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<project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>lodsve boot build</name>
<description>Lodsve develop kits base on Spring-Boot and some opensource components!</description>
<!-- 基本属性 -->
<!-- 所有的插件版本 -->
<!-- 仓库地址配置 -->
<!-- 自定义配置 -->
<manifest.built.name>Hulk Sun</manifest.built.name>
<!-- license -->
<name>GNU General Public License version 3</name>
<!-- 开发者 -->
<!-- issue -->
<system>Github Issue</system>
<!-- 代码库 -->
<!-- 仓库 -->
<name>default center</name>
<name>Spring Milestones</name>
<name>Spring Snapshots</name>
<!-- GPG,发布maven中央仓库用 -->
<!-- 这个configuration必须配置,用于gpg非交互式密码输入 -->
<!-- 生成javadoc的插件 -->
<doctitle>Lodsve Boot ApiDoc</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Lodsve Boot ApiDoc</windowtitle>
<!-- 在maven仓库中自动close和release的插件 -->
<!-- 发布仓库 -->
<name>oss SNAPSHOTS</name>
<name>oss releases</name>
<!-- GPG,发布maven中央仓库用 -->
<!-- 这个configuration必须配置,用于gpg非交互式密码输入 -->
<!-- 生成javadoc的插件 -->
<doctitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</windowtitle>
<!-- 发布仓库 -->
<name>oss SNAPSHOTS</name>
<name>oss releases</name>
<!-- 第三方发布仓库 -->
<name>Third Party SNAPSHOTS</name>
<name>Third Party releases</name>
<!-- 生成javadoc的插件 -->
<doctitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</windowtitle>
<!-- 生成javadoc的插件 -->
<doctitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</doctitle>
<windowtitle>Lodsve Boot JavaDocs</windowtitle>
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