/*! * \file gps.h * * \brief GPS driver implementation * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013-2017 Semtech * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) * * \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) */ #ifndef __GPS_H__ #define __GPS_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> /* Structure to handle the GPS parsed data in ASCII */ typedef struct { char NmeaDataType[6]; char NmeaUtcTime[11]; char NmeaDataStatus[2]; char NmeaLatitude[10]; char NmeaLatitudePole[2]; char NmeaLongitude[11]; char NmeaLongitudePole[2]; char NmeaFixQuality[2]; char NmeaSatelliteTracked[3]; char NmeaHorizontalDilution[6]; char NmeaAltitude[8]; char NmeaAltitudeUnit[2]; char NmeaHeightGeoid[8]; char NmeaHeightGeoidUnit[2]; char NmeaSpeed[8]; char NmeaDetectionAngle[8]; char NmeaDate[8]; }NmeaGpsData_t; /*! * \brief Initializes the handling of the GPS receiver */ void GpsInit( void ); /*! * \brief Switch ON the GPS */ void GpsStart( void ); /*! * \brief Switch OFF the GPS */ void GpsStop( void ); /*! * Updates the GPS status */ void GpsProcess( void ); /*! * \brief PPS signal handling function */ void GpsPpsHandler( bool *parseData ); /*! * \brief PPS signal handling function * * \retval ppsDetected State of PPS signal. */ bool GpsGetPpsDetectedState( void ); /*! * \brief Indicates if GPS has fix * * \retval hasFix */ bool GpsHasFix( void ); /*! * \brief Converts the latest Position (latitude and longitude) into a binary * number */ void GpsConvertPositionIntoBinary( void ); /*! * \brief Converts the latest Position (latitude and Longitude) from ASCII into * DMS numerical format */ void GpsConvertPositionFromStringToNumerical( void ); /*! * \brief Gets the latest Position (latitude and Longitude) as two double values * if available * * \param [OUT] lati Latitude value * \param [OUT] longi Longitude value * * \retval status [SUCCESS, FAIL] */ uint8_t GpsGetLatestGpsPositionDouble ( double *lati, double *longi ); /*! * \brief Gets the latest Position (latitude and Longitude) as two binary values * if available * * \param [OUT] latiBin Latitude value * \param [OUT] longiBin Longitude value * * \retval status [SUCCESS, FAIL] */ uint8_t GpsGetLatestGpsPositionBinary ( int32_t *latiBin, int32_t *longiBin ); /*! * \brief Parses the NMEA sentence. * * \remark Only parses GPGGA and GPRMC sentences * * \param [IN] rxBuffer Data buffer to be parsed * \param [IN] rxBufferSize Size of data buffer * * \retval status [SUCCESS, FAIL] */ uint8_t GpsParseGpsData( int8_t *rxBuffer, int32_t rxBufferSize ); /*! * \brief Returns the latest altitude from the parsed NMEA sentence * * \retval altitude */ int16_t GpsGetLatestGpsAltitude( void ); /*! * \brief Format GPS data into numeric and binary formats */ void GpsFormatGpsData( void ); /*! * \brief Resets the GPS position variables */ void GpsResetPosition( void ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __GPS_H__