Слияние кода завершено, страница обновится автоматически
import digitalio
import time
# from microcontroller.pin import *
class Matrix:
Implement the drive of keyboard matrix and provide an event queue.
# ROWS = (P0_05, P0_06, P0_07, P0_08, P1_09, P1_08, P0_12, P0_11)
# COLS = (P0_19, P0_20, P0_21, P0_22, P0_23, P0_24, P0_25, P0_26)
ROWS = ()
COLS = ()
# direction of diode
ROW2COL = False
def __init__(self):
self.keys = len(self.ROWS) * len(self.COLS)
self.queue = bytearray(self.keys)
self.head = 0
self.tail = 0
self.length = 0
self.rows = [] # row as output
for pin in self.ROWS:
io = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
io.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
io.drive_mode = digitalio.DriveMode.PUSH_PULL
io.value = 0
self.cols = [] # col as input
for pin in self.COLS:
io = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
io.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT
io.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN if self.ROW2COL else digitalio.Pull.UP
# row selected value depends on diodes' direction
self.pressed = bool(self.ROW2COL)
self.t0 = [0] * self.keys # key pressed time
self.t1 = [0] * self.keys # key released time
self.mask = 0
self.count = 0
self._debounce_time = 20000000
def scan(self):
Scan keyboard matrix and save key event into the queue.
:return: length of the key event queue.
t = time.monotonic_ns()
# use local variables to speed up
pressed = self.pressed
last_mask = self.mask
cols = self.cols
mask = 0
count = 0
key_index = -1
for row in self.rows:
row.value = pressed # select row
for col in cols:
key_index += 1
if col.value == pressed:
key_mask = 1 << key_index
if not (last_mask & key_mask):
if t - self.t1[key_index] < self._debounce_time:
self.t0[key_index] = t
mask |= key_mask
count += 1
elif last_mask and (last_mask & (1 << key_index)):
if t - self.t0[key_index] < self._debounce_time:
mask |= 1 << key_index
self.t1[key_index] = t
self.put(0x80 | key_index)
row.value = not pressed
self.mask = mask
self.count = count
return self.length
def wait(self, timeout=1000):
"""Wait for a new key event or timeout"""
last = self.length
if timeout:
end_time = time.monotonic_ns() + timeout * 1000000
while True:
n = self.scan()
if n > last or time.monotonic_ns() > end_time:
return n
while True:
n = self.scan()
if n > last:
return n
def put(self, data):
"""Put a key event into the queue"""
self.queue[self.head] = data
self.head += 1
if self.head >= self.keys:
self.head = 0
self.length += 1
def get(self):
"""Remove and return the first event from the queue."""
data = self.queue[self.tail]
self.tail += 1
if self.tail >= self.keys:
self.tail = 0
self.length -= 1
return data
def view(self, n):
"""Return the specified event"""
return self.queue[(self.tail + n) % self.keys]
def __getitem__(self, n):
"""Return the specified event"""
return self.queue[(self.tail + n) % self.keys]
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of events in the queue"""
return self.length
def get_keydown_time(self, key):
"""Return the key pressed time"""
return self.t0[key]
def get_keyup_time(self, key):
"""Return the key released time"""
return self.t1[key]
def time(self):
"""Return current time"""
return time.monotonic_ns()
def ms(self, t):
"""Convert time to milliseconds"""
return t // 1000000
def debounce_time(self):
return self._debounce_time // 1000000
def debounce_time(self, t):
"""Set debounce time"""
self._debounce_time = t * 1000000
def suspend(self):
"""Suspend keyboard"""
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