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* \file LoRaMacCrypto.h
* \brief LoRa MAC layer cryptographic functionality implementation
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013-2017 Semtech
* ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
* \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
* |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
* embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
* \author Johannes Bruder ( STACKFORCE )
* addtogroup LORAMAC
* \{
#ifndef __LORAMAC_CRYPTO_H__
#define __LORAMAC_CRYPTO_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "utilities.h"
#include "LoRaMacTypes.h"
#include "LoRaMacMessageTypes.h"
#include "LoRaMacCryptoNvm.h"
* Indicates if LoRaWAN 1.1.x crypto scheme is enabled
#define USE_LRWAN_1_1_X_CRYPTO 0
* Indicates if a random devnonce must be used or not
* Indicates if JoinNonce is counter based and requires to be checked
* Initial value of the frame counters
* LoRaMac Cryto Status
typedef enum eLoRaMacCryptoStatus
* No error occurred
* MIC does not match
* Address does not match
* JoinNonce was not greater than previous one.
* RJcount0 reached 2^16-1
* FCNT_ID is not supported
* FCntUp/Down check failed (new FCnt is smaller than previous one)
* FCntUp/Down check failed (duplicated)
* Not allowed parameter value
* Null pointer exception
* Invalid key identifier exception
* Invalid address identifier exception
* Invalid LoRaWAN specification version
* Incompatible buffer size
* The secure element reports an error
* Error from parser reported
* Error from serializer reported
* RJcount1 reached 2^16-1 which should never happen
* Undefined Error occurred
* Signature of callback function to be called by the LoRaMac Crypto module when the
* non-volatile context have to be stored. It is also possible to save the entire
* crypto module context.
typedef void ( *LoRaMacCryptoNvmEvent )( void );
* Initialization of LoRaMac Crypto module
* It sets initial values of volatile variables and assigns the non-volatile context.
* \param[IN] nvm - Pointer to the non-volatile memory data
* structure.
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoInit( LoRaMacCryptoNvmData_t* nvm );
* Sets the LoRaWAN specification version to be used.
* \warning This function should be used for ABP only. In case of OTA the version will be set automatically.
* \param[IN] version - LoRaWAN specification version to be used.
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoSetLrWanVersion( Version_t version );
* Returns updated fCntID downlink counter value.
* \param[IN] fCntID - Frame counter identifier
* \param[IN] frameFcnt - Received frame counter (used to update current counter value)
* \param[OUT] currentDown - Current downlink counter value
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoGetFCntDown( FCntIdentifier_t fCntID, uint32_t frameFcnt, uint32_t* currentDown );
* Returns updated fCntUp uplink counter value.
* \param[IN] currentUp - Uplink counter value
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoGetFCntUp( uint32_t* currentUp );
* Provides multicast context.
* \param[IN] multicastList - Pointer to the multicast context list
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoSetMulticastReference( MulticastCtx_t* multicastList );
* Sets a key
* \param[IN] keyID - Key identifier
* \param[IN] key - Key value (16 byte), if its a multicast key it must be encrypted with McKEKey
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoSetKey( KeyIdentifier_t keyID, uint8_t* key );
* Prepares the join-request message.
* It computes the mic and add it to the message.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Join-request message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoPrepareJoinRequest( LoRaMacMessageJoinRequest_t* macMsg );
* Prepares a rejoin-request type 1 message.
* It computes the mic and add it to the message.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Rejoin message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoPrepareReJoinType1( LoRaMacMessageReJoinType1_t* macMsg );
* Prepares a rejoin-request type 0 or 2 message.
* It computes the mic and add it to the message.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Rejoin message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoPrepareReJoinType0or2( LoRaMacMessageReJoinType0or2_t* macMsg );
* Handles the join-accept message.
* It decrypts the message, verifies the MIC and if successful derives the session keys.
* \param[IN] joinReqType - Type of last join-request or rejoin which triggered the join-accept response
* \param[IN] joinEUI - Join server EUI (8 byte)
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Join-accept message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoHandleJoinAccept( JoinReqIdentifier_t joinReqType, uint8_t* joinEUI, LoRaMacMessageJoinAccept_t* macMsg );
* Secures a message (encryption + integrity).
* \param[IN] fCntUp - Uplink sequence counter
* \param[IN] txDr - Data rate used for the transmission
* \param[IN] txCh - Index of the channel used for the transmission
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Data message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoSecureMessage( uint32_t fCntUp, uint8_t txDr, uint8_t txCh, LoRaMacMessageData_t* macMsg );
* Unsecures a message (decryption + integrity verification).
* \param[IN] addrID - Address identifier
* \param[IN] address - Address
* \param[IN] fCntID - Frame counter identifier
* \param[IN] fCntDown - Downlink sequence counter
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Data message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoUnsecureMessage( AddressIdentifier_t addrID, uint32_t address, FCntIdentifier_t fCntID, uint32_t fCntDown, LoRaMacMessageData_t* macMsg );
* Derives the McRootKey from the AppKey.
* 1.0.x
* McRootKey = aes128_encrypt(AppKey, 0x00 | pad16)
* 1.1.x
* McRootKey = aes128_encrypt(AppKey, 0x20 | pad16)
* \param[IN] versionMinor - LoRaWAN specification minor version to be used.
* \param[IN] keyID - Key identifier of the root key to use to perform the derivation ( AppKey )
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoDeriveMcRootKey( uint8_t versionMinor, KeyIdentifier_t keyID );
* Derives the McKEKey from the McRootKey.
* McKEKey = aes128_encrypt(McRootKey , 0x00 | pad16)
* \param[IN] keyID - Key identifier of the root key to use to perform the derivation ( McRootKey )
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoDeriveMcKEKey( KeyIdentifier_t keyID );
* Derives a Multicast group key pair ( McAppSKey, McNwkSKey ) from McKey
* McAppSKey = aes128_encrypt(McKey, 0x01 | McAddr | pad16)
* McNwkSKey = aes128_encrypt(McKey, 0x02 | McAddr | pad16)
* \param[IN] addrID - Address identifier to select the multicast group
* \param[IN] mcAddr - Multicast group address (4 bytes)
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacCryptoStatus_t LoRaMacCryptoDeriveMcSessionKeyPair( AddressIdentifier_t addrID, uint32_t mcAddr );
/*! \} addtogroup LORAMAC */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __LORAMAC_CRYPTO_H__
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