# specific corner cases worth explicitly testing for
[[case]] # dangling split dir test
define.ITERATIONS = 20
define.COUNT = 10
define.LFS_BLOCK_CYCLES = [8, 1]
code = '''
    lfs_format(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    // fill up filesystem so only ~16 blocks are left
    lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, "padding", LFS_O_CREAT | LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
    memset(buffer, 0, 512);
    while (LFS_BLOCK_COUNT - lfs_fs_size(&lfs) > 16) {
        lfs_file_write(&lfs, &file, buffer, 512) => 512;
    lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;
    // make a child dir to use in bounded space
    lfs_mkdir(&lfs, "child") => 0;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

    lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < ITERATIONS; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, path, LFS_O_CREAT | LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
            lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;

        lfs_dir_open(&lfs, &dir, "child") => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
            strcmp(info.name, path) => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 0;
        lfs_dir_close(&lfs, &dir) => 0;

        if (j == ITERATIONS-1) {

        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_remove(&lfs, path) => 0;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

    lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    lfs_dir_open(&lfs, &dir, "child") => 0;
    lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
    lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
        sprintf(path, "test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        strcmp(info.name, path) => 0;
    lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 0;
    lfs_dir_close(&lfs, &dir) => 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
        sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
        lfs_remove(&lfs, path) => 0;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

[[case]] # outdated head test
define.ITERATIONS = 20
define.COUNT = 10
define.LFS_BLOCK_CYCLES = [8, 1]
code = '''
    lfs_format(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    // fill up filesystem so only ~16 blocks are left
    lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, "padding", LFS_O_CREAT | LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
    memset(buffer, 0, 512);
    while (LFS_BLOCK_COUNT - lfs_fs_size(&lfs) > 16) {
        lfs_file_write(&lfs, &file, buffer, 512) => 512;
    lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;
    // make a child dir to use in bounded space
    lfs_mkdir(&lfs, "child") => 0;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

    lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < ITERATIONS; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, path, LFS_O_CREAT | LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
            lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;

        lfs_dir_open(&lfs, &dir, "child") => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
            strcmp(info.name, path) => 0;
            info.size => 0;

            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, path, LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
            lfs_file_write(&lfs, &file, "hi", 2) => 2;
            lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 0;

        lfs_dir_rewind(&lfs, &dir) => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
            strcmp(info.name, path) => 0;
            info.size => 2;

            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_file_open(&lfs, &file, path, LFS_O_WRONLY) => 0;
            lfs_file_write(&lfs, &file, "hi", 2) => 2;
            lfs_file_close(&lfs, &file) => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 0;

        lfs_dir_rewind(&lfs, &dir) => 0;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 1;
            strcmp(info.name, path) => 0;
            info.size => 2;
        lfs_dir_read(&lfs, &dir, &info) => 0;
        lfs_dir_close(&lfs, &dir) => 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
            sprintf(path, "child/test%03d_loooooooooooooooooong_name", i);
            lfs_remove(&lfs, path) => 0;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

[[case]] # reentrant testing for relocations, this is the same as the
         # orphan testing, except here we also set block_cycles so that
         # almost every tree operation needs a relocation
reentrant = true
# TODO fix this case, caused by non-DAG trees
if = '!(DEPTH == 3 && LFS_CACHE_SIZE != 64)'
define = [
code = '''
    err = lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg);
    if (err) {
        lfs_format(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
        lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;

    const char alpha[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES; i++) {
        // create random path
        char full_path[256];
        for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
            sprintf(&full_path[2*d], "/%c", alpha[rand() % FILES]);

        // if it does not exist, we create it, else we destroy
        int res = lfs_stat(&lfs, full_path, &info);
        if (res == LFS_ERR_NOENT) {
            // create each directory in turn, ignore if dir already exists
            for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                strcpy(path, full_path);
                path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                err = lfs_mkdir(&lfs, path);
                assert(!err || err == LFS_ERR_EXIST);

            for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                strcpy(path, full_path);
                path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                lfs_stat(&lfs, path, &info) => 0;
                assert(strcmp(info.name, &path[2*d+1]) == 0);
                assert(info.type == LFS_TYPE_DIR);
        } else {
            // is valid dir?
            assert(strcmp(info.name, &full_path[2*(DEPTH-1)+1]) == 0);
            assert(info.type == LFS_TYPE_DIR);

            // try to delete path in reverse order, ignore if dir is not empty
            for (int d = DEPTH-1; d >= 0; d--) {
                strcpy(path, full_path);
                path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                err = lfs_remove(&lfs, path);
                assert(!err || err == LFS_ERR_NOTEMPTY);

            lfs_stat(&lfs, full_path, &info) => LFS_ERR_NOENT;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;

[[case]] # reentrant testing for relocations, but now with random renames!
reentrant = true
# TODO fix this case, caused by non-DAG trees
if = '!(DEPTH == 3 && LFS_CACHE_SIZE != 64)'
define = [
code = '''
    err = lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg);
    if (err) {
        lfs_format(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;
        lfs_mount(&lfs, &cfg) => 0;

    const char alpha[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    for (int i = 0; i < CYCLES; i++) {
        // create random path
        char full_path[256];
        for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
            sprintf(&full_path[2*d], "/%c", alpha[rand() % FILES]);

        // if it does not exist, we create it, else we destroy
        int res = lfs_stat(&lfs, full_path, &info);
        assert(!res || res == LFS_ERR_NOENT);
        if (res == LFS_ERR_NOENT) {
            // create each directory in turn, ignore if dir already exists
            for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                strcpy(path, full_path);
                path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                err = lfs_mkdir(&lfs, path);
                assert(!err || err == LFS_ERR_EXIST);

            for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                strcpy(path, full_path);
                path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                lfs_stat(&lfs, path, &info) => 0;
                assert(strcmp(info.name, &path[2*d+1]) == 0);
                assert(info.type == LFS_TYPE_DIR);
        } else {
            assert(strcmp(info.name, &full_path[2*(DEPTH-1)+1]) == 0);
            assert(info.type == LFS_TYPE_DIR);

            // create new random path
            char new_path[256];
            for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                sprintf(&new_path[2*d], "/%c", alpha[rand() % FILES]);

            // if new path does not exist, rename, otherwise destroy
            res = lfs_stat(&lfs, new_path, &info);
            assert(!res || res == LFS_ERR_NOENT);
            if (res == LFS_ERR_NOENT) {
                // stop once some dir is renamed
                for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                    strcpy(&path[2*d], &full_path[2*d]);
                    path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                    strcpy(&path[128+2*d], &new_path[2*d]);
                    path[128+2*d+2] = '\0';
                    err = lfs_rename(&lfs, path, path+128);
                    assert(!err || err == LFS_ERR_NOTEMPTY);
                    if (!err) {
                        strcpy(path, path+128);

                for (int d = 0; d < DEPTH; d++) {
                    strcpy(path, new_path);
                    path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                    lfs_stat(&lfs, path, &info) => 0;
                    assert(strcmp(info.name, &path[2*d+1]) == 0);
                    assert(info.type == LFS_TYPE_DIR);
                lfs_stat(&lfs, full_path, &info) => LFS_ERR_NOENT;
            } else {
                // try to delete path in reverse order,
                // ignore if dir is not empty
                for (int d = DEPTH-1; d >= 0; d--) {
                    strcpy(path, full_path);
                    path[2*d+2] = '\0';
                    err = lfs_remove(&lfs, path);
                    assert(!err || err == LFS_ERR_NOTEMPTY);

                lfs_stat(&lfs, full_path, &info) => LFS_ERR_NOENT;
    lfs_unmount(&lfs) => 0;