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BlinkerUpdater.cpp 43 КБ
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i3water Отправлено 6 лет назад 321bc64
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
#include "../Blinker/BlinkerConfig.h"
#include "../Blinker/BlinkerDebug.h"
#include "BlinkerUpdater.h"
#if defined(ESP8266)
// #include "ESP8266httpUpdate.h"
// #include <StreamString.h>
// extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start;
// extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end;
// BlinkerHTTPUpdate::BlinkerHTTPUpdate(void)
// : _httpClientTimeout(8000), _followRedirects(false), _ledPin(-1)
// {
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdate::BlinkerHTTPUpdate(int httpClientTimeout)
// : _httpClientTimeout(httpClientTimeout), _followRedirects(false), _ledPin(-1)
// {
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdate::~BlinkerHTTPUpdate(void)
// {
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& url, const String& currentVersion,
// const String& httpsFingerprint, bool reboot)
// {
// rebootOnUpdate(reboot);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// return update(url, currentVersion, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& url, const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& url, const String& currentVersion,
// const String& httpsFingerprint)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& url, const String& currentVersion,
// const uint8_t httpsFingerprint[20])
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// #endif
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(WiFiClient& client, const String& url, const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// http.begin(client, url);
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(WiFiClient& client, const String& url, const String& md5, const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// http.begin(client, url);
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false, md5);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::updateSpiffs(const String& url, const String& currentVersion, const String& httpsFingerprint)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, true);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::updateSpiffs(const String& url, const String& currentVersion, const uint8_t httpsFingerprint[20])
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, true);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::updateSpiffs(const String& url, const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(url);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, true);
// }
// #endif
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::updateSpiffs(WiFiClient& client, const String& url, const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// http.begin(client, url);
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, true);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& host, uint16_t port, const String& uri, const String& currentVersion,
// bool https, const String& httpsFingerprint, bool reboot)
// {
// (void)https;
// rebootOnUpdate(reboot);
// if (httpsFingerprint.length() == 0) {
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// return update(host, port, uri, currentVersion);
// } else {
// return update(host, port, uri, currentVersion, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// }
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& host, uint16_t port, const String& uri,
// const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(host, port, uri);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& host, uint16_t port, const String& url,
// const String& currentVersion, const String& httpsFingerprint)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(host, port, url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(const String& host, uint16_t port, const String& url,
// const String& currentVersion, const uint8_t httpsFingerprint[20])
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// #pragma GCC diagnostic push
// #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
// http.begin(host, port, url, httpsFingerprint);
// #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// #endif
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::update(WiFiClient& client, const String& host, uint16_t port, const String& uri,
// const String& currentVersion)
// {
// HTTPClient http;
// http.begin(client, host, port, uri);
// return handleUpdate(http, currentVersion, false);
// }
// /**
// * return error code as int
// * @return int error code
// */
// int BlinkerHTTPUpdate::getLastError(void)
// {
// return _lastError;
// }
// /**
// * return error code as String
// * @return String error
// */
// String BlinkerHTTPUpdate::getLastErrorString(void)
// {
// if(_lastError == 0) {
// return String(); // no error
// }
// // error from Update class
// if(_lastError > 0) {
// StreamString error;
// Update.printError(error);
// error.trim(); // remove line ending
// return String(F("Update error: ")) + error;
// }
// // error from http client
// if(_lastError > -100) {
// return String(F("HTTP error: ")) + HTTPClient::errorToString(_lastError);
// }
// switch(_lastError) {
// return F("Not Enough space");
// return F("Server Did Not Report Size");
// return F("File Not Found (404)");
// return F("Forbidden (403)");
// return F("Wrong HTTP Code");
// return F("Wrong MD5");
// return F("Verify Bin Header Failed");
// return F("New Binary Does Not Fit Flash Size");
// }
// return String();
// }
// /**
// *
// * @param http HTTPClient *
// * @param currentVersion const char *
// * @return BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult
// */
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult BlinkerHTTPUpdate::handleUpdate(HTTPClient& http, const String& currentVersion, bool spiffs, const String& md5)
// {
// BlinkerHTTPUpdateResult ret = HTTP_UPDATE_FAILED;
// // use HTTP/1.0 for update since the update handler not support any transfer Encoding
// http.useHTTP10(true);
// http.setTimeout(_httpClientTimeout);
// http.setFollowRedirects(_followRedirects);
// http.setUserAgent(F("ESP8266-http-Update"));
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-STA-MAC"), WiFi.macAddress());
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-AP-MAC"), WiFi.softAPmacAddress());
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-free-space"), String(ESP.getFreeSketchSpace()));
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-sketch-size"), String(ESP.getSketchSize()));
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-sketch-md5"), String(ESP.getSketchMD5()));
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-chip-size"), String(ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()));
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-sdk-version"), ESP.getSdkVersion());
// if(spiffs) {
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-mode"), F("spiffs"));
// } else {
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-mode"), F("sketch"));
// }
// if(currentVersion && currentVersion[0] != 0x00) {
// http.addHeader(F("x-ESP8266-version"), currentVersion);
// }
// const char * headerkeys[] = { "x-MD5" };
// size_t headerkeyssize = sizeof(headerkeys) / sizeof(char*);
// // track these headers
// http.collectHeaders(headerkeys, headerkeyssize);
// int code = http.GET();
// int len = http.getSize();
// if(code <= 0) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] HTTP error: "), http.errorToString(code).c_str());
// _lastError = code;
// http.end();
// }
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Header read fin."));
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Server header:"));
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - code: "), code);
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - len: "), len);
// if(http.hasHeader("x-MD5")) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - MD5: "), http.header("x-MD5").c_str());
// }
// if(md5.length() > 1) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - MD5: "), md5);
// }
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] ESP8266 info:"));
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - free Space: "), ESP.getFreeSketchSpace());
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - current Sketch Size: "), ESP.getSketchSize());
// if(currentVersion && currentVersion[0] != 0x00) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] - current version: "), currentVersion.c_str() );
// }
// switch(code) {
// case HTTP_CODE_OK: ///< OK (Start Update)
// if(len > 0) {
// bool startUpdate = true;
// if(spiffs) {
// size_t spiffsSize = ((size_t) &_SPIFFS_end - (size_t) &_SPIFFS_start);
// if(len > (int) spiffsSize) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] spiffsSize to low "), spiffsSize, BLINKER_F(" needed: "), len);
// startUpdate = false;
// }
// } else {
// if(len > (int) ESP.getFreeSketchSpace()) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] FreeSketchSpace to low "), ESP.getFreeSketchSpace(), BLINKER_F(" needed: "), len);
// startUpdate = false;
// }
// }
// if(!startUpdate) {
// _lastError = HTTP_UE_TOO_LESS_SPACE;
// } else {
// WiFiClient * tcp = http.getStreamPtr();
// WiFiUDP::stopAll();
// WiFiClient::stopAllExcept(tcp);
// delay(100);
// int command;
// if(spiffs) {
// command = U_SPIFFS;
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] runUpdate spiffs..."));
// } else {
// command = U_FLASH;
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] runUpdate flash..."));
// }
// if(!spiffs) {
// uint8_t buf[4];
// if(tcp->peekBytes(&buf[0], 4) != 4) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] peekBytes magic header failed"));
// http.end();
// }
// // check for valid first magic byte
// if(buf[0] != 0xE9) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Magic header does not start with 0xE9"));
// http.end();
// }
// uint32_t bin_flash_size = ESP.magicFlashChipSize((buf[3] & 0xf0) >> 4);
// // check if new bin fits to SPI flash
// if(bin_flash_size > ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()) {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] New binary does not fit SPI Flash size"));
// http.end();
// }
// }
// if (md5.length() > 1)
// {
// if(runUpdate(*tcp, len, md5, command)) {
// ret = HTTP_UPDATE_OK;
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update ok"));
// http.end();
// if(_rebootOnUpdate && !spiffs) {
// ESP.restart();
// }
// } else {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update failed"));
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if(runUpdate(*tcp, len, http.header("x-MD5"), command)) {
// ret = HTTP_UPDATE_OK;
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update ok"));
// http.end();
// if(_rebootOnUpdate && !spiffs) {
// ESP.restart();
// }
// } else {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update failed"));
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Content-Length was 0 or wasn't set by Server?!"));
// }
// break;
// ///< Not Modified (No updates)
// break;
// break;
// break;
// default:
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] HTTP Code is "), code);
// //http.writeToStream(&Serial1);
// break;
// }
// http.end();
// return ret;
// }
// /**
// * write Update to flash
// * @param in Stream&
// * @param size uint32_t
// * @param md5 String
// * @return true if Update ok
// */
// bool BlinkerHTTPUpdate::runUpdate(Stream& in, uint32_t size, String md5, int command)
// {
// StreamString error;
// if(!Update.begin(size, command, _ledPin, _ledOn)) {
// _lastError = Update.getError();
// Update.printError(error);
// error.trim(); // remove line ending
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update.begin failed! "), error.c_str());
// return false;
// }
// if(md5.length()) {
// if(!Update.setMD5(md5.c_str())) {
// _lastError = HTTP_UE_SERVER_FAULTY_MD5;
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update.setMD5 failed! "), md5.c_str());
// return false;
// }
// }
// if(Update.writeStream(in) != size) {
// _lastError = Update.getError();
// Update.printError(error);
// error.trim(); // remove line ending
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update.writeStream failed! "), error.c_str());
// return false;
// }
// if(!Update.end()) {
// _lastError = Update.getError();
// Update.printError(error);
// error.trim(); // remove line ending
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(BLINKER_F("[httpUpdate] Update.end failed! "), error.c_str());
// return false;
// }
// return true;
// }
// #if !defined(NO_GLOBAL_INSTANCES) && !defined(NO_GLOBAL_HTTPUPDATE)
// BlinkerHTTPUpdate BlinkerhttpUpdate;
// #endif
#include <Updater.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <eboot_command.h>
#include <interrupts.h>
#include <esp8266_peri.h>
//#define DEBUG_UPDATER Serial
extern "C" {
#include <c_types.h>
#include <spi_flash.h>
#include <user_interface.h>
// #if defined _SPIFFS_start
extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_start;
extern "C" uint32_t _SPIFFS_end;
// #elif defined _FS_start
// extern "C" uint32_t _FS_start;
// extern "C" uint32_t _FS_end;
// #endif
: _async(false)
, _error(0)
, _buffer(0)
, _bufferLen(0)
, _size(0)
, _progress_callback(NULL)
, _startAddress(0)
, _currentAddress(0)
, _command(U_FLASH)
BlinkerUpdaterClass& BlinkerUpdaterClass::onProgress(THandlerFunction_Progress fn) {
_progress_callback = fn;
return *this;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::_reset() {
if (_buffer)
delete[] _buffer;
_buffer = 0;
_bufferLen = 0;
_startAddress = 0;
_currentAddress = 0;
_size = 0;
_command = U_FLASH;
// if(_ledPin != -1) {
// digitalWrite(_ledPin, !_ledOn); // off
// }
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::begin(size_t size, int command, int ledPin, uint8_t ledOn) {
if(_size > 0){
// DEBUG_UPDATER.println(F("[begin] already running"));
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] already running"));
return false;
// _ledPin = ledPin;
// _ledOn = !!ledOn; // 0(LOW) or 1(HIGH)
/* Check boot mode; if boot mode is 1 (UART download mode),
we will not be able to reset into normal mode once update is done.
Fail early to avoid frustration.
int boot_mode = (GPI >> 16) & 0xf;
if (boot_mode == 1) {
return false;
if (command == U_SPIFFS) {
// DEBUG_UPDATER.println(F("[begin] Update SPIFFS."));
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] Update SPIFFS."));
// #endif
if(size == 0) {
return false;
if(!ESP.checkFlashConfig(false)) {
return false;
clearError(); // _error = 0
uintptr_t updateStartAddress = 0;
if (command == U_FLASH) {
//size of current sketch rounded to a sector
size_t currentSketchSize = (ESP.getSketchSize() + FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) & (~(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
//address of the end of the space available for sketch and update
uintptr_t updateEndAddress;
// #if defined _SPIFFS_start
updateEndAddress = (uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_start - 0x40200000;
// #elif defined _FS_start
// updateEndAddress = (uintptr_t)&_FS_start - 0x40200000;
// #endif
// if ((uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_start > (uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_end)
// {
// updateEndAddress = (uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_end - 0x40200000;
// }
// else
// {
// updateEndAddress = (uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_start - 0x40200000;
// }
//size of the update rounded to a sector
size_t roundedSize = (size + FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) & (~(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
//address where we will start writing the update
updateStartAddress = (updateEndAddress > roundedSize)? (updateEndAddress - roundedSize) : 0;
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] roundedSize: 0x%08zX (%zd)\n", roundedSize, roundedSize);
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] updateEndAddress: 0x%08zX (%zd)\n", updateEndAddress, updateEndAddress);
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] currentSketchSize: 0x%08zX (%zd)\n", currentSketchSize, currentSketchSize);
// #endif
// BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] _SPIFFS_start: "), _SPIFFS_start, F(" "), _SPIFFS_start);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] roundedSize: "), roundedSize, F(" "), roundedSize);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] updateEndAddress: "), updateEndAddress, F(" "), updateEndAddress);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] currentSketchSize: "), currentSketchSize, F(" "), currentSketchSize);
//make sure that the size of both sketches is less than the total space (updateEndAddress)
if(updateStartAddress < currentSketchSize) {
return false;
else if (command == U_SPIFFS) {
// #if defined _SPIFFS_start
updateStartAddress = (uintptr_t)&_SPIFFS_start - 0x40200000;
// #elif defined _FS_start
// updateStartAddress = (uintptr_t)&_FS_start - 0x40200000;
// #endif
else {
// unknown command
// DEBUG_UPDATER.println(F("[begin] Unknown update command."));
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] Unknown update command."));
return false;
_startAddress = updateStartAddress;
_currentAddress = _startAddress;
_size = size;
if (ESP.getFreeHeap() > 2 * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE) {
_bufferSize = FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
} else {
_bufferSize = 256;
_buffer = new uint8_t[_bufferSize];
_command = command;
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] _startAddress: 0x%08X (%d)\n", _startAddress, _startAddress);
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] _currentAddress: 0x%08X (%d)\n", _currentAddress, _currentAddress);
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("[begin] _size: 0x%08zX (%zd)\n", _size, _size);
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] _startAddress: "), _startAddress, F(" "), _startAddress);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] _currentAddress: "), _currentAddress, F(" "), _currentAddress);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("[begin] _size: "), _size, F(" "), _size);
return true;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::setMD5(const char * expected_md5){
if(strlen(expected_md5) != 32)
return false;
_target_md5 = expected_md5;
return true;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::end(bool evenIfRemaining){
if(_size == 0){
// DEBUG_UPDATER.println(F("no update"));
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("no update"));
return false;
if(hasError() || (!isFinished() && !evenIfRemaining)){
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("premature end: res:%u, pos:%zu/%zu\n", getError(), progress(), _size);
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("premature end: res: "), getError(), F(", pos:"), progress(), _size);
return false;
if(evenIfRemaining) {
if(_bufferLen > 0) {
_size = progress();
if(_target_md5.length()) {
if(strcasecmp(_target_md5.c_str(), _md5.toString().c_str()) != 0){
return false;
// else DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("MD5 Success: %s\n", _target_md5.c_str());
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("MD5 Success: "), _target_md5.c_str());
if(!_verifyEnd()) {
return false;
if (_command == U_FLASH) {
eboot_command ebcmd;
ebcmd.action = ACTION_COPY_RAW;
ebcmd.args[0] = _startAddress;
ebcmd.args[1] = 0x00000;
ebcmd.args[2] = _size;
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("Staged: address:0x%08X, size:0x%08zX\n", _startAddress, _size);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("Staged: address: "), _startAddress, F(", size: "), _size);
else if (_command == U_SPIFFS) {
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("SPIFFS: address:0x%08X, size:0x%08zX\n", _startAddress, _size);
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("SPIFFS: address: "), _startAddress, F(", size: "), _size);
return true;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_writeBuffer(){
bool eraseResult = true, writeResult = true;
if (_currentAddress % FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE == 0) {
if(!_async) yield();
eraseResult = ESP.flashEraseSector(_currentAddress/FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
// If the flash settings don't match what we already have, modify them.
// But restore them after the modification, so the hash isn't affected.
// This is analogous to what esptool.py does when it receives a --flash_mode argument.
bool modifyFlashMode = false;
FlashMode_t flashMode = FM_QIO;
FlashMode_t bufferFlashMode = FM_QIO;
if (_currentAddress == _startAddress + FLASH_MODE_PAGE) {
flashMode = ESP.getFlashChipMode();
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("Header: 0x%1X %1X %1X %1X\n", _buffer[0], _buffer[1], _buffer[2], _buffer[3]);
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("Header: "), _buffer[0], F(" "), _buffer[1], F(" "), _buffer[2], F(" "), _buffer[3]);
bufferFlashMode = ESP.magicFlashChipMode(_buffer[FLASH_MODE_OFFSET]);
if (bufferFlashMode != flashMode) {
// DEBUG_UPDATER.printf("Set flash mode from 0x%1X to 0x%1X\n", bufferFlashMode, flashMode);
// #endif
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("Set flash mode from "), bufferFlashMode, " to ", flashMode);
_buffer[FLASH_MODE_OFFSET] = flashMode;
modifyFlashMode = true;
if (eraseResult) {
if(!_async) yield();
writeResult = ESP.flashWrite(_currentAddress, (uint32_t*) _buffer, _bufferLen);
} else { // if erase was unsuccessful
_currentAddress = (_startAddress + _size);
return false;
// Restore the old flash mode, if we modified it.
// Ensures that the MD5 hash will still match what was sent.
if (modifyFlashMode) {
_buffer[FLASH_MODE_OFFSET] = bufferFlashMode;
if (!writeResult) {
_currentAddress = (_startAddress + _size);
return false;
_md5.add(_buffer, _bufferLen);
_currentAddress += _bufferLen;
_bufferLen = 0;
return true;
size_t BlinkerUpdaterClass::write(uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
if(hasError() || !isRunning())
return 0;
if(len > remaining()){
//len = remaining();
//fail instead
return 0;
size_t left = len;
while((_bufferLen + left) > _bufferSize) {
size_t toBuff = _bufferSize - _bufferLen;
memcpy(_buffer + _bufferLen, data + (len - left), toBuff);
_bufferLen += toBuff;
return len - left;
left -= toBuff;
if(!_async) yield();
//lets see whats left
memcpy(_buffer + _bufferLen, data + (len - left), left);
_bufferLen += left;
if(_bufferLen == remaining()){
//we are at the end of the update, so should write what's left to flash
return len - left;
return len;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_verifyHeader(uint8_t data) {
if(_command == U_FLASH) {
// check for valid first magic byte (is always 0xE9)
if(data != 0xE9) {
_currentAddress = (_startAddress + _size);
return false;
return true;
} else if(_command == U_SPIFFS) {
// no check of SPIFFS possible with first byte.
return true;
return false;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_verifyEnd() {
if(_command == U_FLASH) {
uint8_t buf[4];
if(!ESP.flashRead(_startAddress, (uint32_t *) &buf[0], 4)) {
_currentAddress = (_startAddress);
return false;
// check for valid first magic byte
if(buf[0] != 0xE9) {
_currentAddress = (_startAddress);
return false;
uint32_t bin_flash_size = ESP.magicFlashChipSize((buf[3] & 0xf0) >> 4);
// check if new bin fits to SPI flash
if(bin_flash_size > ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()) {
_currentAddress = (_startAddress);
return false;
return true;
} else if(_command == U_SPIFFS) {
// SPIFFS is already over written checks make no sense any more.
return true;
return false;
size_t BlinkerUpdaterClass::writeStream(Stream &data) {
size_t written = 0;
size_t toRead = 0;
if(hasError() || !isRunning())
return 0;
if(!_verifyHeader(data.peek())) {
// printError(DEBUG_UPDATER);
// #endif
return 0;
// if(_ledPin != -1) {
// pinMode(_ledPin, OUTPUT);
// }
if (_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(0, _size);
while(remaining()) {
// if(_ledPin != -1) {
// digitalWrite(_ledPin, _ledOn); // Switch LED on
// }
size_t bytesToRead = _bufferSize - _bufferLen;
if(bytesToRead > remaining()) {
bytesToRead = remaining();
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, bytesToRead);
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, bytesToRead);
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
_currentAddress = (_startAddress + _size);
return written;
// if(_ledPin != -1) {
// digitalWrite(_ledPin, !_ledOn); // Switch LED off
// }
_bufferLen += toRead;
if((_bufferLen == remaining() || _bufferLen == _bufferSize) && !_writeBuffer())
return written;
written += toRead;
if(_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(progress(), _size);
if(_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(_size, _size);
return written;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::_setError(int error){
_error = error;
// printError(DEBUG_UPDATER);
// #endif
String BlinkerUpdaterClass::printError(){
String errData = BLINKER_F("ERROR: ");
errData += String(_error);
errData += BLINKER_F(" ");
// out.printf_P(PSTR("ERROR[%u]: "), _error);
if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_OK){
// out.println(F("No Error"));
errData += F("No Error");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE){
// out.println(F("Flash Write Failed"));
errData += F("Flash Write Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_ERASE){
// out.println(F("Flash Erase Failed"));
errData += F("Flash Erase Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_READ){
// out.println(F("Flash Read Failed"));
errData += F("Flash Read Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_SPACE){
// out.println(F("Not Enough Space"));
errData += F("Not Enough Space");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_SIZE){
// out.println(F("Bad Size Given"));
errData += F("Bad Size Given");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_STREAM){
// out.println(F("Stream Read Timeout"));
errData += F("Stream Read Timeout");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_MD5){
//out.println(F("MD5 Check Failed"));
// out.printf("MD5 Failed: expected:%s, calculated:%s\n", _target_md5.c_str(), _md5.toString().c_str());
errData += F("MD5 Check Failed ");
errData += F("MD5 Failed: expected: ");
errData += _target_md5;
errData += F(" , calculated: ");
errData += _md5.toString();
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_FLASH_CONFIG){
// out.printf_P(PSTR("Flash config wrong real: %d IDE: %d\n"), ESP.getFlashChipRealSize(), ESP.getFlashChipSize());
errData += F("Flash config wrong real: ");
errData += String(ESP.getFlashChipRealSize());
errData += F(" IDE: ");
errData += String(ESP.getFlashChipSize());
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_NEW_FLASH_CONFIG){
// out.printf_P(PSTR("new Flash config wrong real: %d\n"), ESP.getFlashChipRealSize());
errData += F("new Flash config wrong real: ");
errData += String(ESP.getFlashChipRealSize());
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_MAGIC_BYTE){
// out.println(F("Magic byte is wrong, not 0xE9"));
errData += F("Magic byte is wrong, not 0xE9");
} else if (_error == UPDATE_ERROR_BOOTSTRAP){
// out.println(F("Invalid bootstrapping state, reset ESP8266 before updating"));
errData += F("Invalid bootstrapping state, reset ESP8266 before updating");
} else {
// out.println(F("UNKNOWN"));
errData += F("UNKNOWN");
return errData;
BlinkerUpdaterClass BlinkerUpdater;
#elif defined(ESP32)
#include "Update.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "esp_spi_flash.h"
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "esp_image_format.h"
static const char * _err2str(uint8_t _error){
if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_OK){
return ("No Error");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_WRITE){
return ("Flash Write Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_ERASE){
return ("Flash Erase Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_READ){
return ("Flash Read Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_SPACE){
return ("Not Enough Space");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_SIZE){
return ("Bad Size Given");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_STREAM){
return ("Stream Read Timeout");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_MD5){
return ("MD5 Check Failed");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_MAGIC_BYTE){
return ("Wrong Magic Byte");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_ACTIVATE){
return ("Could Not Activate The Firmware");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_NO_PARTITION){
return ("Partition Could Not be Found");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT){
return ("Bad Argument");
} else if(_error == UPDATE_ERROR_ABORT){
return ("Aborted");
return ("UNKNOWN");
static bool _partitionIsBootable(const esp_partition_t* partition){
uint8_t buf[4];
return false;
if(!ESP.flashRead(partition->address, (uint32_t*)buf, 4)) {
return false;
if(buf[0] != ESP_IMAGE_HEADER_MAGIC) {
return false;
return true;
static bool _enablePartition(const esp_partition_t* partition){
uint8_t buf[4];
return false;
if(!ESP.flashRead(partition->address, (uint32_t*)buf, 4)) {
return false;
return ESP.flashWrite(partition->address, (uint32_t*)buf, 4);
: _error(0)
, _buffer(0)
, _bufferLen(0)
, _size(0)
, _progress_callback(NULL)
, _progress(0)
, _command(U_FLASH)
, _partition(NULL)
BlinkerUpdaterClass& BlinkerUpdaterClass::onProgress(THandlerFunction_Progress fn) {
_progress_callback = fn;
return *this;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::_reset() {
if (_buffer)
delete[] _buffer;
_buffer = 0;
_bufferLen = 0;
_progress = 0;
_size = 0;
_command = U_FLASH;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::canRollBack(){
if(_buffer){ //Update is running
return false;
const esp_partition_t* partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL);
return _partitionIsBootable(partition);
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::rollBack(){
if(_buffer){ //Update is running
return false;
const esp_partition_t* partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL);
return _partitionIsBootable(partition) && !esp_ota_set_boot_partition(partition);
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::begin(size_t size, int command) {
if(_size > 0){
// log_w("already running");
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("already running"));
return false;
_error = 0;
if(size == 0) {
return false;
if (command == U_FLASH) {
_partition = esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(NULL);
return false;
// log_d("OTA Partition: %s", _partition->label);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("OTA Partition: "), _partition->label);
else if (command == U_SPIFFS) {
return false;
else {
// log_e("bad command %u", command);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("bad command "), command);
return false;
size = _partition->size;
} else if(size > _partition->size){
// log_e("too large %u > %u", size, _partition->size);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("too large "), size, F(" > "), _partition->size);
return false;
_buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE);
// log_e("malloc failed");
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("malloc failed"));
return false;
_size = size;
_command = command;
return true;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::_abort(uint8_t err){
_error = err;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::abort(){
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_writeBuffer(){
//first bytes of new firmware
if(!_progress && _command == U_FLASH){
//check magic
if(_buffer[0] != ESP_IMAGE_HEADER_MAGIC){
return false;
//remove magic byte from the firmware now and write it upon success
//this ensures that partially written firmware will not be bootable
_buffer[0] = 0xFF;
if(!ESP.flashEraseSector((_partition->address + _progress)/SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)){
return false;
if (!ESP.flashWrite(_partition->address + _progress, (uint32_t*)_buffer, _bufferLen)) {
return false;
//restore magic or md5 will fail
if(!_progress && _command == U_FLASH){
_md5.add(_buffer, _bufferLen);
_progress += _bufferLen;
_bufferLen = 0;
return true;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_verifyHeader(uint8_t data) {
if(_command == U_FLASH) {
return false;
return true;
} else if(_command == U_SPIFFS) {
return true;
return false;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::_verifyEnd() {
if(_command == U_FLASH) {
if(!_enablePartition(_partition) || !_partitionIsBootable(_partition)) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
} else if(_command == U_SPIFFS) {
return true;
return false;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::setMD5(const char * expected_md5){
if(strlen(expected_md5) != 32)
return false;
_target_md5 = expected_md5;
return true;
bool BlinkerUpdaterClass::end(bool evenIfRemaining){
if(hasError() || _size == 0){
return false;
if(!isFinished() && !evenIfRemaining){
// log_e("premature end: res:%u, pos:%u/%u\n", getError(), progress(), _size);
BLINKER_LOG_ALL(F("premature end: res: "), getError(), \
F(", pos:"), progress(), _size);
return false;
if(evenIfRemaining) {
if(_bufferLen > 0) {
_size = progress();
if(_target_md5.length()) {
if(_target_md5 != _md5.toString()){
return false;
return _verifyEnd();
size_t BlinkerUpdaterClass::write(uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
if(hasError() || !isRunning()){
return 0;
if(len > remaining()){
return 0;
size_t left = len;
while((_bufferLen + left) > SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) {
size_t toBuff = SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - _bufferLen;
memcpy(_buffer + _bufferLen, data + (len - left), toBuff);
_bufferLen += toBuff;
return len - left;
left -= toBuff;
memcpy(_buffer + _bufferLen, data + (len - left), left);
_bufferLen += left;
if(_bufferLen == remaining()){
return len - left;
return len;
size_t BlinkerUpdaterClass::writeStream(Stream &data) {
size_t written = 0;
size_t toRead = 0;
if(hasError() || !isRunning())
return 0;
if(!_verifyHeader(data.peek())) {
return 0;
if (_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(0, _size);
while(remaining()) {
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, (SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - _bufferLen));
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
toRead = data.readBytes(_buffer + _bufferLen, (SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - _bufferLen));
if(toRead == 0) { //Timeout
return written;
_bufferLen += toRead;
if((_bufferLen == remaining() || _bufferLen == SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) && !_writeBuffer())
return written;
written += toRead;
if(_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(_progress, _size);
if(_progress_callback) {
_progress_callback(_size, _size);
return written;
void BlinkerUpdaterClass::printError(Stream &out){
BlinkerUpdaterClass BlinkerUpdater;

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