All kinds of contributions are welcome, including but not limited to the following.
- If you plan to add some new features that involve large changes, it is encouraged to open an issue for discussion first.
- If you are the author of some papers and would like to include your method to xrprimer, please contact us. We will much appreciate your contribution.
We adopt PEP8 as the preferred code style.
We use the following tools for linting and formatting:
Style configurations of yapf and isort can be found in setup.cfg.
We use pre-commit hook that checks and formats for flake8
, yapf
, isort
, trailing whitespaces
fixes end-of-files
, sorts requirments.txt
automatically on every commit.
The config for a pre-commit hook is stored in .pre-commit-config.
After you clone the repository, you will need to install initialize pre-commit hook.
pip install -U pre-commit
From the repository folder
pre-commit install
If you are facing an issue when installing markdown lint, you may install ruby for markdown lint by
referring to this repo by following the usage and taking
or by the following steps
# install rvm
curl -L | bash -s -- --autolibs=read-fail
rvm autolibs disable
# install ruby
rvm install 2.7.1
After this on every commit check code linters and formatter will be enforced.
Before you create a PR, make sure that your code lints and is formatted by yapf.
We follow the Google C++ Style Guide.
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Если вы подтверждаете, что содержание не содержит непристойной лексики/перенаправления на рекламу/насилия/вульгарной порнографии/нарушений/пиратства/ложного/незначительного или незаконного контента, связанного с национальными законами и предписаниями, вы можете нажать «Отправить» для подачи апелляции, и мы обработаем ее как можно скорее.
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