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rtc-board.h 4.7 КБ
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Miguel Luis Отправлено 5 лет назад 8ab057c
* \file rtc-board.h
* \brief Target board RTC timer and low power modes management
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
* \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \
* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013-2017 Semtech
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
#ifndef __RTC_BOARD_H__
#define __RTC_BOARD_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "timer.h"
* \brief Temperature coefficient of the clock source
#define RTC_TEMP_COEFFICIENT ( -0.035f )
* \brief Temperature coefficient deviation of the clock source
#define RTC_TEMP_DEV_COEFFICIENT ( 0.0035f )
* \brief Turnover temperature of the clock source
#define RTC_TEMP_TURNOVER ( 25.0f )
* \brief Turnover temperature deviation of the clock source
#define RTC_TEMP_DEV_TURNOVER ( 5.0f )
* \brief Initializes the RTC timer
* \remark The timer is based on the RTC
void RtcInit( void );
* \brief Returns the minimum timeout value
* \retval minTimeout Minimum timeout value in in ticks
uint32_t RtcGetMinimumTimeout( void );
* \brief converts time in ms to time in ticks
* \param[IN] milliseconds Time in milliseconds
* \retval returns time in timer ticks
uint32_t RtcMs2Tick( TimerTime_t milliseconds );
* \brief converts time in ticks to time in ms
* \param[IN] time in timer ticks
* \retval returns time in milliseconds
TimerTime_t RtcTick2Ms( uint32_t tick );
* \brief Performs a delay of milliseconds by polling RTC
* \param[IN] milliseconds Delay in ms
void RtcDelayMs( TimerTime_t milliseconds );
* \brief Calculates the wake up time between wake up and MCU start
* \note Resolution in RTC_ALARM_TIME_BASE
void RtcSetMcuWakeUpTime( void );
* \brief Returns the wake up time in ticks
* \retval wakeUpTime The WakeUpTime value in ticks
int16_t RtcGetMcuWakeUpTime( void );
* \brief Sets the alarm
* \note The alarm is set at now (read in this funtion) + timeout
* \param timeout [IN] Duration of the Timer ticks
void RtcSetAlarm( uint32_t timeout );
* \brief Stops the Alarm
void RtcStopAlarm( void );
* \brief Starts wake up alarm
* \note Alarm in RtcTimerContext.Time + timeout
* \param [IN] timeout Timeout value in ticks
void RtcStartAlarm( uint32_t timeout );
* \brief Sets the RTC timer reference
* \retval value Timer reference value in ticks
uint32_t RtcSetTimerContext( void );
* \brief Gets the RTC timer reference
* \retval value Timer value in ticks
uint32_t RtcGetTimerContext( void );
* \brief Gets the system time with the number of seconds elapsed since epoch
* \param [OUT] milliseconds Number of milliseconds elapsed since epoch
* \retval seconds Number of seconds elapsed since epoch
uint32_t RtcGetCalendarTime( uint16_t *milliseconds );
* \brief Get the RTC timer value
* \retval RTC Timer value
uint32_t RtcGetTimerValue( void );
* \brief Get the RTC timer elapsed time since the last Alarm was set
* \retval RTC Elapsed time since the last alarm in ticks.
uint32_t RtcGetTimerElapsedTime( void );
* \brief Writes data0 and data1 to the RTC backup registers
* \param [IN] data0 1st Data to be written
* \param [IN] data1 2nd Data to be written
void RtcBkupWrite( uint32_t data0, uint32_t data1 );
* \brief Reads data0 and data1 from the RTC backup registers
* \param [OUT] data0 1st Data to be read
* \param [OUT] data1 2nd Data to be read
void RtcBkupRead( uint32_t* data0, uint32_t* data1 );
* \brief Processes pending timer events
void RtcProcess( void );
* \brief Computes the temperature compensation for a period of time on a
* specific temperature.
* \param [IN] period Time period to compensate in milliseconds
* \param [IN] temperature Current temperature
* \retval Compensated time period
TimerTime_t RtcTempCompensation( TimerTime_t period, float temperature );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __RTC_BOARD_H__

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