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import datetime
import time
class BadFunctionCallOutput(Exception):
We failed to decode ABI output.
Most likely ABI mismatch.
class BlockNumberOutofRange(Exception):
block_identifier passed does not match known block.
class CannotHandleRequest(Exception):
Raised by a provider to signal that it cannot handle an RPC request and
that the manager should proceed to the next provider.
class InvalidAddress(ValueError):
The supplied address does not have a valid checksum, as defined in EIP-55
class NameNotFound(ValueError):
Raised when a caller provides an Ethereum Name Service name that
does not resolve to an address.
class StaleBlockchain(Exception):
Raised by the stalecheck_middleware when the latest block is too old.
def __init__(self, block, allowable_delay):
last_block_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(block.timestamp).strftime('%c')
message = (
"The latest block, #%d, is %d seconds old, but is only allowed to be %d s old. "
"The date of the most recent block is %s. Continue syncing and try again..." %
(block.number, time.time() - block.timestamp, allowable_delay, last_block_date)
super().__init__(message, block, allowable_delay)
def __str__(self):
return self.args[0]
class MismatchedABI(Exception):
Raised when an ABI does not match with supplied parameters, or when an
attempt is made to access a function/event that does not exist in the ABI.
class FallbackNotFound(Exception):
Raised when fallback function doesn't exist in contract.
class ValidationError(Exception):
Raised when a supplied value is invalid.
class NoABIFunctionsFound(AttributeError):
Raised when an ABI is present, but doesn't contain any functions.
class NoABIFound(AttributeError):
Raised when no ABI is present.
class NoABIEventsFound(AttributeError):
Raised when an ABI doesn't contain any events.
class InsufficientData(Exception):
Raised when there are insufficient data points to
complete a calculation
class TimeExhausted(Exception):
Raised when a method has not retrieved the desired result within a specified timeout.
class PMError(Exception):
Raised when an error occurs in the PM module.
class ManifestValidationError(PMError):
Raised when a provided manifest cannot be published, since it's invalid.
class TransactionNotFound(Exception):
Raised when a tx hash used to lookup a tx in a jsonrpc call cannot be found.
class BlockNotFound(Exception):
Raised when the block id used to lookup a block in a jsonrpc call cannot be found.
class InfuraKeyNotFound(Exception):
Raised when there is no Infura Project Id set.
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