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* \file LoRaMacClassB.h
* \brief LoRa MAC Class B layer implementation
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013 Semtech
* ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
* \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
* |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
* embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
* \defgroup LORAMACCLASSB LoRa MAC Class B layer implementation
* This module specifies the API implementation of the LoRaMAC Class B layer.
* This is a placeholder for a detailed description of the LoRaMac
* layer and the supported features.
* \{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "systime.h"
#include "LoRaMacTypes.h"
* States of the class B beacon acquisition and tracking
typedef enum eBeaconState
* Initial state to acquire the beacon
* Beacon acquisition state when a time reference is available
* Handles the state when the beacon reception fails
* Handles the state when the beacon was missed due to an uplink
* Reacquisition state which applies the algorithm to enlarge the reception
* windows
* The node has locked a beacon successfully
* The beacon state machine is stopped due to operations with higher priority
* The node currently operates in the beacon window and is idle. In this
* state, the temperature measurement takes place
* The node operates in the guard time of class B
* The node is in receive mode to lock a beacon
* The nodes switches the device class
* States of the class B ping slot mechanism
typedef enum ePingSlotState
* Calculation of the ping slot offset
* State to set the timer to open the next ping slot
* The node is in idle state
* The node opens up a ping slot window
* Class B ping slot context structure
typedef struct sPingSlotContext
* Ping slot length time in ms
uint32_t PingSlotWindow;
* Ping offset
uint16_t PingOffset;
* Current symbol timeout. The node enlarges this variable in case of beacon
* loss.
uint16_t SymbolTimeout;
* The multicast channel which will be enabled next.
MulticastCtx_t *NextMulticastChannel;
* Class B beacon context structure
typedef struct sBeaconContext
struct sBeaconCtrl
* Set if the node receives beacons
uint8_t BeaconMode : 1;
* Set if the node has acquired the beacon
uint8_t BeaconAcquired : 1;
* Set if a beacon delay was set for the beacon acquisition
uint8_t BeaconDelaySet : 1;
* Set if a beacon channel was set for the beacon acquisition
uint8_t BeaconChannelSet : 1;
* Set if beacon acquisition is pending
uint8_t AcquisitionPending : 1;
* Set if the beacon state machine will be resumed
uint8_t ResumeBeaconing : 1;
* Current temperature
float Temperature;
* Beacon time received with the beacon frame
SysTime_t BeaconTime;
* Time when the last beacon was received
SysTime_t LastBeaconRx;
* Time when the next beacon will be received
SysTime_t NextBeaconRx;
* This is the time where the RX window will be opened.
* Its base is NextBeaconRx with temperature compensations
* and RX window movement.
TimerTime_t NextBeaconRxAdjusted;
* Current symbol timeout. The node enlarges this variable in case of beacon
* loss.
uint16_t SymbolTimeout;
* Specifies how much time the beacon window will be moved.
TimerTime_t BeaconWindowMovement;
* Beacon timing channel for next beacon
uint8_t BeaconTimingChannel;
* Delay for next beacon in ms
TimerTime_t BeaconTimingDelay;
TimerTime_t TimeStamp;
* Beacons transmit time precision determined using
* param field of beacon frame format.
SysTime_t BeaconTimePrecision;
* Data structure which contains the callbacks
typedef struct sLoRaMacClassBCallback
* \brief Measures the temperature level
* \retval Temperature level
float ( *GetTemperatureLevel )( void );
*\brief Will be called each time a Radio IRQ is handled by the MAC
* layer.
*\warning Runs in a IRQ context. Should only change variables state.
void ( *MacProcessNotify )( void );
* Data structure which pointers to the properties LoRaMAC
typedef struct sLoRaMacClassBParams
* Pointer to the MlmeIndication structure
MlmeIndication_t *MlmeIndication;
* Pointer to the McpsIndication structure
McpsIndication_t *McpsIndication;
* Pointer to the MlmeConfirm structure
MlmeConfirm_t *MlmeConfirm;
* Pointer to the LoRaMacFlags structure
LoRaMacFlags_t *LoRaMacFlags;
* Pointer to the LoRaMac device address
uint32_t *LoRaMacDevAddr;
* Pointer to the LoRaMac region definition
LoRaMacRegion_t *LoRaMacRegion;
* Pointer to the LoRaMacParams structure
LoRaMacParams_t *LoRaMacParams;
* Pointer to the multicast channel list
MulticastCtx_t *MulticastChannels;
* Pointer to the activation type
ActivationType_t *NetworkActivation;
* Signature of callback function to be called by this module when the
* non-volatile needs to be saved.
typedef void ( *LoRaMacClassBNvmEvent )( void );
* \brief Initialize LoRaWAN Class B
* \param [IN] classBParams Information and feedback parameter
* \param [IN] callbacks Contains the callback which the Class B implementation needs
* \param [IN] nvm Pointer to an external non-volatile memory data structure.
void LoRaMacClassBInit( LoRaMacClassBParams_t *classBParams, LoRaMacClassBCallback_t *callbacks,
LoRaMacClassBNvmData_t* nvm );
* \brief Set the state of the beacon state machine
* \param [IN] beaconState Beacon state.
void LoRaMacClassBSetBeaconState( BeaconState_t beaconState );
* \brief Set the state of the ping slot state machine
* \param [IN] pingSlotState Ping slot state.
void LoRaMacClassBSetPingSlotState( PingSlotState_t pingSlotState );
* \brief Set the state of the multicast slot state machine
* \param [IN] pingSlotState multicast slot state.
void LoRaMacClassBSetMulticastSlotState( PingSlotState_t multicastSlotState );
* \brief Verifies if an acquisition procedure is in progress
* \retval [true, if the acquisition is in progress; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsAcquisitionInProgress( void );
* \brief State machine of the Class B for beaconing
void LoRaMacClassBBeaconTimerEvent( void* context );
* \brief State machine of the Class B for ping slots
void LoRaMacClassBPingSlotTimerEvent( void* context );
* \brief State machine of the Class B for multicast slots
void LoRaMacClassBMulticastSlotTimerEvent( void* context );
* \brief Receives and decodes the beacon frame
* \param [IN] payload Pointer to the payload
* \param [IN] size Size of the payload
* \retval [true, if the node has received a beacon; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBRxBeacon( uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size );
* \brief The function validates, if the node expects a beacon
* at the current time.
* \retval [true, if the node expects a beacon; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsBeaconExpected( void );
* \brief The function validates, if the node expects a ping slot
* at the current time.
* \retval [true, if the node expects a ping slot; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsPingExpected( void );
* \brief The function validates, if the node expects a multicast slot
* at the current time.
* \retval [true, if the node expects a multicast slot; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsMulticastExpected( void );
* \brief Verifies if the acquisition pending bit is set
* \retval [true, if the bit is set; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsAcquisitionPending( void );
* \brief Verifies if the beacon mode active bit is set
* \retval [true, if the bit is set; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBIsBeaconModeActive( void );
* \brief Stops the beacon and ping slot operation
void LoRaMacClassBHaltBeaconing( void );
* \brief Resumes the beacon and ping slot operation
void LoRaMacClassBResumeBeaconing( void );
* \brief Sets the periodicity of the ping slots
* \param [IN] periodicity Periodicity
void LoRaMacClassBSetPingSlotInfo( uint8_t periodicity );
* \brief Switches the device class
* \param [IN] nextClass Device class to switch to
* \retval LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation.
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacClassBSwitchClass( DeviceClass_t nextClass );
* \brief LoRaMAC ClassB MIB-Get
* \details The mac information base service to get attributes of the LoRaMac
* Class B layer.
* \param [IN] mibRequest - MIB-GET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
* \retval LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacClassBMibGetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibGet );
* \brief LoRaMAC Class B MIB-Set
* \details The mac information base service to set attributes of the LoRaMac
* Class B layer.
* \param [IN] mibRequest - MIB-SET-Request to perform. Refer to \ref MibRequestConfirm_t.
* \retval LoRaMacStatus_t Status of the operation. Possible returns are:
LoRaMacStatus_t LoRaMacMibClassBSetRequestConfirm( MibRequestConfirm_t *mibSet );
* \brief This function handles the PING_SLOT_FREQ_ANS
void LoRaMacClassBPingSlotInfoAns( void );
* \brief This function handles the PING_SLOT_CHANNEL_REQ
* \param [IN] datarate Device class to switch to
* \param [IN] frequency Device class to switch to
* \retval Status for the MAC answer.
uint8_t LoRaMacClassBPingSlotChannelReq( uint8_t datarate, uint32_t frequency );
* \brief This function handles the BEACON_TIMING_ANS
* \param [IN] beaconTimingDelay The beacon timing delay
* \param [IN] beaconTimingChannel The beacon timing channel
* \param [IN] lastRxDone The time of the last frame reception
void LoRaMacClassBBeaconTimingAns( uint16_t beaconTimingDelay, uint8_t beaconTimingChannel, TimerTime_t lastRxDone );
* \brief This function handles the ClassB DEVICE_TIME_ANS
void LoRaMacClassBDeviceTimeAns( void );
* \brief This function handles the BEACON_FREQ_REQ
* \param [IN] frequency Frequency to set
* \retval [true, if MAC shall send an answer; false, if not]
bool LoRaMacClassBBeaconFreqReq( uint32_t frequency );
* \brief Queries the ping slot window time
* \param [IN] txTimeOnAir TX time on air for the next uplink
* \retval Returns the time the uplink should be delayed
TimerTime_t LoRaMacClassBIsUplinkCollision( TimerTime_t txTimeOnAir );
* \brief Stops the timers for the RX slots. This includes the
* timers for ping and multicast slots.
void LoRaMacClassBStopRxSlots( void );
* \brief Starts the timers for the RX slots. This includes the
* timers for ping and multicast slots.
void LoRaMacClassBStartRxSlots( void );
* \brief Starts the timers for the RX slots. This includes the
* timers for ping and multicast slots.
* \param [IN] periodicity Downlink periodicity
* \param [IN] multicastChannel Related multicast channel
void LoRaMacClassBSetMulticastPeriodicity( MulticastCtx_t* multicastChannel );
* \brief Sets the FPending bit status of the related downlink slot
* \param [IN] address Slot address, could be unicast or multicast
* \param [IN] fPendingSet Set to 1, if the fPending bit in the
* sequence is set, otherwise 0.
void LoRaMacClassBSetFPendingBit( uint32_t address, uint8_t fPendingSet );
* \brief Class B process function.
void LoRaMacClassBProcess( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __LORAMACCLASSB_H__
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