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* \file timer.c
* \brief Timer objects and scheduling management implementation
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013-2017 Semtech
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
#include "utilities.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "rtc-board.h"
#include "timer.h"
* Safely execute call back
#define ExecuteCallBack( _callback_, context ) \
do \
{ \
if( _callback_ == NULL ) \
{ \
while( 1 ); \
} \
else \
{ \
_callback_( context ); \
} \
}while( 0 );
* Timers list head pointer
static TimerEvent_t *TimerListHead = NULL;
* \brief Adds or replace the head timer of the list.
* \remark The list is automatically sorted. The list head always contains the
* next timer to expire.
* \param [IN] obj Timer object to be become the new head
* \param [IN] remainingTime Remaining time of the previous head to be replaced
static void TimerInsertNewHeadTimer( TimerEvent_t *obj );
* \brief Adds a timer to the list.
* \remark The list is automatically sorted. The list head always contains the
* next timer to expire.
* \param [IN] obj Timer object to be added to the list
* \param [IN] remainingTime Remaining time of the running head after which the object may be added
static void TimerInsertTimer( TimerEvent_t *obj );
* \brief Sets a timeout with the duration "timestamp"
* \param [IN] timestamp Delay duration
static void TimerSetTimeout( TimerEvent_t *obj );
* \brief Check if the Object to be added is not already in the list
* \param [IN] timestamp Delay duration
* \retval true (the object is already in the list) or false
static bool TimerExists( TimerEvent_t *obj );
void TimerInit( TimerEvent_t *obj, void ( *callback )( void *context ) )
obj->Timestamp = 0;
obj->ReloadValue = 0;
obj->IsStarted = false;
obj->IsNext2Expire = false;
obj->Callback = callback;
obj->Context = NULL;
obj->Next = NULL;
void TimerSetContext( TimerEvent_t *obj, void* context )
obj->Context = context;
void TimerStart( TimerEvent_t *obj )
uint32_t elapsedTime = 0;
if( ( obj == NULL ) || ( TimerExists( obj ) == true ) )
obj->Timestamp = obj->ReloadValue;
obj->IsStarted = true;
obj->IsNext2Expire = false;
if( TimerListHead == NULL )
RtcSetTimerContext( );
// Inserts a timer at time now + obj->Timestamp
TimerInsertNewHeadTimer( obj );
elapsedTime = RtcGetTimerElapsedTime( );
obj->Timestamp += elapsedTime;
if( obj->Timestamp < TimerListHead->Timestamp )
TimerInsertNewHeadTimer( obj );
TimerInsertTimer( obj );
static void TimerInsertTimer( TimerEvent_t *obj )
TimerEvent_t* cur = TimerListHead;
TimerEvent_t* next = TimerListHead->Next;
while( cur->Next != NULL )
if( obj->Timestamp > next->Timestamp )
cur = next;
next = next->Next;
cur->Next = obj;
obj->Next = next;
cur->Next = obj;
obj->Next = NULL;
static void TimerInsertNewHeadTimer( TimerEvent_t *obj )
TimerEvent_t* cur = TimerListHead;
if( cur != NULL )
cur->IsNext2Expire = false;
obj->Next = cur;
TimerListHead = obj;
TimerSetTimeout( TimerListHead );
bool TimerIsStarted( TimerEvent_t *obj )
return obj->IsStarted;
void TimerIrqHandler( void )
TimerEvent_t* cur;
TimerEvent_t* next;
uint32_t old = RtcGetTimerContext( );
uint32_t now = RtcSetTimerContext( );
uint32_t deltaContext = now - old; // intentional wrap around
// Update timeStamp based upon new Time Reference
// because delta context should never exceed 2^32
if( TimerListHead != NULL )
for( cur = TimerListHead; cur->Next != NULL; cur = cur->Next )
next = cur->Next;
if( next->Timestamp > deltaContext )
next->Timestamp -= deltaContext;
next->Timestamp = 0;
// Execute immediately the alarm callback
if ( TimerListHead != NULL )
cur = TimerListHead;
TimerListHead = TimerListHead->Next;
cur->IsStarted = false;
ExecuteCallBack( cur->Callback, cur->Context );
// Remove all the expired object from the list
while( ( TimerListHead != NULL ) && ( TimerListHead->Timestamp < RtcGetTimerElapsedTime( ) ) )
cur = TimerListHead;
TimerListHead = TimerListHead->Next;
cur->IsStarted = false;
ExecuteCallBack( cur->Callback, cur->Context );
// Start the next TimerListHead if it exists AND NOT running
if( ( TimerListHead != NULL ) && ( TimerListHead->IsNext2Expire == false ) )
TimerSetTimeout( TimerListHead );
void TimerStop( TimerEvent_t *obj )
TimerEvent_t* prev = TimerListHead;
TimerEvent_t* cur = TimerListHead;
// List is empty or the obj to stop does not exist
if( ( TimerListHead == NULL ) || ( obj == NULL ) )
obj->IsStarted = false;
if( TimerListHead == obj ) // Stop the Head
if( TimerListHead->IsNext2Expire == true ) // The head is already running
TimerListHead->IsNext2Expire = false;
if( TimerListHead->Next != NULL )
TimerListHead = TimerListHead->Next;
TimerSetTimeout( TimerListHead );
RtcStopAlarm( );
TimerListHead = NULL;
else // Stop the head before it is started
if( TimerListHead->Next != NULL )
TimerListHead = TimerListHead->Next;
TimerListHead = NULL;
else // Stop an object within the list
while( cur != NULL )
if( cur == obj )
if( cur->Next != NULL )
cur = cur->Next;
prev->Next = cur;
cur = NULL;
prev->Next = cur;
prev = cur;
cur = cur->Next;
static bool TimerExists( TimerEvent_t *obj )
TimerEvent_t* cur = TimerListHead;
while( cur != NULL )
if( cur == obj )
return true;
cur = cur->Next;
return false;
void TimerReset( TimerEvent_t *obj )
TimerStop( obj );
TimerStart( obj );
void TimerSetValue( TimerEvent_t *obj, uint32_t value )
uint32_t minValue = 0;
uint32_t ticks = RtcMs2Tick( value );
TimerStop( obj );
minValue = RtcGetMinimumTimeout( );
if( ticks < minValue )
ticks = minValue;
obj->Timestamp = ticks;
obj->ReloadValue = ticks;
TimerTime_t TimerGetCurrentTime( void )
uint32_t now = RtcGetTimerValue( );
return RtcTick2Ms( now );
TimerTime_t TimerGetElapsedTime( TimerTime_t past )
if ( past == 0 )
return 0;
uint32_t nowInTicks = RtcGetTimerValue( );
uint32_t pastInTicks = RtcMs2Tick( past );
// Intentional wrap around. Works Ok if tick duration below 1ms
return RtcTick2Ms( nowInTicks - pastInTicks );
static void TimerSetTimeout( TimerEvent_t *obj )
int32_t minTicks= RtcGetMinimumTimeout( );
obj->IsNext2Expire = true;
// In case deadline too soon
if( obj->Timestamp < ( RtcGetTimerElapsedTime( ) + minTicks ) )
obj->Timestamp = RtcGetTimerElapsedTime( ) + minTicks;
RtcSetAlarm( obj->Timestamp );
TimerTime_t TimerTempCompensation( TimerTime_t period, float temperature )
return RtcTempCompensation( period, temperature );
void TimerProcess( void )
RtcProcess( );
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