Слияние кода завершено, страница обновится автоматически
* \file systime.h
* \brief System time functions implementation.
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013-2018 Semtech - STMicroelectronics
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author MCD Application Team ( STMicroelectronics International )
#ifndef __SYS_TIME_H__
#define __SYS_TIME_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "time.h"
* \brief Days, Hours, Minutes and seconds of systime.h
#define TM_DAYS_IN_LEAP_YEAR ( ( uint32_t ) 366U )
#define TM_DAYS_IN_YEAR ( ( uint32_t ) 365U )
#define TM_SECONDS_IN_1DAY ( ( uint32_t )86400U )
#define TM_SECONDS_IN_1HOUR ( ( uint32_t ) 3600U )
#define TM_SECONDS_IN_1MINUTE ( ( uint32_t ) 60U )
#define TM_MINUTES_IN_1HOUR ( ( uint32_t ) 60U )
#define TM_HOURS_IN_1DAY ( ( uint32_t ) 24U )
* \brief Months of systime.h
#define TM_MONTH_JANUARY ( ( uint8_t ) 0U )
#define TM_MONTH_FEBRUARY ( ( uint8_t ) 1U )
#define TM_MONTH_MARCH ( ( uint8_t ) 2U )
#define TM_MONTH_APRIL ( ( uint8_t ) 3U )
#define TM_MONTH_MAY ( ( uint8_t ) 4U )
#define TM_MONTH_JUNE ( ( uint8_t ) 5U )
#define TM_MONTH_JULY ( ( uint8_t ) 6U )
#define TM_MONTH_AUGUST ( ( uint8_t ) 7U )
#define TM_MONTH_SEPTEMBER ( ( uint8_t ) 8U )
#define TM_MONTH_OCTOBER ( ( uint8_t ) 9U )
#define TM_MONTH_NOVEMBER ( ( uint8_t )10U )
#define TM_MONTH_DECEMBER ( ( uint8_t )11U )
* \brief Week days of systime.h
#define TM_WEEKDAY_SUNDAY ( ( uint8_t )0U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_MONDAY ( ( uint8_t )1U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_TUESDAY ( ( uint8_t )2U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY ( ( uint8_t )3U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_THURSDAY ( ( uint8_t )4U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_FRIDAY ( ( uint8_t )5U )
#define TM_WEEKDAY_SATURDAY ( ( uint8_t )6U )
* \brief Number of seconds elapsed between Unix and GPS epoch
#define UNIX_GPS_EPOCH_OFFSET 315964800
* \brief Structure holding the system time in seconds and milliseconds.
typedef struct SysTime_s
uint32_t Seconds;
int16_t SubSeconds;
* \brief Adds 2 SysTime_t values
* \param a Value
* \param b Value to added
* \retval result Addition result (SysTime_t value)
SysTime_t SysTimeAdd( SysTime_t a, SysTime_t b );
* \brief Subtracts 2 SysTime_t values
* \param a Value
* \param b Value to be subtracted
* \retval result Subtraction result (SysTime_t value)
SysTime_t SysTimeSub( SysTime_t a, SysTime_t b );
* \brief Sets new system time
* \param sysTime New seconds/sub-seconds since UNIX epoch origin
void SysTimeSet( SysTime_t sysTime );
* \brief Gets current system time
* \retval sysTime Current seconds/sub-seconds since UNIX epoch origin
SysTime_t SysTimeGet( void );
* \brief Gets current MCU system time
* \retval sysTime Current seconds/sub-seconds since Mcu started
SysTime_t SysTimeGetMcuTime( void );
* Converts the given SysTime to the equivalent RTC value in milliseconds
* \param [IN] sysTime System time to be converted
* \retval timeMs The RTC converted time value in ms
uint32_t SysTimeToMs( SysTime_t sysTime );
* Converts the given RTC value in milliseconds to the equivalent SysTime
* \param [IN] timeMs The RTC time value in ms to be converted
* \retval sysTime Converted system time
SysTime_t SysTimeFromMs( uint32_t timeMs );
* \brief Convert a calendar time into time since UNIX epoch as a uint32_t.
* \param [IN] localtime Pointer to the object containing the calendar time
* \retval timestamp The calendar time as seconds since UNIX epoch.
uint32_t SysTimeMkTime( const struct tm* localtime );
* \brief Converts a given time in seconds since UNIX epoch into calendar time.
* \param [IN] timestamp The time since UNIX epoch to convert into calendar time.
* \param [OUT] localtime Pointer to the calendar time object which will contain
the result of the conversion.
void SysTimeLocalTime( const uint32_t timestamp, struct tm *localtime );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __SYS_TIME_H__
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