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* \file lpm-board.h
* \brief Target board low power modes management
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013-2017 Semtech - STMicroelectronics
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author MCD Application Team (C)( STMicroelectronics International )
#ifndef __LPM_BOARD_H__
#define __LPM_BOARD_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "board-config.h"
* Low power manager configuration
typedef enum
LPM_APPLI_ID = ( 1 << 0 ),
LPM_LIB_ID = ( 1 << 1 ),
LPM_RTC_ID = ( 1 << 2 ),
LPM_GPS_ID = ( 1 << 3 ),
LPM_UART_RX_ID = ( 1 << 4 ),
LPM_UART_TX_ID = ( 1 << 5 ),
} LpmId_t;
* Low Power Mode selected
typedef enum
} LpmSetMode_t;
typedef enum
} LpmGetMode_t;
* \brief This API returns the Low Power Mode selected that will be applied when the system will enter low power mode
* if there is no update between the time the mode is read with this API and the time the system enters
* low power mode.
* \retval mode Selected low power mode
LpmGetMode_t LpmGetMode( void );
* \brief This API notifies the low power manager if the specified user allows the Stop mode or not.
* When the application does not require the system clock, it enters Stop Mode if at least one user disallow
* Off Mode. Otherwise, it enters Off Mode.
* The default mode selection for all users is Off mode enabled
* \param [IN] id Process Id
* \param [IN] mode Selected mode
void LpmSetStopMode( LpmId_t id, LpmSetMode_t mode );
* \brief This API notifies the low power manager if the specified user allows the Off mode or not.
* When the application does not require the system clock, it enters Stop Mode if at least one user disallow
* Off Mode. Otherwise, it enters Off Mode.
* The default mode selection for all users is Off mode enabled
* \param [IN] id Process Id
* \param [IN] mode Selected mode
void LpmSetOffMode(LpmId_t id, LpmSetMode_t mode );
* \brief This API shall be used by the application when there is no more code to execute so that the system may
* enter low-power mode. The mode selected depends on the information received from LpmOffModeSelection( ) and
* LpmSysclockRequest( )
* This function shall be called in critical section
void LpmEnterLowPower( void );
* \brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before entering Sleep Mode
void LpmEnterSleepMode( void );
* \brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before getting out from Sleep Mode
void LpmExitSleepMode( void );
* \brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before entering Stop Mode
void LpmEnterStopMode( void );
* \brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before getting out from Stop Mode. This is where the application
* should reconfigure the clock tree when needed
void LpmExitStopMode( void );
* \brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before entering Off mode. This is where the application could save
* data in the retention memory as the RAM memory content will be lost
void LpmEnterOffMode( void );
* @brief This API is called by the low power manager in a critical section (PRIMASK bit set) to allow the
* application to implement dedicated code before getting out from Off mode. This can only happen when the
* Off mode is finally not entered. In that case, the application may reverse some configurations done before
* entering Off mode. When Off mode is successful, the system is reset when getting out from this low-power mode
void LpmExitOffMode( void );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__LPM_BOARD_H__ */
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