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* \file LoRaMacSerializer.h
* \brief LoRa MAC layer message serializer functionality implementation
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013 Semtech
* ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
* \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
* |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
* embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
* \author Johannes Bruder ( STACKFORCE )
* addtogroup LORAMAC
* \{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "LoRaMacMessageTypes.h"
* LoRaMac Serializer Status
typedef enum eLoRaMacSerializerStatus
* No error occurred
* Null pointer exception
* Incompatible buffer size
* Undefined Error occurred
* Creates serialized MAC message of structured object.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Join-request message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacSerializerStatus_t LoRaMacSerializerJoinRequest( LoRaMacMessageJoinRequest_t* macMsg );
* Creates serialized MAC message of structured object.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Join-request message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacSerializerStatus_t LoRaMacSerializerReJoinType1( LoRaMacMessageReJoinType1_t* macMsg );
* Creates serialized MAC message of structured object.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Join-request message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacSerializerStatus_t LoRaMacSerializerReJoinType0or2( LoRaMacMessageReJoinType0or2_t* macMsg );
* Creates serialized MAC message of structured object.
* \param[IN/OUT] macMsg - Data message object
* \retval - Status of the operation
LoRaMacSerializerStatus_t LoRaMacSerializerData( LoRaMacMessageData_t* macMsg );
/*! \} addtogroup LORAMAC */
#ifdef __cplusplus
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