Слияние кода завершено, страница обновится автоматически
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Parse and report coverage info from .info files generated by lcov
import os
import glob
import csv
import re
import collections as co
import bisect as b
INFO_PATHS = ['tests/*.toml.info']
def collect(paths, **args):
file = None
funcs = []
lines = co.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
pattern = re.compile(
for path in paths:
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
m = pattern.match(line)
if m and m.group('file'):
file = m.group('file_name')
elif m and file and m.group('func'):
funcs.append((file, int(m.group('func_lineno')),
elif m and file and m.group('line'):
lines[(file, int(m.group('line_lineno')))] += (
# map line numbers to functions
def func_from_lineno(file, lineno):
i = b.bisect(funcs, (file, lineno))
if i and funcs[i-1][0] == file:
return funcs[i-1][2]
return None
# reduce to function info
reduced_funcs = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
for (file, line_lineno), line_hits in lines.items():
func = func_from_lineno(file, line_lineno)
if not func:
hits, count = reduced_funcs[(file, func)]
reduced_funcs[(file, func)] = (hits + (line_hits > 0), count + 1)
results = []
for (file, func), (hits, count) in reduced_funcs.items():
# discard internal/testing functions (test_* injected with
# internal testing)
if not args.get('everything'):
if func.startswith('__') or func.startswith('test_'):
# discard .8449 suffixes created by optimizer
func = re.sub('\.[0-9]+', '', func)
results.append((file, func, hits, count))
return results
def main(**args):
def openio(path, mode='r'):
if path == '-':
if 'r' in mode:
return os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdin.fileno()), 'r')
return os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), 'w')
return open(path, mode)
# find coverage
if not args.get('use'):
# find *.info files
paths = []
for path in args['info_paths']:
if os.path.isdir(path):
path = path + '/*.gcov'
for path in glob.glob(path):
if not paths:
print('no .info files found in %r?' % args['info_paths'])
results = collect(paths, **args)
with openio(args['use']) as f:
r = csv.DictReader(f)
results = [
( result['file'],
for result in r
if result.get('coverage_hits') not in {None, ''}
if result.get('coverage_count') not in {None, ''}]
total_hits, total_count = 0, 0
for _, _, hits, count in results:
total_hits += hits
total_count += count
# find previous results?
if args.get('diff'):
with openio(args['diff']) as f:
r = csv.DictReader(f)
prev_results = [
( result['file'],
for result in r
if result.get('coverage_hits') not in {None, ''}
if result.get('coverage_count') not in {None, ''}]
except FileNotFoundError:
prev_results = []
prev_total_hits, prev_total_count = 0, 0
for _, _, hits, count in prev_results:
prev_total_hits += hits
prev_total_count += count
# write results to CSV
if args.get('output'):
merged_results = co.defaultdict(lambda: {})
other_fields = []
# merge?
if args.get('merge'):
with openio(args['merge']) as f:
r = csv.DictReader(f)
for result in r:
file = result.pop('file', '')
func = result.pop('name', '')
result.pop('coverage_hits', None)
result.pop('coverage_count', None)
merged_results[(file, func)] = result
other_fields = result.keys()
except FileNotFoundError:
for file, func, hits, count in results:
merged_results[(file, func)]['coverage_hits'] = hits
merged_results[(file, func)]['coverage_count'] = count
with openio(args['output'], 'w') as f:
w = csv.DictWriter(f, ['file', 'name', *other_fields, 'coverage_hits', 'coverage_count'])
for (file, func), result in sorted(merged_results.items()):
w.writerow({'file': file, 'name': func, **result})
# print results
def dedup_entries(results, by='name'):
entries = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
for file, func, hits, count in results:
entry = (file if by == 'file' else func)
entry_hits, entry_count = entries[entry]
entries[entry] = (entry_hits + hits, entry_count + count)
return entries
def diff_entries(olds, news):
diff = co.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
for name, (new_hits, new_count) in news.items():
diff[name] = (
0, 0,
new_hits, new_count,
new_hits, new_count,
(new_hits/new_count if new_count else 1.0) - 1.0)
for name, (old_hits, old_count) in olds.items():
_, _, new_hits, new_count, _, _, _ = diff[name]
diff[name] = (
old_hits, old_count,
new_hits, new_count,
new_hits-old_hits, new_count-old_count,
((new_hits/new_count if new_count else 1.0)
- (old_hits/old_count if old_count else 1.0)))
return diff
def sorted_entries(entries):
if args.get('coverage_sort'):
return sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (-(x[1][0]/x[1][1] if x[1][1] else -1), x))
elif args.get('reverse_coverage_sort'):
return sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (+(x[1][0]/x[1][1] if x[1][1] else -1), x))
return sorted(entries)
def sorted_diff_entries(entries):
if args.get('coverage_sort'):
return sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (-(x[1][2]/x[1][3] if x[1][3] else -1), x))
elif args.get('reverse_coverage_sort'):
return sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (+(x[1][2]/x[1][3] if x[1][3] else -1), x))
return sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (-x[1][6], x))
def print_header(by=''):
if not args.get('diff'):
print('%-36s %19s' % (by, 'hits/line'))
print('%-36s %19s %19s %11s' % (by, 'old', 'new', 'diff'))
def print_entry(name, hits, count):
print("%-36s %11s %7s" % (name,
'%d/%d' % (hits, count)
if count else '-',
'%.1f%%' % (100*hits/count)
if count else '-'))
def print_diff_entry(name,
old_hits, old_count,
new_hits, new_count,
diff_hits, diff_count,
print("%-36s %11s %7s %11s %7s %11s%s" % (name,
'%d/%d' % (old_hits, old_count)
if old_count else '-',
'%.1f%%' % (100*old_hits/old_count)
if old_count else '-',
'%d/%d' % (new_hits, new_count)
if new_count else '-',
'%.1f%%' % (100*new_hits/new_count)
if new_count else '-',
'%+d/%+d' % (diff_hits, diff_count),
' (%+.1f%%)' % (100*ratio) if ratio else ''))
def print_entries(by='name'):
entries = dedup_entries(results, by=by)
if not args.get('diff'):
for name, (hits, count) in sorted_entries(entries.items()):
print_entry(name, hits, count)
prev_entries = dedup_entries(prev_results, by=by)
diff = diff_entries(prev_entries, entries)
print_header(by='%s (%d added, %d removed)' % (by,
sum(1 for _, old, _, _, _, _, _ in diff.values() if not old),
sum(1 for _, _, _, new, _, _, _ in diff.values() if not new)))
for name, (
old_hits, old_count,
new_hits, new_count,
diff_hits, diff_count, ratio) in sorted_diff_entries(
if ratio or args.get('all'):
old_hits, old_count,
new_hits, new_count,
diff_hits, diff_count,
def print_totals():
if not args.get('diff'):
print_entry('TOTAL', total_hits, total_count)
ratio = ((total_hits/total_count
if total_count else 1.0)
- (prev_total_hits/prev_total_count
if prev_total_count else 1.0))
prev_total_hits, prev_total_count,
total_hits, total_count,
total_hits-prev_total_hits, total_count-prev_total_count,
if args.get('quiet'):
elif args.get('summary'):
elif args.get('files'):
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Parse and report coverage info from .info files \
generated by lcov")
parser.add_argument('info_paths', nargs='*', default=INFO_PATHS,
help="Description of where to find *.info files. May be a directory \
or list of paths. *.info files will be merged to show the total \
coverage. Defaults to %r." % INFO_PATHS)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
help="Output commands that run behind the scenes.")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
help="Specify CSV file to store results.")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--use',
help="Don't do any work, instead use this CSV file.")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff',
help="Specify CSV file to diff code size against.")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--merge',
help="Merge with an existing CSV file when writing to output.")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
help="Show all functions, not just the ones that changed.")
parser.add_argument('-A', '--everything', action='store_true',
help="Include builtin and libc specific symbols.")
parser.add_argument('-s', '--coverage-sort', action='store_true',
help="Sort by coverage.")
parser.add_argument('-S', '--reverse-coverage-sort', action='store_true',
help="Sort by coverage, but backwards.")
parser.add_argument('-F', '--files', action='store_true',
help="Show file-level coverage.")
parser.add_argument('-Y', '--summary', action='store_true',
help="Only show the total coverage.")
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
help="Don't show anything, useful with -o.")
help="Specify the relative build directory. Used to map object files \
to the correct source files.")
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