match previous declaration%select{|overriding }4method %select{introduced after|deprecated before|obsoleted before}0 %select{the protocol method it implements|overridden method}4 on %1 (%2 vs. %3)%select{|overriding }1method cannot be unavailable on %0 when %select{the protocol method it implements|its overridden method}1 is available'delete%select{|[]}0' applied to a pointer that was allocated with 'new%select{[]|}0'; did you mean 'delete%select{[]|}0'?%select{codeseg|section}0 does not match previous declarationsuggest braces around initialization of subobject%plural{1:enumeration value %1 not handled in switch|2:enumeration values %1 and %2 not handled in switch|3:enumeration values %1, %2, and %3 not handled in switch|:%0 enumeration values not handled in switch: %1, %2, %3...}0no case matching constant switch condition '%0'auto property synthesis is synthesizing property not explicitly synthesizedmissing field %0 initializerformat string missingmethod has no return type specified; defaults to 'id'no previous prototype for function %0missing sentinel in %select{function call|method dispatch|block call}0no previous extern declaration for non-static variable %0comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1modifying constructor parameter %0 that shadows a field of %1multiple methods named %0 foundseveral methods with selector %0 of mismatched types are found for the @selector expressionCPU list contains duplicate entries; attribute ignoredvector initializers are not compatible with NEON intrinsics in big endian modearray backing %select{initializer list subobject of the allocated object|the allocated initializer list}0 will be destroyed at the end of the full-expressiontemporary bound to reference member of allocated object will be destroyed at the end of the full-expressionauto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it is 'readwrite' but it will be synthesized 'readonly' via another propertyauto property synthesis will not synthesize property %0 because it cannot share an ivar with another synthesized property%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}0 %1 does not declare any constructor to initialize its non-modifiable membersenums in the Microsoft ABI are signed integers by default; consider giving the enum %0 an unsigned underlying type to make this code portable%0 '%1' is still held at the end of function'nocf_check' attribute ignored; use -fcf-protection to enable the attribute'noderef' can only be used on an array or pointer typecasting to dereferenceable pointer removes 'noderef' attributeconflicting parameter types in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2conflicting return type in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2conflicting return type in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2expression which evaluates to zero treated as a null pointer constant of type %0cannot pass %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 object of type %1 to variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; expected type from format string was %3%0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructorcomparison of nonnull %select{function call|parameter}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is '%select{true|false}2' on first encounterfunction %0 declared 'noreturn' should not returnnot a Doxygen trailing commentuse of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (%0=)not enough variable arguments in %0 declaration to fit a sentinelcase value not in enumerated type %0integer constant not in range of enumerated type %0'nothrow' attribute conflicts with exception specification; attribute ignored%0 attribute only applies to %select{Objective-C object|pointer|pointer-to-CF-pointer|pointer/reference-to-OSObject-pointer}1 parameters%0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|methods|properties}1 that return %select{an Objective-C object|a pointer|a non-retainable pointer}2'NSObject' attribute may be put on a typedef only; attribute is ignoreduse of NULL in arithmetic operationcomparison between NULL and non-pointer %select{(%1 and NULL)|(NULL and %1)}0comparison of %select{address of|function|array}0 '%1' %select{not |}2equal to a null pointer is always %select{true|false}2synthesized setter %0 for null_resettable property %1 does not handle nilnull returned from %select{function|method}0 that requires a non-null return valuenullability specifier %0 cannot be applied to non-pointer type %1; did you mean to apply the specifier to the %select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer|function pointer|member function pointer}2?inferring '_Nonnull' for pointer type within %select{array|reference}0 is deprecatedimplicit conversion from nullable pointer %0 to non-nullable pointer type %1%select{pointer|block pointer|member pointer}0 is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified)array parameter is missing a nullability type specifier (_Nonnull, _Nullable, or _Null_unspecified)string is ill-formed as UTF-8 and will become a null %0 when boxedusing %0 directive in %select{NSString|CFString}1 which is being passed as a formatting argument to the formatting %select{method|CFfunction}2adding %0 to %1 might cause circular dependency in containerobject of type %0 is not compatible with %select{array element type|dictionary key type|dictionary value type}1 %2designated initializer missing a 'super' call to a designated initializer of the super classdesignated initializer invoked a non-designated initializerdesignated initializer should only invoke a designated initializer on 'super'%0 attribute isn't implemented by this Objective-C runtimedirect attribute on property %0 ignored (not implemented by this Objective-C runtime)method override for the designated initializer of the superclass %objcinstance0 not found%0 bridges to %1, not %2%0 cannot bridge to %1assignment to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass()direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_getClass()direct comparison of %select{an array literal|a dictionary literal|a numeric literal|a boxed expression|}0 has undefined behaviormethod possibly missing a [super %0] callcannot catch an exception thrown with @throw in C++ in the non-unified exception modelbitmasking for introspection of Objective-C object pointers is strongly discouragedobjc_precise_lifetime is not meaningful for %select{__unsafe_unretained|__autoreleasing}0 objects'assign' property of object type may become a dangling reference; consider using 'unsafe_unretained''copy' attribute must be specified for the block property when -fobjc-gc-only is specifieddefault property attribute 'assign' not appropriate for objectno 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified - 'assign' is assumedretain'ed block property does not copy the block - use copy attribute insteadsetter cannot be specified for a readonly propertyusing %0 with a literal is redundantparameterized class %0 already conforms to the protocols listed; did you forget a '*'?%0 attribute cannot be applied to %select{methods in protocols|dealloc}1class %0 defined without specifying a base classconvenience initializer missing a 'self' call to another initializerconvenience initializer should not invoke an initializer on 'super'direct comparison of a string literal has undefined behavior%0 is incompatible with selectors that return a %select{struct|union|vector}1 typeuse of old-style castaligned clause will be ignored because the requested alignment is not a power of 2allocator with the 'thread' trait access has unspecified behavior on '%0' directivedeclaration marked as declare target after first use, it may lead to incorrect results'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied to the function that was defined already; the original function might be used'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied for function after first usage; the original function might be usedvariant function in '#pragma omp declare variant' is itself marked as '#pragma omp declare variant'zero linear step (%0 %select{|and other variables in clause }1should probably be const)OpenMP loop iteration variable cannot have more than 64 bits size and will be narrowedOpenMP only allows an ordered construct with the simd clause nested in a simd constructType %0 is not trivially copyable and not guaranteed to be mapped correctlydeclaration is not declared in any declare target regionarray section %select{lower bound|length}0 is of type 'char'allocate directive specifies %select{default|'%1'}0 allocator while previously used %select{default|'%3'}2class implementation may not have super class%0 attribute is deprecated and ignored in OpenCL version %1passing non-generic address space pointer to %0 may cause dynamic conversion affecting performance%0 should not return a null pointer unless it is declared 'throw()'%select{| or 'noexcept'}1os_log() '%%n' format specifier is not allowedresult of comparison of %select{constant %0|true|false}1 with %select{expression of type %2|boolean expression}3 is always %4type %0 requires %1 bytes of alignment and the default allocator only guarantees %2 bytesoverloaded operator %select{>>|<<}0 has higher precedence than comparison operator%q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1parameter of overriding method should be annotated with __attribute__((noescape))parameter '%0' not in expected state when the function returns: expected '%1', observed '%2'argument not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1'%0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value argument; pass it by reference instead ?parentheses were disambiguated as a function declarationparentheses were disambiguated as redundant parentheses around declaration of variable named %0passing object of class type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1%select{|; did you mean to call '%3'?}2moving a temporary object prevents copy elisionmoving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elisiontaking the absolute value of %select{pointer|function|array}0 type %1 is suspiciousperforming pointer arithmetic on a null pointer has undefined behavior%select{| if the offset is nonzero}0comparing a pointer to a null character constant; did you mean to compare to %select{NULL|(void *)0}0?dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined behaviorunused attribute %0 in '#pragma clang attribute push' region#pragma options align=reset failed: %0expected #pragma pack parameter to be '1', '2', '4', '8', or '16'the current #pragma pack alignment value is modified in the included fileunterminated '#pragma pack (push, ...)' at end of filenon-default #pragma pack value changes the alignment of struct or union members in the included filespecifying both a name and alignment to 'pop' is undefinedvalue of #pragma pack(show) == %0#pragma %0(pop, ...) failed: %1only variables can be arguments to '#pragma unused'undeclared variable %0 used as an argument for '#pragma unused'operator '?:' has lower precedence than '%0'; '%0' will be evaluated first%0 has lower precedence than %1; %1 will be evaluated firstobject format flags cannot be used with '%0' conversion specifier'%select{*|.*}0' specified field %select{width|precision}0 is missing a matching 'int' argumentfield %select{width|precision}0 should have type %1, but argument has type %2data argument not used by format stringmissing object format flagformat string contains '\0' within the string bodyformat string is not null-terminatedflag '%0' is ignored when flag '%1' is presentincomplete format specifiermore '%%' conversions than data arguments'%0' is not a valid object format flagflag '%0' results in undefined behavior with '%1' conversion specifier%select{field width|precision}0 used with '%1' conversion specifier, resulting in undefined behaviordata argument position '%0' exceeds the number of data arguments (%1)use of __private_extern__ on a declaration may not produce external symbol private to the linkage unit and is deprecatedproperty %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access property %2?property attribute in class extension does not match the primary class'%1' attribute on property %0 does not match the property inherited from %2property declared as returning non-retained objects; getter returning retained objectsprimary property declaration is implicitly strong while redeclaration in class extension is weakproperty access is using %0 method which is deprecatedgetter name mismatch between property redeclaration (%1) and its original declaration (%0)property type %0 is incompatible with type %1 inherited from %2passing the value that %1 points to by reference requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that contains %1 element%s2)the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array'objc_independent_class' attribute may be put on Objective-C object pointer type only; attribute is ignored'%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effectattribute 'readonly' of property %0 restricts attribute 'readwrite' of property inherited from %1receiver %0 is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not existincompatible redeclaration of library function %0%q0 redeclared without %1 attribute: previous %1 ignored%q0 redeclared without 'dllimport' attribute: 'dllexport' attribute added#pragma redefine_extname is applicable to external C declarations only; not applied to %select{function|variable}0 %1redefinition of %0 will not be visible outside of this functionvariable %0 is %select{decremented|incremented}1 both in the loop header and in the loop bodyredundant move in return statementredundant parentheses surrounding declaratorreference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used here'register' storage specifier on @catch parameter will be ignored'reinterpret_cast' %select{from|to}3 class %0 %select{to|from}3 its %select{virtual base|base at non-zero offset}2 %1 behaves differently from 'static_cast'method is expected to return an instance of its class type %diff{$, but is declared to return $|, but is declared to return different type}0,1protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing class, but is declared to return %0%select{remainder|division}0 by zero is undefined'require_constant_initialization' attribute added after initialization of variablereturning address of label, which is localreturning %select{address of|reference to}0 local temporary object%select{address of|reference to}0 stack memory associated with %select{local variable|parameter}2 %1 returnedlocal variable %0 will be copied despite being %select{returned|thrown}1 by nameprior to the resolution of a defect report against ISO C++11, local variable %0 would have been copied despite being returned by name, due to its not matching the function return type%diff{ ($ vs $)|}1,2return state set for an unconsumable type '%0'return value not in expected state; expected '%0', observed '%1'return value of %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value object; pass it by reference instead ?%0 has C-linkage specified, but returns user-defined type %1 which is incompatible with C%0 has C-linkage specified, but returns incomplete type %1 which could be incompatible with Crepeated RISC-V 'interrupt' attributeinstance method %0 is being used on 'Class' which is not in the root classsampler initializer has invalid %0 bitszero field width in scanf format string is unusedno closing ']' for '%%[' in scanf format stringsecond argument to 'va_start' is not the last named parametersecond argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type %0; this va_arg has undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to %1second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type %0second argument to 'va_arg' is of ARC ownership-qualified type %0explicitly assigning value of variable of type %0 to itselfexplicitly moving variable of type %0 to itselfproperty %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @synthesize, @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementationproperty %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category%select{parameter|non-static data member}3 %0 %select{|of %1 }3shadows member inherited from type %2shift count >= width of typeshifting a negative signed value is undefinedshift count is negativesigned shift result (%0) requires %1 bits to represent, but %2 only has %3 bitssigned shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type (%1) and becomes negativeexpression with side effects will be evaluated despite being used as an operand to 'typeid'expression with side effects has no effect in an unevaluated contextsigned bit-field %0 needs an extra bit to represent the largest positive enumerators of %1sizeof on pointer operation will return size of %0 instead of %1sizeof on array function parameter will return size of %0 instead of %1'%0' call operates on objects of type %1 while the size is based on a different type %2did you mean to %select{dereference the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|remove the addressof in the argument to 'sizeof' (and multiply it by the number of elements)|provide an explicit length}0?argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same pointer type %1 as the %select{destination|source}2; expected %3 or an explicit lengthvariable %0 is %select{used|captured}1 uninitialized whenever %select{'%3' condition is %select{true|false}4|'%3' loop %select{is entered|exits because its condition is false}4|'%3' loop %select{condition is true|exits because its condition is false}4|switch %3 is taken|its declaration is reached|%3 is called}2'%0' ignored on this declarationarray argument is too small; %select{contains %0 elements|is of size %0}2, callee requires at least %1non-constant static local variable in inline function may be different in different files'main' should not be declared staticstatic variable %0 is suspiciously used within its own initializationthis %select{function declaration is not|block declaration is not|old-style function definition is not preceded by}0 a prototypeadding %0 to a string pointer does not append to the stringadding %0 to a string does not append to the stringresult of comparison against %select{a string literal|@encode}0 is unspecified (use an explicit string comparison function instead)size argument in %0 call appears to be size of the source; expected the size of the destinationthe value of the size argument in 'strncat' is too large, might lead to a buffer overflowsize argument in 'strncat' call appears to be size of the sourcethe value of the size argument to 'strncat' is wrong%2 defined as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}0%select{| template}1 here but previously declared as %select{a struct|an interface|a class}3%select{| template}1; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABI%select{struct|interface|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously declared as a %select{struct|interface|class}3%select{| template}1; this is valid, but may result in linker errors under the Microsoft C++ ABIsubtraction of pointers to type %0 of zero size has undefined behaviorarray subscript is of type 'char'block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'%select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn'field %0 can overwrite instance variable %1 with variable sized type %2 in superclass %3'size' argument to bzero is '0'%select{'size' argument to memset is '0'|setting buffer to a 'sizeof' expression}0; did you mean to transpose the last two arguments?template parameter of a function template with the 'sycl_kernel' attribute cannot be a non-type template parameterfunction template with 'sycl_kernel' attribute must have a single parameter'sycl_kernel' attribute only applies to a function template with at least two template parametersfunction template with 'sycl_kernel' attribute must have a 'void' return typethe semantics of this intrinsic changed with GCC version 4.4 - the newer semantics are provided heretaking address of packed member %0 of class or structure %q1 may result in an unaligned pointer valueresult of comparison of constant %0 with expression of type 'BOOL' is always %1, as the only well defined values for 'BOOL' are YES and NOresult of comparison %select{%3|%1}0 %2 %select{%1|%3}0 is always %4overlapping comparisons always evaluate to %select{false|true}0non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned template parameter of type %2non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for template parameter of type %2exported templates are unsupporteddependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend template declaration is not supported; ignoring this friend declarationdependent nested name specifier '%0' for friend class declaration is not supported; turning off access control for %1extraneous template parameter list in template specializationtentative array definition assumed to have one element'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; pointer may be assumed to always convert to true'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code; comparison may be assumed to always evaluate to %select{true|false}0%0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'capability' attribute; type here is %1%0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated with 'capability("mutex")' attribute%0 only applies to pointer types; type here is %1ignoring %0 attribute because its argument is invalid%0 attribute without capability arguments refers to 'this', but %1 isn't annotated with 'capability' or 'scoped_lockable' attribute%0 attribute without capability arguments can only be applied to non-static methods of a classThread safety beta warning.Thread safety verbose warning.%0 has a non-throwing exception specification but can still throwunderaligned exception object thrown%select{alignment|size}0 of field %1 (%2 bits) does not match the %select{alignment|size}0 of the first field in transparent union; transparent_union attribute ignoredfirst field of a transparent union cannot have %select{floating point|vector}0 type %1; transparent_union attribute ignoredtransparent_union attribute can only be applied to a union definition; attribute ignoredtransparent union definition must contain at least one field; transparent_union attribute ignored'%0' only applies to %select{function|pointer|Objective-C object or block pointer}1 types; type here is %2specified %0 type tag requires a null pointerargument type %0 doesn't match specified %1 type tag %select{that requires %3|}2this type tag was not designed to be used with this function'%0' qualifier on function type %1 has no effect'%0' qualifier on function type %1 has unspecified behavior'%0' qualifier on reference type %1 has no effectvector operands do not have the same elements sizes (%0 and %1)'static' has no effect on zero-length arraysunannotated fall-through between switch labelsunannotated fall-through between switch labels in partly-annotated functionimplementing unavailable method%0 may be unavailable because the receiver type is unknownundeclared selector %0undeclared selector %0; did you mean %1?method definition for %0 not foundcannot find protocol definition for %0inline function %q0 is not defined%select{function|variable}0 %q1 has internal linkage but is not definedreinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior%0 is only available on %1 %2 or newer__declspec attribute %0 is not supportedmethod %0 in protocol %1 not implementedno method with selector %0 is implemented in this translation unitblock pointer variable %0 is %select{uninitialized|null}1 when captured by blockvariable %0 is uninitialized when used within its own initializationreference %0 is not yet bound to a value when used within its own initializationvariable %0 is uninitialized when %select{used here|captured by block}1unknown sanitizer '%0' ignoredreleasing %0 '%1' that was not heldreleasing %0 '%1' using %select{shared|exclusive}2 access, expected %select{shared|exclusive}3 access%select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emittedmember function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted'static' function %0 declared in header file should be declared 'static inline'code will never be executed'break' will never be executeddefault label in switch which covers all enumeration valuesloop will run at most once (loop increment never executed)'return' will never be executedmultiple unsequenced modifications to %0unsequenced modification and access to %0taking the absolute value of unsigned type %0 has no effectresult of comparison of %select{%3|unsigned expression}0 %2 %select{unsigned expression|%3}0 is always %4assigning value of signed enum type %1 to unsigned bit-field %0; negative enumerators of enum %1 will be converted to positive valuesresult of comparison of %select{%3|unsigned enum expression}0 %2 %select{unsigned enum expression|%3}0 is always %4sorry, lifetime extension of %select{temporary|backing array of initializer list}0 created by aggregate initialization using default member initializer is not supported; lifetime of %select{temporary|backing array}0 will end at the end of the full-expression%select{unsupported|duplicate}0%select{| architecture}1 '%2' in the 'target' attribute string; 'target' attribute ignoredignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute%select{equality|inequality|relational|three-way}0 comparison result unusedunused variable %0ignoring temporary created by a constructor declared with %0 attributeignoring temporary created by a constructor declared with %0 attribute: %1container access result unused - container access should not be used for side effectsunused exception parameter %0expression result unusedunused function %0unused label %0lambda capture %0 is not %select{used|required to be captured for this use}1unused %select{typedef|type alias}0 %1unused member function %0unused parameter %0private field %0 is not usedivar %0 which backs the property is not referenced in this property's accessorproperty access result unused - getters should not be used for side effectsignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute: %1unused %select{function|variable}0 template %1expression result unused; should this cast be to 'void'?expression result unused; assign into a variable to force a volatile loadinvalid invocation of method '%0' on object '%1' while it is in the '%2' stateinvalid invocation of method '%0' on a temporary object while it is in the '%1' state%0 was marked unused but was useduser-defined literal suffixes not starting with '_' are reserved%select{; no literal will invoke this operator|}0using namespace directive in global context in headerpassing %select{an object that undergoes default argument promotion|an object of reference type|a parameter declared with the 'register' keyword}0 to 'va_start' has undefined behavior%select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by %0 requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1%select{reading|writing}3 the value pointed to by %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3instantiation of variable %q0 required here, but no definition is available%select{reading|writing}1 variable %0 requires holding %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1%select{reading|writing}3 variable %1 requires holding %0 %select{'%2'|'%2' exclusively}3field %0 with variable sized type %1 is not visible to subclasses and can conflict with their instance variablesvariable%select{s| %1|s %1 and %2|s %1, %2, and %3|s %1, %2, %3, and %4}0 used in loop condition not modified in loop bodydefaulted move assignment operator of %0 will move assign virtual base class %1 multiple timesUse of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecatedspecifying vector types with the 'mode' attribute is deprecated; use the 'vector_size' attribute insteadvariable length array usedweak identifier %0 never declaredan already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration %0explicit template instantiation %0 will emit a vtable in every translation unit%0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be emitted in every translation unitusing %select{integer|floating point|complex}1 absolute value function %0 when argument is of %select{integer|floating point|complex}2 typeresult of '%0' is %1; did you mean exponentiation?result of '%0' is %1; did you mean '%2'?result of '%0' is %1; did you mean '%2' (%3)?zero as null pointer constant%select{|empty }0%select{struct|union}1 has size 0 in C, %select{size 1|non-zero size}2 in C++the selected code is not a part of a function's / method's bodythe selected expression can't be extractedthe selected expression is too simple to extractrefactoring action can't be initiated without a selectionthe provided selection does not overlap with the AST nodes of interestthere is no symbol at the given locationRXZUxZUZU ZU ZUZUZUZUZU[U[U ([U@[U P[Ud[Ut[U.[U[U [U[U\U\U(\U<\U\\Up\U\U\U\U \U\U\U]U]ULexical or Preprocessor IssueSemantic IssueLambda IssueParse IssueARC Semantic IssueARC and @propertiesARC Casting RulesARC Parse IssueARC Weak ReferencesARC RestrictionsOpenMP IssueInline Assembly IssueModules IssueCoroutines IssueConcepts IssueDependency Directive Source Minimization IssueAST Deserialization IssueBackend IssueRelated Result Type IssueAST Serialization IssueNullability IssueGenerics IssueUser-Defined IssueRefactoring Invocation IssueVTable ABI IssueValue Conversion IssueDocumentation IssueARC Retain CycleDeprecationsFormat String IssueCocoa API Issue#pragma message DirectiveInstrumentation IssueUnused Entity Issue,eV,20XV,'V,(V-V,RV,+TV,$V , V , ̫V ,ثV ,EV ,8V,LV,hV-/pV,V,<tV,6V,;V,M(V-]xV-ذV-$V-, V,)PV -|V!-V"-6V#-V$,@V%, LV&,V=\V',V(,w(V),'V*,.ȳV+,)V,,,$V-,TV.,6tV/,-V0,"ܴV1,(V2,,V3,DV4,\V5,7tV6,%V7,"ԵV8,.V9,9(V:,8dV;,V<,;V=,1V>,!0V?,9TV@,:VA,9̷VB,'VC-B0VD,>tVEa8VFa"VGa VHaY 8VIa$VJcPa`VKcRȹVLcV(VMc$VN-%غVOM VPM4 VQM DVRMTVSMpVTM0VUMVVM LVWMԻVXMVYMVZMV[M%8V\M`V]MHxV^M6ļV_MV`MVaQ/$VbQ6TVc[UVd[T]Ve[TZHVfYgEVgYy&VhYu.Vi[3HVj[$Vk[;2|VlY$Vm[#ؿVn[ LVo[T"Vp[| 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