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lfs_emubd.h 7.5 КБ
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Christopher Haster Отправлено год назад f2a6f45
* Emulating block device, wraps filebd and rambd while providing a bunch
* of hooks for testing littlefs in various conditions.
* Copyright (c) 2022, The littlefs authors.
* Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#ifndef LFS_EMUBD_H
#define LFS_EMUBD_H
#include "lfs.h"
#include "lfs_util.h"
#include "bd/lfs_rambd.h"
#include "bd/lfs_filebd.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
// Block device specific tracing
#define LFS_EMUBD_TRACE(...)
// Mode determining how "bad-blocks" behave during testing. This simulates
// some real-world circumstances such as progs not sticking (prog-noop),
// a readonly disk (erase-noop), and ECC failures (read-error).
// Not that read-noop is not allowed. Read _must_ return a consistent (but
// may be arbitrary) value on every read.
typedef enum lfs_emubd_badblock_behavior {
LFS_EMUBD_BADBLOCK_PROGNOOP = 3, // Prog does nothing silently
LFS_EMUBD_BADBLOCK_ERASENOOP = 4, // Erase does nothing silently
} lfs_emubd_badblock_behavior_t;
// Mode determining how power-loss behaves during testing. For now this
// only supports a noop behavior, leaving the data on-disk untouched.
typedef enum lfs_emubd_powerloss_behavior {
LFS_EMUBD_POWERLOSS_NOOP = 0, // Progs are atomic
LFS_EMUBD_POWERLOSS_OOO = 1, // Blocks are written out-of-order
} lfs_emubd_powerloss_behavior_t;
// Type for measuring read/program/erase operations
typedef uint64_t lfs_emubd_io_t;
typedef int64_t lfs_emubd_sio_t;
// Type for measuring wear
typedef uint32_t lfs_emubd_wear_t;
typedef int32_t lfs_emubd_swear_t;
// Type for tracking power-cycles
typedef uint32_t lfs_emubd_powercycles_t;
typedef int32_t lfs_emubd_spowercycles_t;
// Type for delays in nanoseconds
typedef uint64_t lfs_emubd_sleep_t;
typedef int64_t lfs_emubd_ssleep_t;
// emubd config, this is required for testing
struct lfs_emubd_config {
// Minimum size of a read operation in bytes.
lfs_size_t read_size;
// Minimum size of a program operation in bytes.
lfs_size_t prog_size;
// Size of an erase operation in bytes.
lfs_size_t erase_size;
// Number of erase blocks on the device.
lfs_size_t erase_count;
// 8-bit erase value to use for simulating erases. -1 does not simulate
// erases, which can speed up testing by avoiding the extra block-device
// operations to store the erase value.
int32_t erase_value;
// Number of erase cycles before a block becomes "bad". The exact behavior
// of bad blocks is controlled by badblock_behavior.
uint32_t erase_cycles;
// The mode determining how bad-blocks fail
lfs_emubd_badblock_behavior_t badblock_behavior;
// Number of write operations (erase/prog) before triggering a power-loss.
// power_cycles=0 disables this. The exact behavior of power-loss is
// controlled by a combination of powerloss_behavior and powerloss_cb.
lfs_emubd_powercycles_t power_cycles;
// The mode determining how power-loss affects disk
lfs_emubd_powerloss_behavior_t powerloss_behavior;
// Function to call to emulate power-loss. The exact behavior of power-loss
// is up to the runner to provide.
void (*powerloss_cb)(void*);
// Data for power-loss callback
void *powerloss_data;
// True to track when power-loss could have occured. Note this involves
// heavy memory usage!
bool track_branches;
// Path to file to use as a mirror of the disk. This provides a way to view
// the current state of the block device.
const char *disk_path;
// Artificial delay in nanoseconds, there is no purpose for this other
// than slowing down the simulation.
lfs_emubd_sleep_t read_sleep;
// Artificial delay in nanoseconds, there is no purpose for this other
// than slowing down the simulation.
lfs_emubd_sleep_t prog_sleep;
// Artificial delay in nanoseconds, there is no purpose for this other
// than slowing down the simulation.
lfs_emubd_sleep_t erase_sleep;
// A reference counted block
typedef struct lfs_emubd_block {
uint32_t rc;
lfs_emubd_wear_t wear;
uint8_t data[];
} lfs_emubd_block_t;
// Disk mirror
typedef struct lfs_emubd_disk {
uint32_t rc;
int fd;
uint8_t *scratch;
} lfs_emubd_disk_t;
// emubd state
typedef struct lfs_emubd {
// array of copy-on-write blocks
lfs_emubd_block_t **blocks;
// some other test state
lfs_emubd_io_t readed;
lfs_emubd_io_t proged;
lfs_emubd_io_t erased;
lfs_emubd_powercycles_t power_cycles;
lfs_ssize_t ooo_block;
lfs_emubd_block_t *ooo_data;
lfs_emubd_disk_t *disk;
const struct lfs_emubd_config *cfg;
} lfs_emubd_t;
/// Block device API ///
// Create an emulating block device using the geometry in lfs_config
int lfs_emubd_create(const struct lfs_config *cfg,
const struct lfs_emubd_config *bdcfg);
// Clean up memory associated with block device
int lfs_emubd_destroy(const struct lfs_config *cfg);
// Read a block
int lfs_emubd_read(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block,
lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
// Program a block
// The block must have previously been erased.
int lfs_emubd_prog(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block,
lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
// Erase a block
// A block must be erased before being programmed. The
// state of an erased block is undefined.
int lfs_emubd_erase(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_block_t block);
// Sync the block device
int lfs_emubd_sync(const struct lfs_config *cfg);
/// Additional extended API for driving test features ///
// A CRC of a block for debugging purposes
int lfs_emubd_crc(const struct lfs_config *cfg,
lfs_block_t block, uint32_t *crc);
// A CRC of the entire block device for debugging purposes
int lfs_emubd_bdcrc(const struct lfs_config *cfg, uint32_t *crc);
// Get total amount of bytes read
lfs_emubd_sio_t lfs_emubd_readed(const struct lfs_config *cfg);
// Get total amount of bytes programmed
lfs_emubd_sio_t lfs_emubd_proged(const struct lfs_config *cfg);
// Get total amount of bytes erased
lfs_emubd_sio_t lfs_emubd_erased(const struct lfs_config *cfg);
// Manually set amount of bytes read
int lfs_emubd_setreaded(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_emubd_io_t readed);
// Manually set amount of bytes programmed
int lfs_emubd_setproged(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_emubd_io_t proged);
// Manually set amount of bytes erased
int lfs_emubd_seterased(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_emubd_io_t erased);
// Get simulated wear on a given block
lfs_emubd_swear_t lfs_emubd_wear(const struct lfs_config *cfg,
lfs_block_t block);
// Manually set simulated wear on a given block
int lfs_emubd_setwear(const struct lfs_config *cfg,
lfs_block_t block, lfs_emubd_wear_t wear);
// Get the remaining power-cycles
lfs_emubd_spowercycles_t lfs_emubd_powercycles(
const struct lfs_config *cfg);
// Manually set the remaining power-cycles
int lfs_emubd_setpowercycles(const struct lfs_config *cfg,
lfs_emubd_powercycles_t power_cycles);
// Create a copy-on-write copy of the state of this block device
int lfs_emubd_copy(const struct lfs_config *cfg, lfs_emubd_t *copy);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

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